Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1483: "·Lost Out of Control"

Everyone has a forest of their own. Maybe we have never been there, but it has always been there, always there. The lost person is lost, and the meeting person will meet again.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

The two full formations of the Twenty-ninth Legion were completely destroyed, which was a great blow to the garrison force in the province of Klerfmund, but it was a great encouragement to the rebels led by Bonafield; Bonafield, who returned home, laid his absolute control of the rebels with a hearty victory. All the people who were cleared of the rebels because they did not want to surrender to him dared not issue any objections. .

Returning to Bonafield in this small town with great victories, while arranging his envoys to persuade imperial army prisoners of war, he began a radical transformation of the rebel army; the militia of the 15 militia squadrons were first The original establishment was disbanded, and then dispersed into the militia squadron in Giverny. At the same time, many light infantry were transferred to various militia squadrons as commanders.

After spending more than two days before and after, Bonafield successfully expanded the size of his light infantry to 3,000, and incorporated many mixed militia squadrons of prisoners of war. Although the total number of militia did not increase, their actual The combat power has made great progress.

After finishing the reorganization, Bonafield did not continue to stay in this town wasting his precious time, but took the well-equipped 3,000 light infantry and the high morale of the 4,000 militia, and left the crisis-free Town, embarked on a journey to fight other towns.

In the next half month, Bonafield annihilated four imperial rebels and defeated five imperial rebels in the process of heading for other towns. At the same time as the provincial garrison, he also annexed six rebels.

The imprisoned prisoners of war of the Imperial Army plus the six rebels annexed, the size of the Giverny town rebels officially under the banner of the "Ziqiang Legion", has already exceeded 15,000; Bonafield’s command is only elite There are six thousand light infantry, and the number of militia is more than ten thousand!

With the increasing size of the self-reliance legion, Duke Albert's siege against the self-reliance legion is also gradually strengthening; even though the current Crowmont Province is full of flames, there is still an entire army of imperial troops in self-reliance The legion was chasing behind.

There are two reasons why Bonafidekong is not inferior to the imperial legion, but he dare not confront the imperial legion in pursuit. There are two reasons why the soldiers of the self-reliance legion are extremely lacking in weapons and equipment. Unstable imperial prisoner of war.

By seizing the weapons and equipment of the Imperial Army, Bonafield only solved the problem of the elite equipment of the self-reliance legion. The militia with more than ten thousand self-reliance legions still hold a variety of choppers and farming tools as weapons. The combat power is simply unbearable.

In order to change the current situation of the self-improvement army's insufficient equipment, Bonafide deliberately turned and detoured to occupy a small town with a population of less than 3,000, and found Westminster in the town. Weapon warehouse established by the Chamber of Commerce.

Twenty thousand sets of weapons and equipment in various forms without any logos allow the self-improvement army to complete the most important dress-up in the history of their formation; the six thousand main forces are elaborately replaced with more sophisticated weapons and equipment than the Imperial Army, and tens of thousands of auxiliary The militia’s equipment is no worse than that of the imperial army.

After solving the problem of weapons and equipment, Bonafede, who is still reluctant to confront the Imperial Legion, made full use of all the available resources in his hands, and constantly harassed the self-improved legion by means of ambush and night raid. The imperial legion chasing.

In the meantime, every time Bonafide returned to a town that had been captured by his army, he took out a batch of weapons and equipment to arm the security forces he had originally formed in the town. In this way, the self-reliance legion strengthened its own forces. The control of the towns within the scope.

It is undeniable that Bonafide’s purpose of distributing weapons and equipment to the security forces of each town is to attempt to use these security forces to deplete the strength of the imperial rebel forces; the result is that the 30th Corps of the Self-Strengthening Corps is pursued. Not fooled from beginning to end.

They don’t care whether the self-reliance legion stays in any town, or whether these towns are controlled by the self-reliance legion, they just want the self-reliance legion to pursue it; in the face of such a stubborn enemy, Bonafide naturally has a way Deal with them.

On the face of it, the Self-Strengthening Legion relies on the various carriages and carts they searched to transport the grains that the army needs daily. In fact, the space ring filled with grain and grass supplies in Bonafide's hands is the Self-Strength Legion's solution to its own grain and grass problems. key.

Entering the 30th Army in the southeastern province of Clefmont, the grain and grass supplies they carried with the army are not many, and the more than 20 towns in the southeast of the province are all the territory of the self-improvement army. The 30th Army is not One grain may be expropriated on the spot.

No matter how powerful the 30th Army is, it is impossible to fight without supplies. For the 30th Army, the most vulnerable component of the battle force, Bonafield formulated a detailed plan to lure the enemy. And got the support of the ghosts of the battlefield.

On the fourth day of the 30th Legion's penetration into the southeast of the province, their first food and grass transportation team was wiped out by the ghosts of the battlefield and the security forces of the three towns; they were enough for the tenth day of the 30th Legion. The supplies were all burned by the ghosts of the battlefield.

The first batch of rear supplies was destroyed, and the impact on the Thirtieth Army was not great, because they had a lot of reserves of grain and grass supplies; after the subsequent two batches of supplies were destroyed, the grain and grass were cut off. Thirty Legions are anxious.

With the cooperation of the ghosts of the battlefield and the security forces of various towns and cities, all the supply routes of the 30th Corps were cut off. The 30th Corps, which was forced to the end by the food crisis, could only stop their pursuit of the Self-Strengthening Corps. Instead, he stormed nearby towns.

It is true that the security forces in towns cannot block the thirst of the 30th Legion in frontal defensive operations, but in the street battles that followed, the security forces, who were very familiar with the terrain, used their methods to the 30th Legion. Caused considerable losses.

If the attack by the security forces made the 30th Corps officers angry, then the empty warehouse made them feel desperate; the 30th Corps, who had been out of food for a day, finally gave them green eyes, looking To the people in the town.

Inducing the 30th Legion to grab food from the people’s homes in town, this is Bonafide’s established plan. In this way, the 30th Legion can indeed continue to breathe for a few days, but they pay the price for it. The prestige of the imperial army represented was swept away.

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