Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1525: "·Coming Soon·One"

The places that I can’t reach are all called distant places, and the world that I can’t go back to is called my hometown.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"Dudu, the west wall and the south wall are already under our army's control, and the troops deployed by Demps on those two walls have been disarmed and controlled by our soldiers." Salvini received the report from the front-line soldiers. He quickly reported to Bai Feng who entered the main command.

"The Dudu, the army of the four flag masters of Dorgon, Azig, Alexandria, and Antico entered the Imperial Capital from the north gate, and they have completed the siege of the royal palace, and they have defeated a royal palace army that tried to drive them away. ."

"Du Du, the four legions that entered the city have all controlled the prime minister's office, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Army, the State Treasury, the Armory, and all the officials of the ministries and the nobles at all levels There are military officers who blockade martial law."

"Dudu, Dudu Belle’s Zhenglan Banner has assisted General Quintus to surrender the Imperial Army on the western battlefield. After General Quintus handed over the surrendered Imperial General to the Zhenglan Banner guard, he is leading his army. Come to the imperial capital."

"Dudu, Nikambole's blue flag has successfully controlled the situation on the southern battlefield, and the Imperial Army and the Northern Army have all returned."

"The Dudu, the two white flags of Solgobel and Subakhaibel have forced the Imperial Army and the Northern Army on the eastern battlefield."

"Du Du......"

The good news that came one after another did not relax Bai Feng's tense spirit, because everything went so smoothly, and even Bai Feng felt unbelievable, which made Bai Feng inconceivable.

Emperor Pross, who lacked the foundation, had limited strength, and he would not be worried about whether or not Bai Feng would move; but the Holy See represented by Archbishop Innocent would be different. Even if there was no movement, Bai Feng would still be treated with the most vigilant attitude they.

"Salvini, you personally bring a team of elites to the cathedral, and don't let anyone in the Holy See walk out of the cathedral before this war ends!"


"Baiji, you take four middle-level flaming sword saints with Salvini; if a holy class of the Holy See attempts to force out of the cathedral, you should mainly intercept to avoid hurting the other party, even if necessary You can’t take the opponent’s life if you take a heavy hand.


"Elder Alfred, you take 50,000 winged warriors with short spears to the sky above the palace, first clean the royal forest on the outer and middle walls of the palace; the Bauhinia Knights and the Imperial Knights, Don’t move them for now."


As Bai Feng issued orders one after another, the originally crowded headquarters was gradually deserted; the winged soldiers needed time to clear the outer and middle walls of the imperial palace, so Bai Feng, who needs to wait patiently, took Bai Yi Wait for someone to leave the headquarters.

After a few years, he returned to Baifeng’s Baifeng again. After staying at the door for a few minutes, he knocked on the door of the Baifu; probably because of the chaos in the imperial capital, it was not the servants of the Bai family, but one body. Bai Kai in uniform.

"Second brother! You are back!" Bai Kai carefully opened the door of the house, and as soon as it seemed that Bai Feng was immediately excited.

"Xiaokai, I'm back." Looking at Baikai, who was half a head taller than himself, Bai Feng smiled and patted his shoulder. "Looking at you in a uniform, it's really a general's posture, do you want it?" Go to the second brother's army and go through it?"

"Second Brother, I have been graduating from the Military Department of the Imperial College for almost half a year. If it wasn't for too many messy things in the empire at this time, I would have gone to the Eastern Great Governor's Palace to find our invincible Yulin God of War!" Bai Kai looked at Bai Feng with excitement and admiration.

"Xiaokai, serving in the military is not an easy task; not to mention that the sword on the battlefield has no eyes, just take your current qualifications, even if you are my younger brother, you need to start from the grassroots, the general is to Rely on your own ability and merits."

"Second brother, don't worry, I'm ready to start as a soldier!" Bai Kai's face was full of firmness.

"Second child, do you still know how to go home? How long did you say you haven't been back? You still remember where your home is!"

The huge Bai family, who can speak in such a tone of inconsistency, really has no second person other than Bai Feng’s “understood” elder brother Bai Sa; to his own big brother who is inherently teasing, Bai Feng Can only shake his head with a wry smile.

"Bang!" "Oh I go!"

Bai Sao standing at the door of the inner courtyard, Bai Rou, who was unable to control his inner thoughts before the words fell off, directly hit the side; facing Bai Rou, Bai Feng, of course, opened his double Arm, Bai Rou hugged tightly in his arms.

Bai Han and Bai Ling'er, who are also slim, are also very excited, but they have grown up after all, and it is not good to be together with Bai Feng as unscrupulous as before, so they just stood beside Bai Sa and smiled. Looking at the returned Bai Feng.

Reunion with the Bai family brothers and sisters is indeed a happy event that can make Bai Feng temporarily forget all his troubles, but how to become the final winner of the battle for the throne is the top priority; so, after a while of laughing with the Bai family, Bai Feng found Princess Diana.

Seven Princesses Diana and Ninth Prince Joachim have lived in a partial courtyard in the White House temporarily since the Emperor Pross entered the palace; these younger brothers who lived in simplified form generally do not take the initiative to leave the partial courtyard. Even today is no exception.

"His Royal Highness Princess, we haven't seen for a long time." Without any guards, Bai Feng came to this partial courtyard alone.

"When you left the imperial capital, we were still friends, and each other's title was not so formal; now you call my Highness Princess, you are telling me, are we strangers again? Duke Baifeng!"

Unexpectedly, Princess Diana, who has always been gentle and watery, would have such a stubborn side. Bai Feng had to smile and apologize: "We are friends, we have always been friends, how can we become strangers? Just now I was wrong, I apologize to you."

Apologizing to Bai Feng, Princess Diana neither accepted nor refused. She just sighed slightly: "Bai Feng, I know that you are now more than the Duke of Yulin in the Empire and the Governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government , Has become a key person who can determine the attribution of the throne; I also know that you come to me at this time, surely it will not just be a narrative, right?"

"Not bad." Bai Feng suddenly discovered that the seemingly weak princess in front of him might be smarter than he thought.

"Bai Feng, born in the emperor's house, the destiny given to me by God is not something I can choose. I have tried countless times to get rid of my destiny through my own efforts. Until today I have found that no matter how hard I try, I can't change my destiny."

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