Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1495: "·Fengyun Suddenly·Two"

What will never be forgotten will never be forgotten, and it will be useless to keep forgotten!

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

How poor the Dark Council is, has been working closely with the Dark Council, and Bai Feng, who actually controls the four reserve headquarters of the Dark Council, knows better than anyone else, and also works closely with the Light Holy See. He also knows how rich the Light Holy See is; but The Thundercloud Knight is indeed a powerful knight unique to the Dark Council. This is also an indisputable fact, although there are many Thundercloud Knights under Bai Feng's command.

Hundreds of millions of gold coins from the Light Holy See and the Thundercloud Knights from the Dark Council are sufficient proof that Prince Pross has both the Light Holy See and the Dark Council; even though the two organizations have limited their support because of each other’s existence, Their limited support can still help Prince Prosper to become stronger, provided that the Westminster Chamber of Commerce must provide full cooperation.

The role played by the Westminster Chamber of Commerce was crucial because Prince Gloss, who lacked a foundation, had neither the ability to convert gold coins into weaponry nor the ability to produce food for the Thundercloud, he could only hope Placed on the Westminster Chamber of Commerce.

Selling weapons, equipment, grain and grass supplies, and Lei Yunbao’s special food to Prince Gloss is a normal business practice of a chamber of commerce. It can also be done by other large and small chambers of commerce. The advantage of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce is that they can do The bigger the faster the better.

However, once the issue of confidentiality is involved, the matter can be complicated; the Prince of Prussia serves as the commander-in-chief of the rebellious army under the prince's honor, and controls the only army in the middle of the empire. His status determines Anything he does is of great significance. If the Westminster Chamber of Commerce is a little careless, it will fall into a huge turbulence of chaos.

After all, Prince Prosper was only a prince of the Dragon Empire, and no matter how his status was respected, he could not affect the operating principles of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce; but the light Holy See and the Dark Council pressured at the same time, but it was Westminster The Special Chamber of Commerce also had to compromise.

The Westminster Chamber of Commerce, who had left a hand, provided the Prince with the information he needed, on the one hand, he sent the relevant information to the other three princes and Bai Feng, on the other hand, he deliberately exposed something to the secret The people of Wei watched to achieve their purpose.

Knowing what Prince Pross had done, the three other princes who immediately realized the seriousness of the problem wanted to report the matter to Charles Emperor, but there was no way available; the rebels all over the empire, to some extent It is said that the connection between the imperial capital and the major capitals has been cut off. Even if a strong man is sent to the imperial capital, who can escape the interception?

The Prince of Pros, who has not always been strong in high-end combat power, may not be able to send many strong masters to intercept the messenger masters sent by the major capitals to the imperial capital, but the bright papacy and the dark parliament are gathered by the strong; , Can only seize the time to prepare with both hands.

On the second day after confirming that the information was correct, Prince Philip of the Northern Metropolitan Government took his confidante and went directly to Metzhang Province to visit the Jurchen King Tazabengu; Prince William of the Northwest Metropolitan Government secretly rushed to the Rhine Business League , And then diverted to the Kingdom of Deman; Prince Harry of the Southwest Metropolitan Government went to the White Horse Kingdom and sent several teams of messengers to the chaotic region.

While the three princes were preparing in full swing, Bai Feng issued two orders in succession, one for the real power masters of the Jurchen tribe, and one for Opman, the leader of the Cossack mercenaries in the chaotic realm.

For the flag masters of the Jurchen tribe, Bai Feng ordered them to leave only the black flag in Metzhang province. The other eight-flag soldiers need to reach an agreement with Prince Philip as soon as possible, and then participate in the possible outbreak in the name of the Allied forces of the Northern Metropolitan Government Go to the war of succession.

To Opman, the leader of the Cossack mercenaries, Bai Feng ordered him to cut off a messenger sent by the Prince Harry, and then pull a group of desperates who licked the blood and joined the Prince Harry under the name of the mercenary. To participate in the succession war that may erupt at any time.

After arranging nails for Prince Philip and Prince Harry, Bai Feng issued an order to Kotarelli, who had been active in the provinces of Dreux, Argentan and Mayenne, to lead his army north to Bree Sturt Province, ready to accept the surrender of Prince William.

Miranesi, who was growing stronger in Langer Province, and Bonafield, who had been struggling in the province of Clefmon, also received orders from Bai Feng; Bai Feng’s mission to them was at a critical moment when the situation changed greatly. As far as possible, stop the army of the Northern Metropolitan Government from going south.

Letting the Jurchen tribes send the Eight Banners to assist Prince Philip is a crucial step for Bai Feng to take the opportunity to expand the chaos. The premise is that Prince Plos must have provoked the war; otherwise, any prince attempting to pre-empt will be hindered by Bai Feng secretly.

Compared to the Northern Metropolitan Government, where the strength is completely preserved, the newly-built northwestern Metropolitan Government and the southwestern Metropolitan Government only need to accumulate strength for a long time; therefore, Bai Feng deployed the Milanese against the Northern Metropolitan Government. West and Bonafield two dark chess.

After a series of deployments were made, Bai Feng, who still betrayed in Alberta and Montauban provinces, did not speed up his speed of rebellion, but moderately slowed down his speed of rebellion; at the same time, The Governor's Guard also began the preparation and formation of the Second General Banner.

Savona was promoted and appointed by Bai Feng as the commander of the second general flag. The first flag regiment of the second general flag, the fifth flag regiment, was also commanded by Sebastian, the rebel leader who first returned to Bai Feng. , The commander of the Sixth Banner Regiment was served by the military tycoon Kellerman.

The soldiers who formed these two flag regiments were obtained by Bai Feng directly disbanding the two temporary legions and one Eastern legion; the remaining eight Eastern legions and eleven temporary legions were dismantled and prepared by Bai Feng on the spot. , And mixed and reorganized with four veteran Eastern legions.

After the reorganization of the 14 Eastern Legions and 10 Provisional Legions, the actual combat strength of each legion has not been greatly improved, but the loyalty of each legion has been greatly improved, which is what Bai Feng needs; In his view, loyalty is far more important than combat power.

The rebel army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government used the extremely slow speed to completely recover Alberta and Montauban provinces. It still left Bai Feng of the two Eastern legions, and headed south to enter the province of Montmartre. On the way, I took the time to secretly go back to Southland.

In today's increasingly close relationship between the five major families in the South, if the South Alliance will share a slice of soup in the following imperial chaos, a lot of preparation work must be done in advance; Bai Feng, who is inconvenient to come directly, will make the Bai family come forward Some important preparation suggestions.

Among these suggestions, the core link is that the five families in Southland must form an Allied Force of not less than 300,000 troops as soon as possible, and also need to ensure that the combat effectiveness of the Allied Forces will not be too bad; only in this way can Southland be eligible to participate in the next Imperial chaos.

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