Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1529: "·Coming Soon·Five"

The advantage of getting old is that there are fewer and fewer things that can be lost.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

The two Royal Forest Guards who lost their combat power on the spot were Borus Braun and Marin Tran, and the four Royal Forest Guards who sustained the fight with injuries were Preest Greenfield and Manden Mu. , Alex Oakhurt, Sandor Clegon.

The Yulin Tiewei is the Yulin Tiewei, even though their combat power has declined to varying degrees due to injuries, but their fighting will is still very firm; in the face of the siege of the eight secret guards, four injured Yulin Tiewei still occupy The upper hand of the battle.

In the most powerful ballistan, the addition of another secret guardian juggernaut still failed to pose a threat to him; as the captain of the Imperial Forest Guard, ballistan is much stronger than ordinary high-end juggernauts. Moreover, his opponent is still only four mid-level swordsmen.

The royal saint-level strongmen were all intercepted by the flaming sword saint and the winged human clan elder elders, and the Yulin Tiewei was in a worrying situation under the attack of the secret guard sword saint; this situation made Charles the emperor, who had been watching the development of the war, very It was a helpless long sigh.

"Seven Uncle Gong?"

"Your Majesty, I will invite you there immediately." Before leaving, the old man reminded Charlie the Great and said: "In the future, the special power like the Secret Guard will be left to our royal family to manage it, outsiders. After all, they are outsiders and unreliable."

"Seven uncles rest assured, I understand." Charlie the Emperor clenched his fists secretly, his face respectful as usual.

Bai Feng asked Ames who was standing next to him for the first time: "Ames, I'm curious about one thing."

"Du Du wanted to ask, why did the hidden guard obviously have such a strong strength, but the Emperor Charlie still had to give the hidden guard to me as an outsider to take care of, instead of letting the royal family take care of it?" Ames could become the number one of Charles the Great Believe that, the ability to observe and watch is really extraordinary, Bai Feng just spoke, he guessed what Bai Feng wanted to know.

"Yes, I can hardly imagine, because of the suspicious character of Charlie the Great, why he would rather trust outsiders than members of the royal family; as far as I know, there are not many people in the royal family who really have the opportunity to claim the throne, and most of the members of the royal family It's still very peaceful."

"Dudu, that's what you don't know about the dusty history of more than 20 years ago." Ames took the initiative to mention the past: "The emperor's former emperor William the Great, was the brother of Charles the Great, then Charles the Prince. The emperor ascended the throne through a coup."

"Coup?" Bai Feng, who had a faint understanding of the history of more than two decades, never actually knew it positively, so he made no secret of his curiosity: "Isn't the empire imposes rules that the royal family members do not actually seal?" "How could Charlie the Great have a chance to coup?"

"Emperor William too trusted his younger brother, and even reached the point of blindness. He not only divided the four provinces in the middle of the empire near the imperial capital to Charlie the emperor, who was also a prince at the time, but also authorized Charlie to stay in the emperor as an empire. Minister of the Army."

"In just three years, under the loyalty of the local aristocracy in the four provinces, Charlie the Great used his power to form a large army in his land; this situation continued until a loyalty to William the Great The aristocratic nobility, after accidentally learning about the size of Charlie the Great's private army, immediately reported the matter to William the Great, so that the matter became known to everyone."

"With the exposure of the size of this army, William the Great finally realized that his brother was actually far more restless than he thought; he intentionally weakened the strength of Charlie the Great to warn each other, but he couldn't bear to do things too terribly, Only removed the role of Charlie the Great."

"The dismissed Charlemagne fled the emperor overnight and returned to his territory, attempting to use force to fight against William the Emperor; as a result, as soon as the rebel army of four royal legions entered Charlemagne's territory, the army of Charlemagne did not fight. Self-defeating."

"More than 300,000 rebel prisoners of war were taken back to the capital with Charlie the Great. Just as the judiciary was about to try Charlie the Great, the Emperor William even issued an amnesty to exonerate Charlie the Great and his rebels. It was only symbolic. The fief was recovered."

"On the day the edict was issued, more than 300,000 rebel soldiers were acquitted, and Charles the Great was also taken to the palace; at that time, the four royal legions returned from the expedition were stationed outside the capital city, and the three royal knights The regiment also selected new horses outside the city."

"Taking advantage of the defensive emptiness in the imperial capital, Charlie the Great, who confessed to William the Great in the afternoon, launched a new round of rebellion in the evening with his soldiers who had just been released. This time he successfully entered the palace. And captured Emperor William."

After listening to Ames’s account, Bai Feng’s first impression was that there were too many loopholes in this history; even if the four royal legions and the three royal knights were not in the imperial capital, the royal forest army defending the palace was still there, which was tens of thousands of equipment Sophisticated elite battles, how can the Wuling people who defeated the Imperial Army in the face of the Royal Legion under the command of Charlie the Great defeat the Yulin Army?

In addition, Charlie the Great now has so many Holy Powers available. Will there be Saint Powers around William the Great? Not to mention the role these holy class strong men can play, at least they can help the great army of William to transfer the royal army outside the city into the rebellion of the imperial capital. It is definitely the easiest thing for the holy class strong men to pass orders. Why didn't it?

"Ames, what happened in the imperial city at that time, why did Charlie the Emperor so easily enter the palace and successfully usurp the throne to claim the emperor, is there any hidden reason?"

"Du Du, all the information about the coup more than 20 years ago has been deliberately disguised by the emperor Charlie. I know all these are secretly collected by myself. There will definitely be omissions in many details; you want to know For details, you can visit some nobles who experienced this personally in the past, such as the Duke of Patel of the Watson family and the Duke of Amble of the Corona family."

"Bai Feng, if you want to know what was that year, we can tell you now." The voice of Duke Patel came from behind them. When Bai Feng turned around, he saw a pedestrian who walked over. It is unreasonable for some of them to appear in the imperial capital at this time.

Bai Feng’s actual father-in-law, Duke Crest, should be in Pollini at this time, and Duke Rondestede should also be in Besançon. In addition to the two of them, he was also behind Duke Patel. There was Duke Gerald, who had previously disappeared due to the oath of loyalty of the Knights of the Guards to the Prosperous Lord, Duke of Gurner, Dean of the Imperial College, and Duke of Karl, Vice-President.

The Iron Duke Longde Stadt doesn't count, the other five Dukes happen to be the contemporary heads of the Empire's five major families, and the meaning behind the five of them joined together, even Bai Bai, who has already managed to win, has to weigh in his heart.

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