Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1502: "·Fengyun Suddenly · Nine"

In some cases, the existence of one person hurts another.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

The burning fire swallowed up the thousands of attacking soldiers at the foot of the city wall. Such a tragic scene scared other soldiers to flee backwards; the soldiers struggling in the flames issued a screaming cry that made the warlords all Feeling chilling.

At this time, if the warlords use their swords to stop the soldiers from retreating, then they are not forcing them to continue the attack, but forcing them to die; knowing that this wave of tentative attacks has failed completely. In time, an order was sent to the guard division of the warfare to respond to the defeat, which allowed more than 50,000 defeated soldiers to be ordered back to the rear.

Only a tentative offensive, the Prince of Pros lost four temporary legions and two standing legions; although these six legions actually only killed more than 60,000 soldiers, everyone knows that the rest are scared More than 50,000 broken soldiers who have broken the courage have no combat power at all.

On this day, the prosperous Prince who saw how powerful the defensive force of the imperial capital was, he did not continue to send troops to attack the imperial capital, but took the hard-prepared siege weapons and equipment in his hand and took out a third to send. He was given the only warlord Salvini under his command.

That night, Prince Pross convened a combat meeting to discuss the attack on the Imperial capital. Salvini was assigned the task of leading the army to attack the east wall of the Imperial capital. In terms of strength, in addition to the 15 temporary corps of his headquarters, Pross The prince also strengthened five standing legions and three temporary legions to him, bringing his total available troops to twenty-three legions.

The other three walls, each wall also has a main army consisting of eight temporary legions and five standing legions. Their strength is less than ten legions of Bilvini’s troops. What is the implication of this Prince Pross didn't say it straight, and Salvini knew it himself.

According to the deployment of the Prince of Pros, tomorrow’s attack will involve 42 temporary corps and 20 standing corps; the remaining eight temporary corps and 20 standing corps, the former is the reserve corps of the Prince , The latter is still the main force surrounding the imperial capital.

Salvini, who returned to the camp with the combat mission, first raised some questions about the three generals Kramer, Plauen, and Schultz who were about to be transferred, and then let Halpe take the lead to take over and debug the batch of siege. Weaponry, prepare for tomorrow's attack.

According to Salvini, the siege value of siege towers and siege cones is far less than that of magic siege turrets and trebuchets. However, he was divided into 120 siege towers and 16 siege cones, but Only twelve magic siege turrets and 36 trebuchets were obtained.

In the early morning, a sudden thick fog hit the ground, and the harsh environment of reaching out with five fingers was both good and bad for the siege party; the advantage was that the soldier’s attack would no longer be targeted by the defenders, and the disadvantage was, Their own actions will also be blocked.

In any case, the arrival of dense fog is a good thing for the attacking side; Salvini, who decided to grasp the fighter plane, commanded the army to launch a two-hour advance of the comprehensive attack time agreed last night. The attack on the east wall.

Twelve magic siege turrets and thirty-six trebuchets lined up at a distance of 600 meters from the city wall; with Salvini's order, twelve magical shells and three Sixteen stone bombs shouted and hit the city wall in the thick fog.

The dense fog can help the attacking soldiers hide their shape, and also can prevent the shooting magic siege turret and trebuchet from being discovered by the defenders, but they can not have any effect on the wall fixed there. This is how Salvini took advantage of the opportunity to expand The reason for the attack.

The magic cannonball exploded on the city wall, and the hot explosion flame could be seen by Salvini even though it was separated by dense fog; after the striking stone bomb hit the city wall, although it could not cause structural damage to the city wall, but The huge sound that occurred was enough to deter the defenders; occasionally some magical shells and stone bullets hit the walls, and even the defenders on the walls could be instantly killed and injured by a large amount.

It is clear that the large-scale attack of the enemy outside the city has begun, and the defending soldiers who can’t see anything at the foot of the city wall can do anything substantive except for random aimless shooting; such passive defensive operations Is simply a disaster.

While the defenders on the city wall were shooting indiscriminately there, the elite temporary troops of the main attack sent by Salvini had pushed the siege tower to carry the cloud ladder, and approached to a position less than 100 meters away from the city wall. Their onslaught on the wall is about to begin.

The first team put the cloud ladder on the soldiers at the head of the city. They just worked together to put the cloud ladder they carried on the head of the city. The thick fog surrounding them even dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye! The frightened siege soldier quickly climbed up the ladder they had built.

As soon as the thick fog that disengaged his fingers did not dissipate, the defenders on the wall immediately found the enemy soldiers who had approached the wall, and then the rolling stones and the sapwood fell like raindrops from the wall; but the soldiers who were attacking were not the same as yesterday They are the elite of Salvini's personal training, and they are extremely determined to fight, and they will not be frightened by a little blow.

Hard against the rolling stones and sapwood that fell on the top of the head, and the occasionally poured kerosene, two elite soldiers of the temporary army, put one after the other on the top of the city, one after the siege tower Push to the edge of the wall, and then climb the wall wildly.

According to Salvini's estimation, the two temporary legions under his command should be able to attack the city wall in this wave of attack and cause devastating damage to various defensive instruments and weapons on the city wall; due to the distance problem, the Most of the defensive equipment can not be used. Even the powerful magic crystal cannon, because of its shooting angle, cannot play a role.

Without the threat of heavy defensive equipment, the siege tower made of all-steel main structure is almost impossible to be destroyed by the defenders on the wall; but just as the first wave of soldiers is about to rush to the wall along the siege tower, A series of fireballs hit the siege tower from the wall.

The exploding flame quickly engulfed the siege tower, and together with the soldiers in the siege tower, burned into a flame; watching the next siege tower attacked by a sudden fireball, then swallowed by the flames, Salvini's mouth could not help Twitched.

It was at this time that Harpetzema galloped to his side to report: "General, I just sent someone farther to check it out, and there was still a dense white fog; if nothing unexpected happened, It should have been the hands and feet of the magician defending the army."

"First, the wind magician disperses the thick fog, and then the fire magician destroys our siege tower. The magician's role in the war is really huge!" After a slight sigh, Salvini ordered: "You immediately Send someone to think of Prince Pross for help, saying that our attack was heavily attacked by the defending magician and needed support."

"Follow the order, General!" Halpe led away.

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