Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1526: "·Coming Soon·Two"

It is because you are not good that you stay with you and give you happiness.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)


"Bai Feng, you don't need to comfort me. I know what your purpose is to come to me." Diana interrupted Bai Feng with a smile: "I can promise any request you make, but you must also promise me one thing, can't Force me to do things that I cannot accept."

"What is unacceptable to you." Since Diana has already put on a negotiating posture, then Bai Feng can only negotiate with her on the matter; as for the former friendship between the two, it is not about friendship. when.

"There are not many things that I cannot accept, but there are so many; for example, the order to kill my father, brother, brother, to marry someone I do not want to marry, these two things I absolutely cannot accept, may also There are other things that I haven’t thought of yet."

"I won't let you do what you can't accept, and I won't force you to sit in that position." Bai Feng sighed silently in his heart, pointing to the ninth prince who was still in his baby: "Let It is acceptable to me to take the throne."

"Xiao Jiu is indeed one of the most suitable candidates, even more suitable than me, but he is also a man no matter how young he is." Diana looked at Bai Feng with burning eyes and asked him: "But ten years later? Fifteen? Years later? Twenty years later? Has the grown-up emperor emperor willing to be a puppet of a courtier? Can Bai Feng accept someone who can threaten you and sit on the throne?"

Faced with Diana’s slightly aggressive questioning, Bai Feng was speechless and could only be silent; because the still-sucking Prince Joachim was indeed the most suitable choice for him, but once Prince Joachim grew up Now, what awaits him is death. This is reality.

Don’t think that the crowned Emperor Joachim dies, and the empire will fall into chaos. The White Summit that controls his life and death will arrange a legal heir for him before he dies. This heir will succeed him as a new puppet and continue to be Bai Feng. To facilitate the rule.

Until the day when Bai Feng had full control over the dynasty, the puppet emperor at that time would give up his throne to Bai Feng, and then the Tianlong Empire belonging to the imperial royal family would truly become Baifeng's Tianlong Empire. This is Baifeng's pre-set plan.

In this plan, no matter whether it is the first puppet emperor Joachim or his successor, no puppet emperor can live beyond the age of fifteen; killing potential threats in the cradle is what Bai Feng has always done. style.

"So what do you want?" Bai Feng, who had not spoken for a while, finally decided to give the initiative to Princess Diana.

"I don’t want much. I can be the empress of the empire and help you to rule the empire wholeheartedly; but you must ensure that my family is not hurt. I hope my father and emperor can enjoy the old age, my brother and brother. We can also be rich and prosperous for a lifetime."

"As long as they don't do excessive things, I can promise you not to hurt them and give them glory and wealth."

"Bai Feng, you know that they can't give up everything willingly, so why would you pervert me like this?" Diana asked directly: "You can put them under house arrest, but you can't kill them. I want you. Promise me personally!"

Taking a deep look at the unusual performance of Princess Diana, Bai Feng made a blank expression and promised: "I promise you!"

When he walked out of this partial courtyard, Bai Feng clearly felt that his mood was somewhat depressed; as for whether this slight depression came from the unusual performance of Princess Diana or the guilt deep in his own heart, then only he himself knew .

Almost all the 100,000 royal soldiers in the royal palace are guarded on the outer and middle walls of the royal palace. The inner wall and the palace are jointly guarded by the elite knights of the bauhinia, imperial guards, and five thousand royal forest troops.

More than 90,000 generals of the Imperial Forest Army are not a small number. Even if they are scattered on the outer wall and the middle wall of the two walls, they still seem very crowded; for the Imperial Forest officers who are crowded on the wall, for the winged soldiers flying in the sky, that But the best target.

One by one short spears of fine iron that fell from the sky nailed the panic-stricken army soldiers one by one to the city wall; these soldiers were nominally the army soldiers, in fact, they were temporarily mobilized from other armies, It is simply not a royal forest army composed of elite battles in the traditional sense, so the fighting will not be so firm with limited combat power.

Under the precise attack of the Wing Man Warrior, the rapidly rising casualties of the outer wall Yulin Army faintly showed signs of collapse; persistent efforts of the Wing Man Warrior immediately increased the fire dumping density of the outer wall Yulin Army, focusing on attacking the outer wall Yulin Army Warrior.

The Yulin army defending the outer wall was defeated first, and then the Yulin army on the middle wall did not last long. More than 90,000 Yulin army generals could eventually escape to less than 20,000 of the inner wall; more than 70,000 Yulin army generals became wingmen The number in the soldier's record.

Alfred, who successfully completed the mission, sent someone to Baifu to report the situation to Baifeng, while about 500 winged soldiers landed in the palace, opened the closed outer wall palace gate and the middle wall palace gate, and rushed to The army of Quintus near the Royal Palace took over the outer and middle walls.

Bai Feng, who was reported by the Wing Man Warrior, deliberately brought Bai Kai and the unwilling Bai Sa when he left for the palace; Bai Sa is the heir of the Bai family after all, Bai Feng will not let him do whatever he wants All day long.

Bai Fuming has 5,000 well-equipped and well-trained iron guards, and he is protected by the flaming swordsman. Even if Bai Feng is not in Baifu, Baifu is still one of the safest places in the imperial capital. Because of this, Baifeng can rest assured. Diana is in Baifu.

After all, the residence of the Duke of Baifu is not far away from the Royal Palace. Bai Feng and his team arrived at the gate of the palace's outer wall not long afterwards; just as Baifeng was about to enter the palace, the direction of the cathedral was suddenly passed. There was a huge tumult of rumbling.

Just looking up, Bai Feng can see the sky not far from the cathedral. Ten Holy Holy Masters in white robes are wearing fierce battles with the five Flame Saints; from the standpoint of battle, there are more The Holy Class Holy Power is obviously more advantageous.

"Bai Yi, I'll just leave two high-level flaming sword saints here. You can take other people to reinforce Bai Er."


Bai Yi, who rose from the sky, took two high-level flaming swordsmen and went straight to the cathedral; but when they flew to the cathedral, there were four paladins in the armor rushing out of the cathedral. , Joined this holy class power scuffle.

Eight flaming swordsmen played against ten ascetic monks and four paladins. This may be the largest holy-level melee since the capital was built; the powerful holy-level strongmen, every fierce collision and fight, will fight The buildings in the city below them caused considerable damage. It can be expected that if their battles are continued so unscrupulously, the emperors will be destroyed.

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