Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1494: "·Fengyun Suddenly ·One"

There is no perfect article, just as there is no complete despair.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

Salvini, who was under the command of more than a dozen envoys at any time, successfully persuaded 770,000 or 280,000 of the 250,000 prisoners of war. The rebels are stationed and guarded by members of the alliance.

Of the 170,000-80,000 prisoners of war who were willing to join the rebels, Salvini chose only 30,000 warriors from his army to join his free legion, based on the principle of being expensive but not expensive; another four were loyal to him Each of the rebels was divided into more than 30,000 prisoners of war with good combat capability.

With the official establishment of the alliance, Salvini no longer needed to build a large number of auxiliary troops himself, so he focused on taking the elite soldiers route; in addition to the 30,000 elites carefully selected from the prisoners of war, he also took the lead from other rebels. Here he mobilized 30,000 elites to his command.

Although the scale of 30,000 elites is not small, the actual allocation to each rebel is like one or two hundred people. Salvini called such a number of elites as his allies, as any rebel as a vested interest. Army leaders will not refuse to execute the conscription.

The succession of two elite troops brought Salvini’s number of elite free corps to 100,000. The presence of four rebels in Kramer, Harper, Plauen, and Schultz also contributed to Salvini. A total of 300,000 auxiliary troops were provided.

These 400,000 troops are not only the elite troops directly controlled by Salvini, but also the regular combat forces of the rebel alliance; the more than two million rebel generals belonging to other alliances are scattered among the hundreds of rebels in the three provinces. Each rebel force is limited in size.

Considering that the vast majority of rebel leaders prefer Ning Wei to not be the tail of the chicken, unless Prince Pross’s rebel army goes south again, even Salvini calls everyone to unite as the leader, and the three provincial rebels It is impossible to unite again.

Nominally belonging to the Alliance and the only leader’s order is Ma Zhan. These are two concepts. Salvini does not think that he can be supported by most rebel leaders with only one victory; some rebels can be united around him. , For him is an unexpected joy.

Salvini's preparation for the revenge of Prince Pross is to strengthen the strength of his own free legion and the strength of his vassal rebels loyal to himself; as for other rebels who have only the alliance's false name, their life and death will not be killed. Elvini was at heart.

In stark contrast to Salvini's active preparations, it was Prince Pross who learned that all three of his rebel armies had been defeated; he was busy installing a pro-confessional Prince Prosperity in the province of recovery. For such a miserable defeat, he neither severely punished the general who lost the battle nor immediately reorganized the army, but chose to order the withdrawal of the army.

The defeated 150,000 soldiers from the 30 standing legions were ordered by him to be taken to the hinterland of the recapture line for temporary rest. At the same time, the soldiers of the former Prince of Prosperous Guards began to supplement the standing troops as a whole by division. group.

It took only half a month for the 250,000 soldiers of the 25th Guards Division, plus the 200,000 young and strong recruited from various provinces and provinces, and the 30 heavily damaged standing legions. It miraculously restored the state of full manuscripts; but the total number of troops under the leadership of Prince Pross has dropped from 1.14 million before to 890,000, which is now less than one million.

Forty-two fully-equipped standing legions, five well-equipped guard divisions, and Prince of Pros with such military power, still the strongest prince of military strength; after many hardships to get this advantage Prince Luos, would not waste such a good opportunity to vainly, a conspiracy around the imperial capital and the throne has long been over the empire.

The rebel alliances that dominate the three central provinces have become the most powerful rebels in the empire, and the ambition of Prince Pross will naturally not ignore this force; the seemingly impressed soldiers seem to be a fear after the defeat. , In fact, it is just an appearance.

When Bai Feng led his army to Alberta and Montauban, he was reminded from four aspects; the four aspects were the Dark Council, the Light Holy See, the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, and the Secret Guard. The content of the reminder is also related to Prince Pross.

It turned out that the act of busying to buy the hearts of the people in the province of regaining the province was only deliberately made by the Prosperous Prince to cover his eyes and ears; even the defeat of the three counterinsurgents had the intentional purpose of the Prosperous Prince in it. It's just that Prince Pross initially planned only a battle defeat, but the result turned into a real defeat.

The crux of the problem is that of the 30 heavily damaged standing legions, 20 standing legions were the garrison troops of the Imperial Army in the Imperial Capital and the middle of the empire, and only twelve standing legions were the newly formed legions of the Prince of Pros; This means that with the defeat of the rebellion, Prince Pross completes the exchange of blood for these 20 standing legions by supplementing soldiers.

Through blood exchange, Prince Pross actually controlled the forty-two standing legions under his command, plus five guard divisions that were loyal to him. This constituted the only major army in the central region of the empire. Regardless of the size of the fighting strength of the other armies, they all have a very long way from the emperor. Only this army can return to the emperor within a week.

The reason why the Dark Council, the Bright Holy See, the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, and the Secret Guard will come to remind Bai Feng, mainly because the practice of Prince Pross in the dark is indeed somewhat explicit; he sent two messengers at the same time, working with the Bright Holy See and the dark Parliament negotiations.

The Cardinal of the Light Holy See, responsible for the affairs of the Dragon Empire, and the Speaker of the Dark Council were dissatisfied with Prince Pross’s approach to contacting each other, but they did not want to miss this more suitable partner than Bai Feng. After all, he was expected to be an emperor. Prince.

If it weren’t Charlotte, the Holy See, and Victoria, the Dark Parliament, sent someone to Bai Feng to send this information, maybe Bai Feng didn’t know anything about it; Parliament is indeed a religious organization of extreme self-interest.

Charlotte and Victoria, who have limited knowledge, only know that the Prince of Pros is sending people to communicate with the high level of their organization, but they do not know whether the two sides have reached an agreement; the information sent by the Westminster Chamber of Commerce and the Secret Guard is On the other hand, it corroborates something.

Prince Pross, who had not been very wealthy, had spent huge sums of money to purchase weapons and equipment worth 200 million gold coins and 100 million gold coins of grain and grass supplies from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, as well as a large number of special foods for Thunder Cloud Leopard to eat and request The Westminster Chamber of Commerce is confidential.

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