Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1528: "·Coming Soon·Four"

Some troubles are lost, and then there is a chance for the clouds to be light and windy.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Seven royal magicians, nineteen swordsmen, eight paladins, together with seven royal guards, twelve secret guards, and fifty-three saint-level strongmen descended from the sky. Bai Feng was shocked, and the royal family was terrible!

Before these royal sage strongmen were killed, although Bai Feng knew that there were seven royal guards beside Charles Emperor, he did not know that there were thirty-four sage strong men in the royal family. As for the secret guard, That was in Bai Feng's layout.

The number of saint-level strongmen possessed by Hidden Guardian is more than they are now showing. In addition to the twelve swordsmen who are directly involved in the battle and the six swordsmen left in the palace, the secret guards also have five swordsmen The level of command is scattered in other countries.

Among the twenty-one sword saints of the Secret Guard, only a handful of the first-level sword saints were cultivated by the secret guard themselves. Most of the other sword saints are the most famous saint-level strongmen on the mainland and are secret guards. It has cost countless manpower, material and financial resources to secretly solicit it.

Because the great Charlie the Great can’t invest too much time and energy in the affairs of the secret guard, the Ames who are really in charge of the secret guard are the people who come to recruit these sages; in other words, these sages The actual loyal person is Ames.

Immediately after the appearance of the Imperial Guard and the Secret Guardian Swordmaster, he rushed to fight against the inside Queen Kuntus, and the royal sage strongmen came straight to Baifeng; the royal sage strongman's intention to decapitate is very obvious. There are also many Saint-level strongmen greeted by Bai Feng.

The two high-level flame swordsmen directly hedged, and the seven hidden elders of the wing human race who were commanding the wingman warriors in the sky also rushed down in an instant; the two high-level flame swordsmen were extremely powerful, plus The seven elders of the Winged Clan were assisted by the side. The holy class strong men who dragged the royal family in a short time had no problem, but it was unrealistic to repel the other party.

The nineteen swordsmen and eight paladins on the royal side battled with the two high-end flame swordsmen on the side of Bai Feng and the seven winged clan elder elders; the remaining seven royal mages also fell Without blindly rushing forward, they stayed in midair outside the battle group, using their magic wands to continuously release magic, covering the area where Bai Feng was attacked.

Even if it is the simplest fireball of all magic, the power released by the magister will not be too small, not to mention that the magic released by these magisters is not the lowest level of fireball, and there is no white peak on the side guarded by the flaming swordsman. , Can they stop their attack?

When the first wave of magic by the royal magisters was about to attack Bai Feng, Bai Feng directly activated his teleportation array in the White Spirit Ring and disappeared in place; looking at the ground that was blown out of the big pit by magic, a magician Frowning, said: "Space Wizard?"

"No, it should be some kind of space magic equipment." The oldest man in the magician pointed to the place where Bai Feng just disappeared. "If he is a space magician, the space elements here must have fluctuated a lot. This is not the case."

"If it's only space magic equipment, then he certainly can't escape too far. Everyone scatters to find him." The most powerful high-level magister, after a little thought, gave everyone a scattered search. Bai Feng's order.

As they were preparing to separate, Bai Feng appeared in the same place again out of thin air; but this time Bai Feng was no longer coming back alone, and he brought all the fifteen flaming sword saints who remained in the Eastern Metropolitan Government here Come, he wants to crush the royal family on high-end combat power!

As soon as fifteen flaming sword sages appeared on the battlefield, seven people went straight to the magician who had not yet responded, and the other eight joined the battle group on the other side; as they joined, the battlefield The situation was reversed in an instant.

Seven flaming swordsmen against seven royal mages, naturally the more powerful flaming swordsmen against the magisters; ten flaming swordsmen and seven winged human elder elders against 19 royal swordsmen and eight The royal paladin is also stronger than the flaming sword saint.

The melee between the Saint-level strongmen is not a short-term victory, even if the strength of the Flame Juggernaut and the Winged Clan elder elder stabilizes the other side, the royal Saint-level strongmen can still rely on their quantitative advantage The wind will not fall temporarily.

After putting the last group of flaming sword saints in his hands on the battlefield, Bai Feng, who was no longer available to the saint-level strongmen, hardly hesitated, gave a magic signal to Maxi who had just come together. The signal was sent out.

The fiery red magic signal just exploded in the sky, and the twelve secret guards who were killing the four sides of the inner wall gave each other a glance. Then they slowed down the speed of their enemy and began to intentionally or unintentionally. Walk past Yulin Tiewei.

The captain of the Imperial Forest Guard, Balistan, first noticed that three secret guardian saints slowly appeared near him, but he did not doubt this; although the identity of the opponent’s secret guard made him not very fond of, but everyone After all, it was Charlie the Great who was loyal to him. He was barely a colleague. Now he is fighting side by side on the same battlefield. He has no reason to doubt each other.

Bally Stein, who is even the captain of the Imperial Guards, turned a blind eye to the deliberate approach of the Hidden Guardian Swordmaster, and the other six Imperial Guards didn’t have any doubts about it; just as they bravely killed the enemy, they were ready The secret guardian swordsmen sent hands!

The three Hidden Guardian Swordsmen who had a good look at each other launched attacks on him from both the left and right sides and behind him; perhaps because the strength of the three Hidden Guardian Swordsmen was still too low and powerful At the moment of the attack, Balistan instinctively turned back and waved his sword one block, even blocking the long swords of the three hidden guard saints from three angles.

"Did you dare to betray your majesty?!" Balistan shouted angrily at the secret guardian saint.

"Our loyalty has never been a high emperor!" The leading hidden guardian saint just sneered, and then the three secret guardian saints joined forces and killed them towards Ballystan; the two soldiers who were fighting on the inner wall, I don't understand why the two gangs of juggernauts who were fighting side by side just now started fighting themselves, but they still wisely chose to give up the battlefield.

Ballystan’s power is unquestionable. He can escape the attack of the three secret guards and firmly hold the upper hand in the fierce battle with them. It is enough to prove how strong he is; but others under his command The Yulin Tiewei would not work, and the six Yulin Tiewei who had been brutally attacked suffered two serious injuries and lost their fighting power on the spot, and the remaining four were also seriously injured.

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