Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1482: "·Defeat the Rebels"

I always thought that people grow old slowly, but they are not. People grow old in an instant.

——Haruki Murakami (Famous Japanese writer and scholar)

He led the department to the Bonafide who arrived in the town before the imperial rebels. The first thing they did after entering this town was to take advantage of the crisis to reorganize the refugee rebels in the town. Three hundred men in this rebel army, who were still intrepid, were added to light infantry. Another 1,500 men were organized into fifteen militia squadrons, and the remaining 1,000 were disbanded on the spot.

After completing the simple reorganization of this rebel army in just one night, Bonafield did not choose to stick to the small town, but planned to take the initiative to take advantage of his own location on the only way for the imperial army to come to the rebellion. The superiority launched an attack on the rebel army.

The squadron leaders of the Giverny town troops were all pulled by Bonafield, and they were obedient to Bonafield; however, the eighteen squadrons in the newly integrated troops were not good, more than half of them People are firmly opposed to this combat plan.

Even with so many squadron leaders opposed to his battle plan, Bonafield decided to carry out his battle plan; not only that, he also directly dismissed the positions of all the opponents, and newly promoted his men to serve as these. Squadron leader of the squadron.

Under the pressure of the imperial rebels, Bonafield's overbearing decision-making method did not cause any turmoil. Instead, there were many young and vigorous team captains who strongly supported his decision to take the initiative.

Bonafide, with eight hundred light infantry and three thousand five hundred militia sent out of the nest, followed the imperial rebel army's road from north to south, looking for a place that was not very suitable for ambush as their ambush. Point, and then began to create an ambush advantage artificially on the spot.

In addition to the artificial advantage of manufacturing ambush, Bonafield fully utilized the small number of horses and cattle in his hands; after the horse carriages and oxen carts carrying various materials unloaded the materials, the horses and cattle were concentrated separately He got up and gave it to two militia squadrons.

Under Bonafield’s independent instruction, he was assigned to the militia squadron of horses, carrying branches and riding horses from three directions, and assigned to the militia squadron of cattle, carrying buckets of fire oil and temporary The collected daggers began to arm the cattle that were tied to a tree trunk.

After the rebels hidden in the dark were prepared for an ambush, they waited patiently for two or three hours before the imperial rebels with a well-arranged queue appeared in their field of vision; It's too big, but the winding team is very powerful.

Banners, bright clothes, and neat queues, the two wing from the 29th Legion of the Duke of Albert, really worthy of their elite reputation; even Bonafield, who strategically defies the enemy Don't admit it in your heart, the other party is absolutely good!

Watching the enemy enter the ambush circle bit by bit, the light infantry and the militia ambushing on both sides are already sweating nervously, Bonafield still has not issued an offensive order; until about one wing of the enemy passed After the ambush circle, he ordered an attack.

The dense arrow rain mixed with the javelin and bamboo rafts that were shot out, shot towards the unprepared Imperial soldiers. After the rapid response of the Imperial soldiers carried this wave of attacks, under the premise of not knowing the enemy, A line of defense was built on the spot with the brigade as a unit.

The ordinary arrows without special reinforcement can cause very few casualties to well-equipped Imperial soldiers. The more lethal javelins and bamboo platoons are limited in number and difficult to play a major role. How many soldiers have not been lost.

The imperial army generals of the two wings formed eight circular defensive battle arrays in the encircling circle at a very fast speed. This circular defensive battle array like a hedgehog was still given to the imperial army by Professor Bai Feng at that time. It has become one of the standard battle fronts of the Imperial Army.

Since it was the defensive battle line created by Bai Feng, how could Bonafield not know where the shortcomings of this circular defensive battle line are? The more than three hundred cattle in the forests on both sides are the tools that Bonafield specially prepared to break this round battle.

Approximately forty heads of cattle were grouped together, driven by more than ten militias armed with torches, and came to a position only two hundred meters away from the battle formation constructed by the imperial army generals; then, these militias ignited with torches in their hands The tail covered with kerosene behind the cattle.

Under the stimulus of severe burning pain, the original docile cattle directly turned into violent beasts of war, and they rushed to the circular defensive battle array listed by the imperial soldiers; under the terrified eyes of the imperial soldiers , Two raging fire cows tied with two daggers on their horns, lowering their heads easily tore the battle array, and rushed into the battle of the Imperial Generals.

The violent fire bull is not blocked by humans at all. Eight seemingly rocky circular defensive battle arrays were torn up by more than three hundred fire cows in an instant, and the Imperial soldiers died under the hoof and the horn knife. Everywhere, the tragedy caused many unmilitary militiamen to vomit.

The imperial army generals who were overwhelmed by the fire cows had not been freed from the chaos, and the 800 light infantry and 3,400 militia ready to attack were killed; the fierce melee fighting immediately began, losing the advantage of the battle front The Imperial soldiers still have the advantage of equipment.

Eight hundred light infantry plus three thousand four hundred militia against more than three thousand five hundred imperial soldiers, although at the beginning of the battle, the imperial soldiers were still in shock, but with time, they must be well-equipped and well-trained The Imperial Generals have the upper hand.

The only variable on the battlefield is Bonafide’s general guard, where the assault spear consisting of twenty-four powerful Roman heavy cavalry appears, where the imperial generals will be scattered and then fall into the vicinity Under the siege of light infantry and militia.

However, close to these 24 Roman heavy cavalry, after all, the battle situation cannot be changed. Bonafide’s real cards are the ten battlefield ghosts and five shadow killers hidden in the melee. Their task is to find opportunities to attack. Kill the wing captain and commander of the Imperial Army.

Bonafield did not believe that after all the two captains and eight captains of this level of rebels were killed, the level of rebel generals whose command system was completely destroyed could continue to fight to the end; if this level of rebels could really do Until the battle continues, the assassination will continue.

Facts have proved that even the elite soldiers of the 29th Legion, after the destruction of the two-level command system of the wing and brigade, the fighting will of the bottom soldiers collapsed very quickly; and the last straw of the camel was overwhelmed. It was billowing smoke in the distance.

Bonafide, who made arrangements in advance, used horses and horsetails to run back and forth with branches, artificially creating billows of smoke in three ways, creating a look like his own generals, overwhelming the imperial generals. Resist the will and force down more than three thousand enemy troops!

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