Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1527: "·Coming Soon·Three (two in one)"

When confused, I said firmly to myself, I still remember the dream at that time.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

The Flaming Juggernaut does not care about the destruction of the buildings below by their battles. The monks and Paladins of the Holy See are worried, but they are facing the powerful Flaming Juggernaut after all. important.

Twenty-two saint-class strongmen with the lowest strength in the middle ranks fought in a battle above the cathedral. The cathedral is protected by a magic circle and will not be destroyed by their violent spiritual power. However, other buildings near the cathedral It won't work.

The violent spiritual power bombarded from time to time has bombarded one after another noble mansions and restaurant shops into ruins. Those people hiding in the restaurant shops and nobles in the mansion have no chance of escaping into this holy class strong man Victim of the melee.

Eight flaming sword holy forces fight against ten bitter monks and four paladins without falling down, and dragging each other near the cathedral is difficult to get out of. This is enough for Bai Feng; taking advantage of the temporary inability of the Holy See to intervene, he He personally led the army to the gate of the palace's inner wall.

Although the generals of the Imperial Forest on the inner wall of the palace are all bright and powerful in their armor, the panic between their eyebrows and the panic on their faces can’t be concealed; by comparison, the Bauhinia Knights and The Cavalry of the Imperial Knights attracted Bai Feng’s attention even though their armor was not bright and their morale was not high.

"General Temples, we haven't seen you for a long time." Bai Feng smiled and greeted Temples on the inner wall.

"Bai Feng, Your Majesty treats you well, why should you betray His Majesty?!" Dempsey's face was twisted with anger. He didn't think about the possibility of his Highness defeating his throne, but he never thought of giving His Highness. The person who last hit was Bai Feng!

"General General Demps, even when he served as His Majesty the Great Governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, we have an equal cooperative relationship, not a monarchy relationship. Since everyone is at most a cooperative relationship, why not talk about betrayal or not?"

"Bai Feng, your Bai family is a marquis family. You only know how to fight and kill. What qualifications do you have to be equal to your majesty? If your majesty promoted you to be the governor, it gave you great autonomy. And independence, where can you have the power today?"

"If you don't have my acquiescence, do you think that the Great Governor of the Eastern Great Governor's Office is so good?" The situation of the empire has developed to the point where he is now, and Bai Feng hasn't hid like that before, he said with a sneer:

"The army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, without my Bai Feng's order, who can mobilize a soldier and a soldier? Don't say that he is only a prince, even if it is the imperial decree of the Imperial Emperor and the Imperial Military Command, it is still in the Eastern Metropolitan Government. No one can be mobilized!"

"You, you, how dare you go against it?" Bai Feng's tough stance directly shocked Demps.

"Demps, I will give you half an hour. You tell your Highness Pross for me, as long as he is willing to open the palace gate and surrender, give the throne to Princess Diana, I guarantee that he will be able to enjoy the glory and wealth in the future. Wang; if not, you will be at your own risk!"

"Bai Feng, Your Majesty is now the emperor's righteous emperor. Do you want your Majesty to give the throne to your hands!"

"The emperor's well-known emperor is Charles the Great, not the Prosperous Emperor." Bai Feng didn't continue to waste his tongue with Demps. He sneered slightly in the corner of his mouth: "I have changed my mind now, let the force decide the attribution of the throne. "

Ignoring how the Demps on the inner wall was angrily and badly abused, Bai Feng came to a place farther away from the inner wall palace gate; then, the commanded army and winged soldiers of the Quintus department initiated at the same time. Offense against the interior wall.

The soldiers of Quintus, who carried the ladder, swarmed into the inner wall from all directions like the tide in the unit; the winged soldiers in the sky also lowered their flying height to within 100 meters from the ground, and more Accurately hunt the defenders on the inner wall.

Under the air strikes of the wingmen and soldiers, the defenders on the inner wall could not even organize effective defenses. They watched as the enemy troops put the ladder on the head of the city, but they could not even reach the edge of the wall. .

