Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1533: "The End of the Times"

The more you try to forget, the more you remember deeply.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"His Royal Highness, the royal family will bother you to come forward." Arthur asked.

Prince Barbarossa refused on the spot: "Arthur, you entered the palace at the age of twelve to become the servant of the Imperial Guard of the Iron Guard. At the age of forty, you became the guard of the Imperial Guard of the Iron Guard. Law, have you forgotten?"

"His Royal Highness, Bai Feng is the son of William. His real name is Augustus Frederick Hohenzollern, the heir to the emperor's justified throne!" Arthur, who knew the rules of the court and the iron laws of the royal family, could only emphasize Bai Feng again and again I hope to convince each other.

"The iron law is the iron law. All the royals except me belong to Iris. I have no right to intervene; Iris decides to help, and the royals will fight for whomever I am with William. How close the relationship is, I can't break the rules for his son."

"His Royal Highness, are court rules and royal iron laws really that important?"

"'Rules are above everything else, and the iron law makes Hohenzollern.' This is the language before our Hohenzollern family created the Dragon Empire. Others may have long forgotten, but you Arthur as a former royal forest Captain Iron Guard, haven't you learned this sentence?"

"Your Highness, I will not embarrass you any more." Arthur slowly withdrew his sword, stroking the pale body like milky white glass: "This is the Imperial Sword'Dawn given to you by Your Majesty." ', Today I will use it to fight for His Highness Frederick!"

"Arthur, you have broken through the barriers of the holy order, why do you do this again?" Prince Barbarossa persuaded him to say: "You and I understand that when we come to this state, the so-called holy order is just ants. That’s it; but every time you kill an additional Holy Order, there will be a little bit of entanglement in your body, which is a great obstacle to your future to a stronger state."

"His Majesty, when His Majesty died more than 20 years ago, I should follow His Majesty's Captain of the Iron Guards to fight to the last moment, but because of the presence of His Royal Highness Frederick, I can only choose to steal and kill; now, Fred His Royal Highness once again confiscated me as captain of the Imperial Forest Guard, and when he challenged the usurper of the year, the only thing I could do was fight for him!"

"" After a long sigh, Prince Barbarossa disappeared again out of thin air.

With the departure of Prince Barbarossa, the horror and majesty that filled the air dissipated instantly; witnessing all of this, the emperor Charlie witnessed and panicked and asked Prince Iris: "How did the seven uncles, the ancestors just came Gone again?"

"Your Majesty..." Prince Iris just wanted to explain something to Charlie the Great, but found that Arthur was shooting at him hurriedly; Arthur Dane's superb name of'Dawn of the Dawn', but it was actually hit, not to be beaten. Prince Elis took it carelessly.

The reason why Prince Elis can become the manager of the royal family is partly because he is closely related to Charles the Great, and on the other hand because he does have great strength; the seventh-level swordsman, although he has just entered the high The gate of the rank sword sage, but it is already the second largest royal strongman after the Barbarossa. The other strong royals are the strongest but only the intermediate rank strong.

In the face of Arthur, the former Yulin Iron Guard captain who killed him directly, Prince Elis decisively took out his saber that had not been sheathed for more than a decade. In the eyes of Prince Elis, even if he was not Arthur's opponent , Not to lose too badly.


Only one face, Prince Elis, who rose from the sky, fell to the ground at a faster rate; after a loud noise, Prince Bloods, who was covered in blood, climbed up tremblingly, shaking his voice: "You, You, did you break the barrier and become a sword god?"

Arthur didn't pay attention to Prince Elis' question at all. He pointed at Prince Elis with a chilling expression: "If it weren't for you, then your majesty would not have died, and His Highness did not need to be incognito and foster White House; now, it's you It's time to pay the price!"

"Bai Feng is actually the orphan of William the Great...ah!"

With a shock to reality, Prince Iris, the second character of the royal family after Charles the Great, was given the title of the sword of'Dawn' by Arthur using William the Great; Prince Charles, who watched the corpse separate, Charlie The emperor was really desperate.

Emperor Charles, who knew he had no way to live, greeted the murderous Arthur with a bitter smile: "I used to think that Bai Feng was a talented and handsome man. Later, he found that his ambition was great, but I never thought of it. He would be the orphan of Big Brother."

"What qualifications do you have to call your majesty the elder brother?" Even though he has become the legendary sword god, Arthur is still full of anger: "Your majesty treats you not badly, and even modified the laws of the empire to reuse you. The result? Are you? How do you return your majesty!"

"Arthur, the past is over, and history is always written by the winner." Emperor Charles said frankly: "I am not a qualified emperor, especially my elder brother, so I never regret doing it myself Things that have happened; perhaps, Bai Feng can do better than we do, and I will be glad that he is part of our Hohenzollern family, not the people of the Bai family."

"Those words, please stay with the royal princes to explain." Arthur waved the great sword in his hand without hesitation, and then a head rolled down to the head of Prince Iris; from this From the moment, the era where the Dragon Empire belonged to Charlie the Great officially came to an end, and a brand-new era directly belonging to Bai Feng was coming!

The armies of Prince Barbarossa left, and Prince Iris and Emperor Charles died one after another, making the battle between the two armies on the inner wall and the holy class melee in the sky have become meaningless; the six dukes and the two generations of royals Lin Tiewei's full support made Bai Feng stay in the palace easily.

After entering the palace, Bai Feng learned that the Prosperus, imprisoned by Charles the Great, and his mother had been secretly executed by the secret guardian saint; the mothers of other princes and princesses were also controlled by the secret guards and temporarily held in In a cold palace.

At the same time, they were secretly executed by the Secret Guard, as well as the former Duke of Columbine, Duke Hammond, Duke of Foreign Affairs, Duke of Boris, and Duke of Tras, the Minister of Finance; The ministers of power for many years have all become victims of the end of an era.

In addition to the four Duke himself, the family of four of them was also liquidated. This is the price they should pay to support Charlie the emperor’s coup; overnight, the four empires were second only to the top Duke family of the five major families. After being delisted, even the countless middle- and lower-class noble families attached to these four families were stripped of their titles to civilians.

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