Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1504: "·The Battle for the Throne·One"

For those who love each other, the other person's heart is the best house.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

"Dudu, the army of Prince Pross has stormed for six days, but still failed to capture the imperial capital." Marcus reported the information sent by the secret guard to Bai Fenghui who was doing military deductions: "In the imperial capital, the royal side There are as many as sixteen saints dispatched."

"The Dragon family, one of the five major families in the South, has two sword sages, but the Dragon family is not even a family in the top ten of the empire. The royal family can dispatch sixteen sword sages." Bai Feng, who stopped, raised his head and asked Marcus: "How many soldiers are left in the army of Prince Pross, how are the deaths and injuries of the light church and the dark council?

"Dudu, the prosperous army of Prince Pross lost only about 140,000 or 550,000 troops, and 750,000 combatable soldiers; but his newly recruited rebels suffered heavy losses, with a loss rate of up to one third , 1.08 million soldiers died in battle and injured more than 300,000."

Suddenly heard that the rebels suffered such heavy casualties, Bai Feng frowned slightly, and then he asked another thing: "Where are the armies of Prince William, Prince Philip, and Prince Harry? Arriving at the frontline of the Imperial Capital?"

"Dudu, Prince Harry’s army is far southwest of the empire, and it is almost impossible to reach the imperial capital within a month; Prince Philip’s army is the closest to the imperial capital, but hindered by the rebels in Langer Province and Clovermont Province, Their march was not fast; on the contrary, the army of Prince William, not far from the emperor, could reach the imperial capital within two weeks."

"How many troops are there around Prince William?" Bai Feng marked things little by little on the map.

"The Northwest Metropolitan Government currently has 12 standing legions, 30 northwest legions, ten provisional legions, and 25 guard divisions. All but five guard divisions and ten northwest regiments remain in the northwest. The army was brought by Prince William; besides, Prince William also had the 30,000 Rhine Knights of the Rhine Business League and the 50,000 infantry of the Deman Kingdom."

Bai Feng, who did not speak anymore, carefully marked everything on the sand table before standing up and saying, "If the imperial capital that has not been captured since the establishment of the empire is captured by a certain prince, this will Will it not be the laughing stock of the mainland?"

"Du Du, whether the Dragon Empire will become the laughing stock of the mainland, I don't know, but I firmly believe that the Dragon Empire will one day become a noun in the history books." Marcus looked fascinated: "On the ruins of the Dragon Empire , The Roman Empire will eventually regenerate its glory!"

"Maybe." Bai Feng, who had a full plan, did not say much about this matter. He walked to the desk and picked up a family tree full of character relationships, and handed it to Marcus: "You think Who is more suitable to become the next emperor of the empire."

Marcus also knew that Bai Feng’s direct resistance to the Tianlong royal family was too great, and it was far better to be a real prince to hold the emperor, so he took a serious look at this family tree for a while and wanted to choose a suitable one. The puppet succeeding the throne came out.

"Dudu, Seven Princess Diana and Nine Prince Joachim are good choices."

"Why the two of them?" Marcus was not surprised to choose the nineth prince Joachim Baifeng, who was still in his baby, because Baifeng's own choice was the nineth prince Joachim; but his choice of the seven princess Diana, Bai Feng was more surprised.

"Dudu, the ninth prince Joachim is still swaddling, and after pushing him to the throne, you have at least fifteen years to consolidate the rule. After fifteen years, even if the prince Joachim has his own ideas, he Nor can it violate your will; as for the seventh princess Diana, an empress who can marry someone, to a certain extent, it is an excellent tool for changing the dynasty."

Marcus’ words made Bai Feng suddenly think of Princess Diana’s polite smile, and he wanted to veto the proposal, but he said nothing at all in the end; it wasn’t his attempt to Princess Diana, but Marcus did What is said is not false.

"In the next week, you should pay close attention to the movements of the imperial capital. If Prince Pross’ army can’t break through the imperial capital, then we can help him secretly when necessary, only to burn the war into the palace, this war To continue."


After Marcus left with the mission, Bai Feng summoned the blazing sword commander Bai Yi and the shadow killer command Ivan; the third-generation family members of the Bai family, that is, Bai Feng’s brothers and sisters, are all in the imperial capital, Bai Feng wants to prepare for their safety early.

Although the Iron Guard under Thales is an extremely strong **** force, they have only 5,000 people, and they have no power of self-preservation in the battle between millions of troops. Of course, Bai Feng’s The strength and status of the princes did not dare to treat the Bai family.

It's just that Bai Feng is not the kind of person who will pin the safety of his family on the intellectuality of potential enemies; if a prince loses his eyes and finds someone to bury, then the Bai family will suffer, so Bai Feng must plan ahead. Take some measures.

After Bai Yi and Yi Fan arrived, Bai Feng ordered directly to them: "Bai Yi, you will arrange for four high-ranking juggernauts and six middle-ranking juggernauts to immediately go to the imperial capital, and the task is to protect the people in the White House; No matter what happens, you must ensure their safety."


"Ivan, you infiltrated the Imperial Capital with a hundred shadow killers. If one week later, if the army of the Prince of Pros had not yet entered the Imperial City, you would take the initiative to contact General Salvini of the Prince of Pros, and find a way to cooperate with his army. Enter the imperial capital."


"Slow down." Just as Bai Yi and Yi Fan were about to lead their lives away, Bai Feng stopped them; after a little hesitation, Bai Feng told Bai Yi: "Bai Yi, you send two more intermediate swordsmen Go to the imperial capital to protect Princess Diana and Prince Joachim."


If Bai Feng wants to become the final victor in the battle for the throne, he may be able to defeat his opponent by his own military strength, but he cannot obtain the approval of the original noble class of the empire; therefore, he must also find a way to fight with the imperial nobles. The stratum reached an agreement.

The most representative of the noble class of the empire is naturally the five empire families headed by the Watson family, the prince of the empire, the Duke of Patel; as long as Bai Feng can obtain the recognition of these five families, his plan is half successful, and still It's half important.

The problems that could be solved on the battlefield were not enough for Bai Liang, who had enough Qianliang soldiers, but he had to worry about this political issue involving the original aristocratic system of the empire. The Bai family was too weak. It is simply impossible to directly replace the entrenched royal family to rule the empire, and the necessary allies are necessary for Bai Feng to become stronger.

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