Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1532: "·Coming Soon·Eight"

Many things can't be controlled by yourself. Even if you are lonely and lonely, you still have to keep going. You can't stop or look back.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"My Excellency the Duke, I want to know if I ascend to the throne as the son of William the Great, will it cause some unnecessary disputes and troubles within the empire?" At the moment of victory, Bai Feng undoubtedly cares about this issue. .

"His Royal Highness, when the emperor Charles seized the throne through a coup for more than two decades, there was no chaos in the empire; now the son of William the Emperor regained the throne, the empire will not be chaotic because the nobles of the empire will only support the victors, especially the powerful victories. By."

As soon as the words of Duke Patel ended, Duke Ronderstad took the initiative to ask the battle: "His Royal Highness, you have given an army of officers, whoever dares to object to your ascendance to your throne, and the officials will destroy them! You are the son of your majesty, you should be the emperor of the empire!"

The loyalty of Iron Duke Ronderstad to William the Great can't be questioned by anyone; Bai Feng also believes that as long as he orders, Duke Ronderstad will become his pioneer, but rule a large empire. You need more than iron and blood.

Faced with the look that Duke Longde Stad expected, Bai Feng did not directly reject him: "Northwest Empire, the royal rebellion William splits one side, the southwest empire, the royal rebellion Harry splits one side, as well as Deman Kingdom, Dessau Kingdom, White Horse Kingdom The troops of the Duchy of Feiyu and the Duchy of Kassel invade the empire. If our empire wants to rise again, there must be iron and blood."

Bai Feng said so much, and the Duke of Ronderstad didn't understand what he meant: "His Highness is at ease, he understands."

Duke Patel, who was more satisfied with Bai Feng’s performance, said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, the Empire has just encountered an unprecedented rebellion, and then the battle for the throne has erupted, whether it is the local aristocracy or the imperial capital. The nobles have suffered a heavy blow; this is the perfect time for you to stabilize your empire and consolidate your rule."

"The people who win the hearts of the people will have the world. I will not evade what I should do; but all the government agencies of the empire have been destroyed and destroyed in the rebellion and war. How to rebuild the government agencies of the empire as soon as possible is the key. Bai Feng said with a frown.

The Duke of Patel just wanted to put out a series of reconstruction plans and trays that he had prepared. Arthur Dane and five other guards of the Iron Guard returned with seven injured guards such as Loras Tyril who was wounded. Duke Tell can only swallow his words back into his stomach.

How Arthur Dane persuaded Loras Tyril and others, Bai Feng did not know and did not want to ask about such trivial matters; after another oath, Loras Tyril, Barron Sven, Oss The seven people of Mont Kate Black, Christon Cole, Ryan Redwin, Anderson Hisan, and Robert Demo became members of the Imperial Forest Guardian around Bai Feng.

Of these seven people, only Loras Tilil, who had served as the captain of the Imperial Forest Guard, is a seventh-level swordsman. The other six people have the ability to fight, all of which are fifth-level swordsmen; Arthur and other previous generations The strength of Yulin Tiewei is much stronger than them.

The four previous generations of Yulin Tiewei, Oswell, Levine, Jon, and Gerald are all nine-level swordsmen. They are stronger than the wild beast swordsman Douglas. Even the high-end flaming swordsman under Bai Feng, a pair One-on-one is not necessarily their opponent.

As for the strength of Arthur, the "Dawn Sword" stronger than them, Bai Feng did not ask, and Arthur did not take the initiative to say it; without surprise, his realm was either a sword saint one step away from the sword god. The pinnacle is either the legendary sword god!

"Who dares to offend my royal family!"

An angry cry came from inside the palace, and like thunder generally sounded in everyone's ears, even Bai Feng was a little dizzy and shocked by this scream; fortunately, Arthur, who had just taken over as the captain of the Imperial Guard In the first block, Bai Feng was not injured.

With Arthur’s standing protection, Bai Feng was not injured under this anger, but others did not have such good luck; Duke Patel and others who were just a few steps away from Bai Feng, everyone was a powerful saint. Level strong, but there is still a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth.

"He hasn't been able to retreat for so many years, and he has broken through." Arthur said to himself, Bai Feng instantly knew who this person was in his ears; but, with the exposure of his new identity, Bai Feng was right This person's fear has been reduced to a minimum.

Bai Feng, who turned his head, asked the Duke Patel who was still struggling to resist the majesty of the sword god: "If I now show my true identity, will this patron saint of the royal family of Hohenzollern stop? , No longer interfere in this war."

"His peace of mind, His Majesty Barbarossa had taught His Majesty when he was a child, and His Majesty has always esteemed His Majesty Barbarossa; if it was not His Majesty Barbarossa's retreat, he would not be possible with His support. Being usurped!"

After getting the answer he wanted, Bai Feng ordered to Arthur who was standing in front of him: "Arthur, please tell your Highness Barbarossa about my identity and try to avoid his involvement in this war."

"Follow your orders, Your Highness!" Arthur, who was instructed, did not leave directly. He ordered the other Imperial Guards: "Oswell, protect your Highness well. Any other people who are close to your Highness or conspiracy, don't kill!"

"Comply, Captain!" Oswell and four others rushed to replace Arthur and continue to protect Bai Feng.

Arthur rising from the sky, ignoring the pressure of Barbarossa's sword god, as if a lightning flash hit the palace; it seemed to feel the existence of Arthur, a red-haired face with red hair and wearing a prince's casual clothes The old man appeared in the air just out of thin air.

"Arthur, you were the captain of William's Imperial Guard, did you even want to betray our royal family?!"

"His Royal Highness, I have never betrayed the royal family!" Facing Prince Barbarossa, who was not angry and self-defeating, Arthur, who was never impetuous, said forcefully: "But my loyalty is always His Majesty William!"

"William is gone. The current emperor is Charlie!" Prince Barbarossa's momentum was another three points stronger.

"Your Majesty William has indeed been killed, but the bloodline of His Majesty has not been cut off!" Arthur pointed to Bai Feng's location, Shen said: "This is the orphanage of our Majesty who was desperately escorted by Yulin Tiewei back then. His throne!"

"He is the son of William?!" Prince Barbarossa was immediately moved.

"After we escorted His Highness out of the palace, under the cover of the help of the five major families, the head of the court, Rolls, secretly sent His Highness to the South, and handed over to the White family who are loyal to His Majesty."

"Since he is the son of William, he should become the emperor of the empire!" Prince Barbarossa said firmly.

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