Whenever a defending soldier tries to get closer to the edge of the city wall, the winged warriors soaring in the sky will take a plunge and use their fine iron spears to reap the lives of these overpowered people; with their assistance, The ground soldier quickly climbed into the interior wall.

The Imperial Forest Army on the inner wall and the army of Quintus, which rushed up the city wall, launched a fierce and unusual fight; the army under Kuntus was assisted by winged soldiers, and the Royal Forest Knights also played a mainstay role in the Royal Forest Army. At the beginning of the scuffle between the two sides, they entered a state of fierce heat. Every minute and every second there were soldiers falling, but no one stepped back.

The inner wall of the Royal Palace is not only the last line of defense of the Royal Palace, but also a battlefield just one step away from the palace. How fierce the fighting between the two armies is, the Emperor Pross can clearly hear it without having to report back and forth from the servants.

After being convinced that he had really reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted, Prosperus neither complained nor gave up struggling. He went straight to a very remote palace and found Charles the Great who had been imprisoned for more than ten days.

"Father and Emperor, I failed." The energetic Charlie the Great was practicing writing at the desk. The appearance of Pros broke the original quietness in the study; but the Charlie the Great did not stop the pen in his hand, but continued. Copying a celebrity copybook.

Emperor Charlie, indifferent, did not put down his pen until he finished writing the last word, and raised his head to say: "The four sons I cultivated by myself all failed, but the seemingly harmless Bai Feng became the last The winner is sad and ridiculous."

Probably not wanting to be too incompetent in front of his father and emperor, Pross explained slightly unconvinced: "I had already settled the throne, if he was not helped by Baifeng's wings, he bought Salvini. Wait for the capricious villain, how can I fail!"


Hearing the explanation from Pross, Charles the Great, who had come to him, slapped it with a backhand and said, "Waste!"

"Father and Emperor, you..." Pros, who had not been beaten by his father and emperor since childhood, was stunned by this slap.

"Stupid! It's time for this, and you don't even know how you lost." Disdainful explained to Pross too much, Charlie the Great, and ordered directly to Ames who was serving: "Ai You, James."

"His Highness the Eighth Prince, your General Salvini, Your Royal Highness General Quintus, from the beginning to the end are Bai Feng's people; ."

"How is this possible?" Pros, who was unacceptable to reality, asked subconsciously: "General Quintus is not only one of the governors during the initial construction of the Northern Metropolitan Government, but also Philip's most trusted Northern Army general, he How could it be Bai Feng's person?"

"Your Highness, nothing in the world is impossible, which only shows that Bai Feng's means are clever enough."

Ames's tone was as usual as usual, but what he said left Pros as gray; after a few minutes of silence, Pross suddenly raised his head and grabbed the last life-saving straw from the falling man. In the same way, he asked Charlie the Great: "Father and Emperor, since you already know everything about Bai Feng, then you must have a way to deal with him, right?"

"I only saw Bai Feng's layout two hours ago." Charlie the Emperor poured another pot of cold water on the face.

"Father and Emperor, we still have ancestors!" Pros, who remembered his purpose for a moment, pointed to the forbidden road behind the palace: "What can he do with Baifeng's powerful army, as long as we invite the ancestors out, With the strength of the ancestors, Bai Feng can be easily killed; once Bai Feng dies, his army will definitely collapse without a fight, and the throne will still be ours!"

"The throne has always belonged to me. It used to be, it is now, and it will still be in the future." Charlie the Great pronounced on Pross without disappointment: "If you have performed well this time, I would not mind letting you be a prince. ; It's a pity that you disappoint me too much."

"Father, I'm wrong! I'm wrong! I shouldn't force you to abdicate, and I shouldn't imprison you. Your son knows it wrong, and your adults have a lot of forgiveness of your son!" He knelt at the feet of Charlie the Great and wept bitterly for mercy.

"Alas." After a long sigh, Charlie the Great lifted Pros from the ground and said: "Xiao Ba, you are doing something wrong, but it is not that you are forcing me to abdicate, but that you should not be wrong with the Holy See. Excessive concessions are the most fatal mistakes you make."

"Father and Emperor, how do you know?!" Pross, who knew how serious the consequences were, was scared.

