Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1524: "·Fight to the Imperial Capital·Twelve"

Life is better to a certain extent because it cannot be worse. After working hard, I knew many things, insisted, and came over.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Under the key hunting of 300,000 winged warriors, the light knight group of the Holy See declared that the whole army was destroyed without even persevering for half an hour; on the battlefield where blood was flowing, the ground was shot and killed by fine iron short spears The light knight, but more of the empty iron short spear.

Each fine iron short spear is not light, and a winged warrior can carry up to six fine iron short spears at most; apart from the fifty thousand winged warriors who have used their two fine iron short spears, In half an hour, these thirty-winged warriors projected a total of 1.7 million fine iron spears, which is twice as many as the total number of soldiers in the fighting capital and the northern army!

Because the main target of the winged warriors is the bright knights with more powerful combat power, although the Imperial Army and the Northern Army have suffered devastating damage, there are not many soldiers who have survived; until the fine iron short spear is used up After the winged warriors patted their wings again, these lucky soldiers fled without pulling their legs, but collapsed almost in collapse.

The total number of the light knights sent by the Holy See was as high as 75,000. The Archbishop Innocent, the highest person in charge of the Holy See in the Dragon Empire, had no response, but he was allowed to gradually push up. The wall guards surrounded them.

"Archbishop Innocent, the sudden participation of the winged people in the war has had a great impact on the situation. My general is worried that the city will be attacked by the winged people. cathedral."

"Then trouble you." Archbishop Innocent agreed with a smile, seeming to really believe the captain's remarks; the bright knights behind him, although they were not angry, but their own archbishop All agreed, what can they say?

On the way back to the cathedral, Archbishop Innocent, who had remained silent, suddenly smiled and said to the captain who fell a half step: "General Salvini now has only ten dissatisfied legions, but he has to shoulder it. The heavy duty of the martial law martial arts will definitely be insufficient in terms of military strength; at this time, he can also send a full formation to **** me, I am very grateful."

It’s just a pure military captain who doesn’t understand why Archbishop Innocent said these words, but he responded politely: “The archbishop is kind, protecting your safety is my business; for your gratitude , I will tell our general."

"That's good." Archbishop Innocent still had a faint smile on his face, but said nothing more.

After smoothly sending Archbishop Innocent and his entourage to the cathedral, the elite full team did not leave, but under the command of their captain, the team took the ground as a unit from four directions. The large cathedral was surrounded by tight seals.

"Archbishop?" A paladin who greeted him looked at Archbishop Innocent with a look of inquiry.

"You don't have to worry about it, just let them go." Archbishop Innocent walked calmly into the cathedral, and said to the paladin as he walked: "No matter what kind of forces, as long as you don't step into our university One step in the church, just leave them alone."

"The archbishop is at ease, I know what to do." The paladin nodded in sympathy.

Salvini, who got the report, quickly walked to Bai Feng and asked: "The Governor, Archbishop Innocent, there is no movement for a while. Demps also left the military department and went to the palace. The ten legions under my command have also been prepared. Ready, when will we act?"

"You can act now." Bai Feng, who withdrew his gaze, ordered directly to Salvini: "Leave a legion to control the wall on the north wall and an east wall on the other side, and go to the two legions on the other two walls. Try to use your preparation The good military commanders robbed the city walls and took control of the opponent. The remaining four legions were responsible for seizing various points in the city."

"No!" Salvini accepted the order, turned around and went down to make a specific deployment.

When the troops on the east and north walls of the city seized the time to mobilize, the sky in the north of the imperial capital suddenly rolled up a burst of smoke; not long after, with the smoke nearer and nearer, the movement produced by the thousands of horses was gradually increasing. stand up.

"Zoe Rose, that's our cavalry!" Putting on a squad leader's uniform, together with Zoe Rose, Prince Philip, who was hiding in a small ditch, looked at the Eight Banners Army who ran back and ecstatically said: "We Without losing the war, we still have a chance!"

"His Royal Highness!" Zoe Ross lowered his voice, staring at Prince Philip's eyes with unprecedented coldness: "We have lost everything, and now as long as we dare to go out, these Jurchen cavalry will definitely Kill us without hesitation, or catch us alive and give it to others; you have to remember that we who lost everything are nothing!"

"I..." Prince Philip opened his mouth and said nothing after all; he lowered his head and remained silent for a while before raising his head to ask Zoe Ross: "So what shall we do now? Keep hiding here , Or find a way to escape back to the north?"

"His Royal Highness, the North is your foundation. Only when we flee back to the North will we have a chance to make a comeback; although we have lost all the troops, Pros and the Holy See have not won. This is an opportunity for us, provided that We can go back to the north again."

"Zoe Rose, you are the person I trust the most. You can do what you say!" At the time when he was the most depressed in his life, Prince Philip decided to give his life to Zoe, who has always been with him. In Rose's hands, he obeyed his arrangement.

Whether Prince Philip and Zoe Rose can return to the North smoothly, no one will pay attention at this time, even the life and death of Prince Philip. No one will pay attention; this is the reality. A prince who has lost all capital is not worthy of attention. of.

The Eight Banner Cavalry who came back from the run will naturally not pay attention to them. Even if a few sharp-eyed cavalry finds Prince Philip and Zoe Ross hiding in the ditch, it is impossible to delay the time on the two little ones. After all, they Wearing ordinary military uniform.

The Eight Banners cavalry who returned to the battlefield, two red flags and two yellow flags directly rushed into the imperial capital along the north gate of the blasting cave, and the two white flags and the two blue flags rushed from the left and right sides to the east battlefield and the west battlefield; The original northern army on the northern battlefield was controlled by the imperial army that had barely taken advantage of the troops before the Eight Banners cavalry killed the battlefield.

The battle situation has developed to this point, and the battle outside the Imperial City has basically ended. Even in the three battlefields where the battle has not been completely ended, the Eight Banners cavalry will soon come to an end; and really decide who is the last. The winner of the battle in the city, but this is just the beginning, Bai Feng's advantage is limited, and the Emperor Pross and the Holy See are not without power.

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