Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1503: "·Fengyun Suddenly · Ten"

The day of pursuit is the time of termination, and the process of seeking is the process of losing.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

The Holy See and the Dark Council did accept the invitation of the Prince of Pros, and chose to cooperate with the Prince of Pros. But this cooperation is not an all-round cooperation between the two parties, but an investment dominated by the Holy See and the Dark Council. Limited cooperation in nature.

In short, both the Light Holy See and the Dark Council will give Prince Pross some assistance, and even help Prince Pross to put pressure on the Westminster Chamber of Commerce; the premise is that Prince Pross must show some potential, or have Ability to repay their efforts.

The cooperation based on this premise does not actually consume too much power of the Light Holy See and the Dark Council, nor does it cost them much; once the Prince of Pros succeeds in winning the position, the benefits they can receive are Very impressive.

Considering the current situation of the lack of high-end fighting power around Prince Prosper, the Holy See sent him twelve powerful Saint-level strongmen, and the Dark Council sent him four Holy rank-level strongmen and Thousand Thunder Cloud Knight; these high-end combat powers from two major religious organizations are the prosperity of Prince Pross against the magicians in the imperial capital, otherwise he has no way to deal with the magicians.

If in the war where Prince Pross launched a rebellion against the imperial capital, the Holy Power of the Holy See and the Holy Power of the Dark Council appeared, then unless Prince Pros must be the last winner, wait until the war comes to an end At that time, the two major religious organizations involved in it would definitely steal the chicken and not become an enemy.

Even if the situation of the Heavenly Dragon Empire is determined, no matter whether Charlie the Emperor regains the power of the empire, or one of the three other princes succeeds, they will not be able to declare war directly on the light of the Holy See and the Dark Council, but it is not always the same A good thing; especially if the other party is still the emperor of a huge empire, it is even more unacceptable to the light of the Holy See and the dark council.

In all, the Light Holy See and the Dark Council will not make such a low-level mistake. The Holy Class strongmen they sent to Prince Pros is not actually a Paladin and Dark Sword Master, but some of them have nothing to do with their organization. A holy-level strong man of the Gu Ge.

As for the Thundercloud Knights, the iconic arm of the Dark Council, everyone knows that the training method of the Thundercloud Leopard is not unique to the Dark Council. Perhaps the only Dark Council that can train the Thundercloud Knights on a large scale, but no one can guarantee that Prince Prince Thousands of Thundercloud knights scoured little by little, anyway, the Dark Council would not admit it, no matter what others think of the Dark Council.

Compared with the profound light of the Holy See, an emperor who is willing to support the development of the Dark Council in its territory is too significant for the Dark Council; in view of this, the Dark Council will vigorously support Prince Pross, even secretly Contacted Bai Feng.

The Dark Council tried to tie Bai Feng to Prince Pross’s chariot again, because the strength of Prince Pros and the support of Bai Feng were enough for Prince Pros to win the battle for the throne; unfortunately, Bai Feng used the orc army to reject the Dark Council Requirements.

Prince Pross, who could not be supported by Bai Feng, had no overall advantage among the princes. His only advantage was the closest to the imperial capital; before the other three imperial soldiers came to the imperial capital, whether he could capture the imperial capital would be directly determined The final result of this war.

The desperate Prince of Pros, in the face of Salvini's request for help, he sent six Saint-level strongmen to support Salvini without any hesitation; the six Saint-level strongmen, although they cannot directly determine the victory of a war Negative, but enough to kill the magician.

The magnificent fire magicians on the city walls destroyed their strong siege towers one after another with their fierce fire magic; the fierce offensive launched by the two temporary soldiers of Salvini was desperately killed. A group of magicians disappeared invisible.

The arrival of the six Saint-level strongmen immediately reversed the situation of the defending magician killing the Quartet; after they found the location of the magician, they directly took off and flew straight to the magician to kill the past, and the unexpected magicians escaped. Most of them were killed if there was no chance.

The preciousness of the magician is well-known to the world, but it is such a valuable strategic power of the empire that was slaughtered more than 300 in a flash; these six holy-level strongmen who succeeded in one blow destroyed many city walls. After pulling on the defensive equipment, he withdrew and withdrew.

After the threat of the magician was eliminated, the thick fog that was originally dispelled by the wind magician gradually shrouded down again. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Salvini decided to launch another wave of offensive, and immediately sent two more weaker ones. The Provisional Legion and two standing legions went up.

The new siege tower was pushed to the wall by two temporary legions and two standing legions of soldiers. The magic siege turret and trebuchet that had temporarily stopped shooting due to the escape from the magician also resumed shooting; until the new siege tower Advancing to a position only one hundred meters from the city wall, the cover shot of the magical shells and stone shells stopped, and a new wave of offensive against the soldiers began.

Seeing that relying on rolling stones and Takigi could no longer stop the enemy's attack, the defending soldiers lifted out buckets of kerosene again, preparing to use flames to block the enemy's attack; this time, they just dropped a dozen barrels of fire Oil, the six saint-level strong men who rushed out quickly rushed out.

The two defenders who carried a large barrel of kerosene only felt that they were powerless and fell to the ground in the dark, and the barrel of kerosene they carried was dumped to the ground. Trying to pick up the torches on the side and ignite the fire oil on the city wall, he suddenly felt a fierce murderous attack on him, and by virtue of his fighting instinct, he suddenly vacated and retreated half a meter.

No one knows how many holy-level strongmen the imperial royal family has, but everyone knows that there must be a lot of holy-level strongmen owned by the royal family; now there are as many as eight royal swordsmen who attacked the six holy-level strongmen. Under their protection, the magician came to the wall again.

With the magical attack of the magician and the flame defense of the defending generals, this wave of enhanced attack by Salvini was obviously impossible to succeed; after the scorching battle between the two parties continued for many hours, Salvini issued the full The army retreats to stop the attack.

On this day, the four main attacking troops' attacks on the four walls ended in failure. The defending soldiers who successfully defended the city walls also paid a lot of casualties; however, this is only the first day of the main attack, and the real fierce **** fighting only kills Just kicked off.

Salvini, who damaged more than 20,000 soldiers a day, withdrew all the six legions that were in the war today to the camp for rest. With twenty-three legions, he can use relatively reasonable wheel tactics to attack. It is also one of his offensive advantages.

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