Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1514: "·Fight to the Imperial Capital·Two"

No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as you walk in the right direction, no matter how rugged, you are closer to happiness than standing there.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

The former military minister of the empire, the Duke of Coulomb, has now become the prisoner of the emperor of Pros. The new military minister is the confidant of the era of the prosperous emperor of Prosper Demps, and the secondary minister of military affairs responsible for the composition and designation of the imperial army is Salvini.

The Imperial Army, controlled by Demps and Salvini, gave the numbers of the 50 Empire Standing Legions to the 50 temporary legions of Salvini. This is what the title should have; so far, the number of the Empire Standing Legion Increased to 190.

The name given to Salvini's temporary legionary empire standing corps was an application made by Dempus and Salvini to the Prosperous Emperor in the name of the Imperial Ministry. The Prosperous Emperor was in the military department without looking at it. The application was stamped with the emperor's seal.

The first thing that Prince Pross did after he was upgraded to Emperor Pross was to liquidate the supporters of the other three princes; the second thing was to send each to Prince William, Prince Harry, Prince Philip, and Bai Feng Sealed the emperor's edict.

In these edicts sent by Kuai Ma Jiabian, Prince William was sealed by the Emperor Pros as the king of the northwestern empire and the four northwestern empire! Prince Harry was conferred by Emperor Pross as the king of the southwest empire in charge of the three provinces in the southwest and the seven provinces in the west! Prince Philip was enthroned by the Emperor Pross as the king of the imperial town in the four northern provinces, plus Langlang, Clermont, Besançon, and Poligny.

If the three princes were enshrined as kings or the emperor of Pross tried to end the war ahead of time, then he enshrined Bai Feng as the king of the imperial town and asked Bai Feng to immediately lead his army to the imperial escort. Prepare for war.

Not to mention whether the other three princes will accept the Proposal of Prose, but Bai Feng himself will not accept the Proposal of Prose; the reason is very simple, because Charlie the Great is still alive, it is impossible for Bai Feng to recognize Prose for the time being. Emperor identity.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Feng felt that Pross's process of gaining the throne was too smooth, even to the point where he was unbelievable; in other words, is it true that Charles the Emperor, who has been in charge of the empire for more than two decades, is really a bit Are there any cards?

Bai Feng knew that Prince Prosperously would never be the last victor in this battle for the throne, but he did not know what kind of abacus Charlie the Great was playing; therefore, he chose to temporarily remain intact and use the orcs as an excuse to return to the imperial capital. Requirements for sending troops.

Bai Feng, who included the ten provinces in the south of the empire into the sphere of influence, chose to protect himself in this battle for the throne, which was the worst result for the Prosperous Emperor, but the best result for the other three princes.

In fact, at the same time when Bai Feng received the edict from Emperor Pross, the written commitments of the three princes William, Harry, and Philip were also sent together; The posture of these three is very low.

The specific promises of the three princes are different, but the content of the promises are similar. As long as Bai Feng has remained neutral in this battle, after they ascend to the throne, they will directly and permanently divide five of the ten southern provinces. Into the Eastern Metropolitan Government, and let Bai Feng choose three provinces among all the provinces to which the Eastern Metropolitan Government belongs, as a permanent fief of his imperial prince!

It stands to reason that only members of the imperial royal family can be conferred the prince of the empire, and non-royal members can only be conferred the duke at most; but under the premise that the Prose Emperor has broken this rule, none of the three princes have kept this. rule.

I have sent someone to the Imperial Capital to reply to Bai Feng, the Emperor of Pros. Naturally, I would not mind sending another reply to the three princes. In addition to the four reply letters, Bai Feng, who appears to be still on the surface, is still at the moment. In progress.

After receiving the reply from Bai Feng, Emperor Pross was not too disappointed, but just continued his preparations for the war step by step; William and the three princes were very excited, and felt that it was only time to drive Pross from the throne. problem.

The reason why the three princes such as William are so confident is mainly because the prince of Pross got only a virtual throne; in short, Pross, which is empty of the name of the emperor of the empire, can only control the real area of ​​the emperor. In one place, the areas actually controlled by Prince William, Prince Harry, and Prince Philip together accounted for three-fifths of the total area of ​​the empire.

Not only that, as the army of the three princes increasingly approached the imperial capital, one by one the central provinces that were originally recovered by the army of the Prosperity, and now they also hung the flags of the three princes. The blow was very deadly.

Emperor Pross, who is only in the corner of the imperial capital, no matter how poorly recruited soldiers in the imperial capital, it is impossible to recruit too many young and strong recruits; on the contrary, it has many other three princes in many provinces, and can collect a huge number at any time and anywhere. To the terrible recruits.

Time passed day by day, and on the fifth day that Prince Pross officially became Emperor, Prince Philip, who had a large number of cavalry, first arrived at the Imperial Capital; however, Prince Philip, who first arrived under the Imperial City, did not directly attack the Imperial Capital. .

When the Northwest Army of Prince William and the Southwest Army of Prince Philip arrived on the next day, the three princes held a peaceful talk outside the Imperial City; afterwards, the army of the three princes finally launched a fight against the Imperial City Offensive!

Prince Philip’s northern army attacked the north wall of the imperial capital, Prince William’s northwest army attacked the west wall of the imperial capital, and Prince Harry’s southwest army attacked the south wall of the imperial capital; the weakest defense was the east wall of the imperial capital, and each of the three princes sent 100,000 troops Jointly launched an attack.

The plan of attack has been finalized for the time being. As for the sensitive subject of who should come to the throne after kicking the Prince from the throne, none of the three thoughtful princes took the initiative to mention it, just like this question. There has never been the same.

In response to the offensives of the three princes, the three royal legions and 40 standing legions commanded by Demps shouldered the defense of the west and south walls, while the fifty standing legions commanded by Salvini were shouldered. The defense of the east and north walls was played.

Considering that the gates and towers of the east wall were temporarily rebuilt and the defense was too weak, Emperor Pross intentionally strengthened the relatively easy to command Thundercloud Knights to Salvini; however, as the Imperial Army Salvini, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Military Affairs, can only command the Thundercloud Knights of the Dark Council through their own commanders, not directly.

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