"How do I know that it is not reused, the important thing is that you have made an unacceptable commitment to our royal family and even the entire imperial noble class as the emperor; therefore, no matter what the final result is, you are destined to miss the throne. "

"Father Emperor..."

"Ames, send Xiaoba back to his mother princess."

Two Juggernauts dressed in the secret guard’s unique black costumes, and the lost Prince of Pross went to a palace in the harem area; Charles the Emperor brought Ames and seven royal forest guards wearing black iron armor , Striding towards the back hill of the palace.

The back hill of the royal palace is nominally a palace forbidden land that only the emperor can come to, but in fact it is a secret cultivation place for the royal strongmen; all members of the royal bloodline will automatically give up their distinguished identity once they reach the holy level and come here Concentrate on meditating.

Each of the five major families of the Empire has at least two or more Saint-level strongmen. The royal family is almost inexhaustible from all kinds of cultivation resources. The number of Saint-level strongmen that can be cultivated will naturally be no less; In fact, the number of royal sage strongmen in this forbidden area has reached an astonishing thirty-four, but most of them are primary sage strong men whose strength is not too strong.

In addition to the holy-level strongmen cultivated in the interior of the royal family, each emperor emperor will also train some loyal and loyal surnamed holy-level strongmen. This is the origin of the Imperial Forest Guardian. There are seven Royal Guardian Guardians in Charles, and they have the lowest strength. All of them are extremely strong mid-level swordsmen, and the most powerful Yulin Iron Guard captain Balistan is an extremely rare high-level swordsman.

With the addition of the Holy Power and the Imperial Guard in the royal chamber alone, there are as many as 41 Holy Powers available in the hands of Charles the Great; plus there are a large number of Holy Powers in the Secret Guard, Charlie There will be more than fifty holy-level strongmen available to the emperor!

No matter whether it is recognized as the strongest power of the human race, or the dark council with extremely large secret forces, there will not be too many Holy Powers within the territory of the Dragon Empire; therefore, from the perspective of high-end combat power, Charles the Great has Great advantage.

As for Bai Feng, who is about to become the final winner, it is not that Charlie the Great despised Bai Feng, but that the heritage of the Bai family behind Bai Feng was too weak, so that Charlie the Emperor took it for granted that Bai Feng, based on the Bai family, could not have too much. Strong.

The strength of the Saint-class strong is unquestionable, but the Saint-class strong is not invincible; even the high-level Saint-class strongman standing on top of the Saint-class strong cannot be an opponent of thousands of troops. It is always the army that decides the victory or defeat of the war, not the saints.

Before entering the Houshan Cultivation Ground, six of the seven Imperial Forest Guards stayed at the entrance of the cultivation ground. Only their captains, Balistan and Ames, walked behind the cultivation ground behind Charles the Great; the three had just entered , A gray-haired old man greeted him.

"Your Majesty, the seven magisters, nineteen swordsmen, and eight paladins of our royal family have been assembled, and they will fight for you and the royal family at your command!"

"Seven uncles, please trouble your old." For these elders of the royal family, there is no emperor's majesty on Charlie the Great. He even deliberately lowered his posture, which is also what the emperors of all dynasties will do.

When Charlie the Great walked side by side with his seventh uncle, he asked him softly, "Where is the uncle, the elder ancestor?"

"Your Majesty, the ancestors have just broken through, and they are still consolidating the realm; unless it is really the point of life and death for my royal family, no one can disturb."

"Seven Uncle Gong, the situation outside is completely out of control now, and the rebels are about to break through the inner walls of our palace; if no ancestors come forward, I am afraid that even if we can dispatch 40 or 50 holy class strong men, we will not be able to reverse the overall situation. ."

"This..." Wen Yan frowned tightly, and said after a moment of contemplation: "Try it first, if we can't control the situation, I will go to ask the ancestors to go out; no matter what, the sky of the empire Can't be changed!"

After getting the promise he wanted, Charlie the great tense mood instantly relaxed a lot; in his view, as long as the retired ancestors are willing to go out, then everything will settle quickly, no one can threaten the royal family The reign of the empire!

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