Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1471: "·Preparing to build mercenaries"

Regardless of the era, the characteristics of youth always embrace various ideals and fantasies. This is not a problem, but a precious quality.

- Kalinin (Soviet politician, revolutionary, early state leader)

The execution ceremony of five joint captains, 31 captains, and 75 squadron captains was performed in 20 batches in the afternoon; the squadron captains were executed in batches of ten, the captains were executed in batches of five, and the joint captains Each person is executed in batches, and each batch is executed in a different way.

All the people who watched the ceremony were frightened by this extremely cruel execution method, and the once dissident officials of the Eastern Metropolitan Government were scared and trembling; but the ones who really felt the same were those who had not been sentenced. The arrested officers at the death penalty.

Seeing the old robe that was arrested with myself, he was sentenced to capital punishment. For officers who have not been sentenced, it is even more uncomfortable than death; for the first time, they have a deep sense of betrayal. Fear, even if their behavior is not betrayal.

What is killing chickens and monkeys, Bai Feng gave a lively teaching lesson to the people who were invited to watch the ceremony, and also left a shadow that will never be forgotten for the arrested officers who had slipped into the abyss; This is precisely what Bai Feng did. The purpose of the execution.

How did the other spectators tremble back, Bai Feng didn't care at all. He just made an order before leaving, so that the 52 wing captains, 192 captains, and 900 Thirteen squadron leaders were responsible for cleaning up the execution table.

The arrested officers who have just witnessed the entire execution of the execution, now have to clean up the blood and residual limbs on and off the execution stage by themselves. During their heart, I am afraid that outsiders can never understand themselves except for themselves. This is Bai Feng. Lessons for them.

In the middle of the night, Danell, who was in charge of supervising the officers’ cleanup of the execution platform, returned to Baifeng to report that all the officers were silent during the cleanup process. They also remained silent after returning to the cell in the city, as if they looked like Excessive shock seems not to be.

Bai Feng, who is under control, said nothing about it, but in the early morning of the next day, Maxi went to the cell to bring the oldest of the arrested United Captains, Opman, to the individual. Coming from the Metropolitan Government, this person is a good talent.

The Opman civilians were born in the army and were promoted to the squadron leader after eight years of fighting in the northern frontier of the empire. During their stay in the sunset fortress, they were repressed and relegated to the squad leader because they offended the noble officers of the army; Back to the squadron leader, it coincided with the orc attack.

The orc's capture of the Sunset Fortress is a disaster for other military forces in the future, but it is not for him as Opman; with his luck, he has followed Bai Feng for many years, whether it is an orc in the east or a cavalry in the grassland. Can take away his powerful life.

If you talk about the merits of war, Opman, who was the captain of the coalition as early as Bai Feng’s expulsion of the Jurchen cavalry, must now be at least a commander of the division; but his nature of greed for money makes him often violate the military regulations, and against a company. The officer who dares to be greedy, does Bai Feng dare to reuse it?

Because of his greed-ridden personality, he missed many opportunities to continue his promotion, so that today he is still just a captain of the United States; the reason for his arrest this time is that he accepted Prince Pros and William The prince secretly gave him a large number of gifts.

Bai Feng didn't wait long, Maxi took Opman to the study room of the Metropolitan Government, looked at Opman with two dark circles, and there was no more anger in Bai Feng's heart, and asked him with a straight face: " Opman, to be honest, how many gifts did you receive?"

"The governor, Qi Yu, received 2,000 gold coins from Prince Prosperity and a gift worth 1,000 gold coins, and received 1,500 gold coins from Prince William; his family also received a gift of 2,000 gold coins from Prince Prosperity. A gift of a thousand gold coins from Prince William."

"In this way, you have collected seven thousand five hundred gold coins from two other princes alone?" Bai Feng, who knew this specific number for a long time, deliberately asked the downhearted Opman: "Then tell me, you collected Who is suitable for the two princes?"

"Du Du, I have been following you for so many years in the Southern and Northern Wars, do you still not know me? Don't say that he and Prince are the princes, even if they are the emperors, I will not trust them, I am only loyal to you People," Opman promised vowedly.

"Then you will explain it to me. Since you are only loyal to me, why do you still accept the gold coins and gifts from the two princes? Is it because the military pay I sent to you is not enough, or is your greed never available Satisfied?" Bai Feng increased his tone.

"Government, humiliation is not because the military pay is not enough, nor is greed unsatisfied." Opman explained with his head down: "The humiliation is to feel that the gold coins that are sent to the door are not necessary, and they are also necessary; they can be guaranteed , I definitely didn't do anything sorry to you!"

"I don't need you to guarantee this. I know that people who have really become traitors, did you not see their end yesterday?" In advance of yesterday's execution ceremony, Bai Feng's tone was still plain, and he immediately remembered Opman yesterday afternoon It was a subconscious trembling.

Feeling almost the same, Bai Feng asked again: "Opman, will you dare to accept the gift in the future?"

"Du Du, I assure you that it will be someone holding a knife holder around my neck in the future, and I will not receive another gold coin from others!" He seemed to feel that his guarantee was not strong enough, and he added after thinking about it: "Others Give me the gold coins and gifts, and I will return them immediately!"

"Okay, you just keep those gold coins and gifts yourself." Bai Feng glared at Opman, ridiculed him: "This has been frightened back and forth for so many days, and then let you return what you have collected. Go back, then you won't be distressed when you go back."

Upon hearing Bai Feng's tone, Opman knew he was okay. He grinned and said: "Dudu wise!"

"I called you today, there is a serious matter that you need to do." Bai Fengyan preached.

Talking about the business, Opman immediately amused and said with a smile: "The governor has commanded that the humble job will die!"

"I plan to use the officers at all levels suspected of betrayal as the backbone to form a mercenary force and develop in the chaotic region. Are you willing to serve as the commander of this mercenary force?" Although Bai Feng is asking Opman , But his tone is undeniable.

"Dudu, there are so many officers in the cell, how big is this mercenary?" Opman asked curiously.

Bai Feng, who had planned for a long time, puzzled Opman: "This mercenary force will not use our existing establishment. In addition to the new establishment, I will also prepare non-standard weapons for you, as long as this is the case. Your identity will not be revealed."

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