Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1515: "·Fight to the Imperial Capital·Three"

I don't know where I will go, but I am on my way.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"Your Majesty, the Dark Council is one of the greatest enemies of our Holy See. While you are cooperating with our Holy See, you will continue to maintain an intimate relationship with the Dark Council, which is somewhat inappropriate." In the palace hall, Archbishop Innocent The expression is still calm.

Emperor Pross, who asked for the Holy See, explained to Archbishop Innocent with a light smile: "The Archbishop, these Thundercloud knights were secretly trained by me during his tenure as the Governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government. They have nothing to do with the Dark Council. connection."

"Your Majesty, this is not the first time your thundercloud knight has appeared." Archbishop Innocent stared directly at Emperor Pross, and said straightforwardly: "When your first thundercloud knight appeared under your command, I did not represent our Holy See. I came to you because I think from your experience of having been in charge of the eastern provinces of your country, it is not impossible for you to train a small-scale Thundercloud Knights."

"The reason why the Thundercloud Knights can become the unique elite troops of the Dark Council is not because only the Dark Council can train the Thundercloud Knights, but because the Dark Council’s Thundercloud Knights are more efficient in training; the Warcraft resources of the Sunset Mountains are extremely rich, as long as At that time, it was normal for the prince and his majesty to be willing to invest time, energy, and money to train a group of Thundercloud knights."

Emperor Pross, who knew what Archbishop Innocent would say next, interrupted the other side in a timely manner: "My Excellency, Archbishop, as you said, I am the batch of Thundercloud knights trained at that time, they are really dark There is nothing wrong with Parliament."

Even though his words have been interrupted by the Emperor Pross, Archbishop Innocent did not stop there. He asked indifferently: "Your Majesty, you know how much it costs to catch a thundercloud leopard, and training a thundercloud knight needs How long?"

"This..." Emperor Pross, who had never been in contact with them before, suddenly had some confusion.

"Your Majesty, there are now seven thousand Thundercloud Knights under your command. If all of them were cultivated by you, then you must have spent hundreds of millions of gold coins for it; of course, maybe gold coins come to you Say, it's just a number."

Archbishop Innocent turned sharply, his expression slightly more serious: "However, the Thundercloud Leopard's normal live catch ratio is to catch one of them at least every hundred hunts; this means that you want to train seven thousand Thundercloud Knights, That requires hunting at least 700,000 thunder cloud leopards."

"Your Majesty, how many high-level swordsman level and above are required to hunt more than 700,000 thundercloud leopards in just a few years? Is it 10,000, 20,000, or more?"

"Sir Archbishop, can't I have a more efficient way that I have discovered?" Emperor Pross sinked.

"The only thing on the mainland that can catch and tame the thundercloud leopard more efficiently is the beast trainer unique to the Dark Council." Archbishop Innocent's posture is even more aggressive. It seems that he does not care about Pross sitting in the dragon chair. Already a nominal emperor.

Emperor Pross met the sharp eyes of Archbishop Innocent and showed no weakness: "I still have the name of an emperor, but there is no emperor. I don’t want to be an emperor in just ten days. "Good brother" ousted the throne; I have no choice!"

"Your Majesty, five thousand light knights of our Holy See are already fighting for you, and five thousand light knights are coming."

The emperor Pross who had already shown off said frankly: "The Thundercloud Knight is more powerful and more powerful than the Light Knight."

"As long as you need your majesty, our Holy See can also provide you with 50,000 knights of light and 3,000 pastors of light!"

"When your fifty thousand knights of light and three thousand pastors of light reach the imperial capital, I'm afraid I am no longer alive." This question was said by Emperor Pross in the stated tone, even a little mixed in the tone. ridicule.

"As long as Your Majesty is willing to pay the price, they will be able to appear in the Imperial City tonight." Archbishop Innocent spoke in a plain tone, but it made Emperor Pross be heartened; after all, it was a knight of 50,000 people. And the priest of the light of three thousand.

It is no exaggeration to say that with these three thousand light priests and fifty thousand light knights participating in the battle, the Prophet Emperor felt that he could not only defend the imperial capital, but also unexpectedly defeat the three enemy troops outside the city; to know, it was a full five Light knights of all!

After pressing down the excitement in his heart, the Prophet Emperor Pross, who understood that there was no free lunch in the world, asked the calm Bishop Innocent in a calm tone as possible: "What price do I need to pay?"

"Our Holy See has few requirements, only two things: first, our Holy See is to be the only legal religion in your country; second, since His Majesty, the emperor of your country needs to go to the Holy Mountain before accepting the throne to accept our Holy See Crowned."

There are not many conditions for the Holy See, but there are only two, but each of them is straight to the bottom of the heart of the Prophet; in his opinion, if he himself agreed to these two conditions of the Holy See, then the imperial royal family insisted on it for hundreds of years The religious defense line will collapse and smash instantly.

But if you don’t agree to the conditions of the Holy See, relying only on the two million Ugly and the seven thousand Thundercloud knights, and the five thousand light knights in the imperial capital, Emperor Pross feels that he may not be able to persevere for a month, and he will become an empire. The shortest-lived emperor since.

There is no emperor in the history of the empire that did not die early, but the emperor who died on the throne only a month after the ascension of the throne is really nothing; between the personal power status and the royal family's taboo, there is almost no card. Emperor Pross was very tangled.

It is not difficult to see that Archbishop Innocent, who was entangled in the heart of Emperor Pross, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then increased his bargaining power: "As long as His Majesty agrees to the two conditions of our Holy See, within three days, Kassel, Fly The half-million coalition forces of Yu and Hakuba will directly hit Prince Harry’s southwestern governor’s palace; the Dessau and Deman’s million coalition forces will strike Prince William’s northwestern governor’s palace."

"The Kingdom of Dessau and the Kingdom of Deman are world feuds. How could they send troops together?" Emperor Pross said with a startled expression.

"There may be unresolvable hatred between nations, but in the face of huge benefits, even unresolvable hatred can be put aside temporarily." The Archbishop Innocent did not question the Prophet Positive answer.

"I will never cede any inch of empire land to these countries, nor will I give them a gold coin!"

Archbishop Innocent, who was instantly settled in his heart, regained a faint smile: "His Majesty is assured, how to give these national interests is our affair. As long as His Majesty agrees to the two conditions of our Holy See, everything else is related to His Majesty, It has nothing to do with your country."

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