Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1550: ""

Fire burns the forest to ashes in a day, but water and wind take more than 100 years to reforest.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"Your Majesty, the 41st, 43rd, and 54th Legions of Besançon, the 22nd, 31st, and 35th Legions of Poligny, and the No. The twenty-third, twenty-sixth, and thirty-seventh legions, the twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirtieth legions of the Clermont-de-France province, arrived in the capital two hours ago. See how to place these twelve Legions?"

"The army of the province of Besançon is the old department of the Duke of Rondestede, and the army of the province of Pollini is the old department of the Duke of Crest. The combat power should be pretty good, and it has not suffered any serious damage. Temporarily arrange them to be stationed in the military camp in the south of the city."

"Your Majesty, what about the army of the Duke of Reinhardt and the army of the Duke of Albert?" Quintus continued to ask.

"The military talents of Duke Reinhardt and Duke Albert are okay, but haven't their troops just been hit by the rebels?"

"Your Majesty, when the battle of the imperial capital was in full swing, Duke Reinhardt and Duke Albert had completed the supplementary restoration of their respective armies with the secret support of the five major families. Fully filled."

"In this way, the five major families are not as peaceful as they showed!" After a slight sigh, Bai Feng told Kuntus: "Then the twelve legions are all arranged in the army barracks in the city, In a few days I will personally place them."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After Quintus left, he put down his broken Bai Feng, and began to think about how he should place the twelve legions next; at this time, the army stationed in the southern military camp of the Imperial City has reached 400,000. !

First, the second minister of the military, Moritz, carefully selected 100,000 veterans from the Northern Army and the Imperial Capital Army, followed by Cassow’s Blast Legion, and then Paresi’s Ray The Yunshu Guards now added 12 more standing legions; only half a month later, the troops stationed temporarily in the southern military barracks of the Imperial City were almost overcrowded.

The current situation of the Royal Capital’s military distribution is that the Royal Forest Corps, which has begun to take shape, has entered the Royal Palace, and the Imperial City Defense Army, which is still under construction, has also entered the Royal Capital and taken over the four walls of the Royal Capital. Standing legion.

However, no matter how large the scale of the Chengdong military barracks is, it can only accommodate 500,000 troops at most. Therefore, in addition to the five royal legions temporarily stationed in the Chengdong military barracks, the fifty standing legions also temporarily stationed in the east of the city are all Those who camped outside the city on their own.

In the Chengbei military barracks, which can accommodate 400,000 troops, there are more than 200,000 Qiqi troops stationed; in the Chengxi barracks, which can accommodate 400,000 troops, the 400,000 Northern Army and the Imperial Capital Army are stationed, and there are forty troops under construction. A garrison corps, but the soldiers of the garrison corps, like the standing corps, camped outside the city on their own.

The Seongnam Military Barracks, which can accommodate 400,000 troops, was still in a free position. It is now overcrowded; even so, the Seongnam Military Barracks are relatively special compared to the other three military camps, because Bai Feng has not announced that he will be stationed in the Seongnam Military Barracks. What exactly the various armies in China are going to do is enough to attract countless curious eyes here.

The role of the Imperial Royal Corps and the Standing Corps is self-evident. After all the garrison regiments have been formed, they will also go to various places. The new identity of the descendants is the soldiers of the military reserve. The loyalty of the Eight Banners Qiqi is that the emperor is no longer a secret. ; Then the question is coming, what is the role of the 400,000 soldiers stationed alone in the Seongnam Military Camp?

Whether it is the Duke Patel, the prime minister who has the right to ask all matters of the empire, or the Duke of Crest, who is the minister of the military of the empire, they have found Bai Feng for this matter, but Bai Feng did not give them an accurate answer. It makes other people even more curious.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Duke and Mr. Ron of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce are here." Barron came in to report.

"Let them come in." Bai Feng, who actively invited Duke and Ron to come, closed his hand.

"Caomin visits His Majesty!"

"The two gentlemen are my old friends, so don't be so polite, let's get up."

Although Bai Feng said it very politely, Duke and Ron stood up slowly after a respectful salute. Duke's position in the Westminster Chamber of Commerce was slightly higher, and he represented him: "His Majesty is crowned At that time, we missed the Westminster Chamber of Commerce for some reason, it was really a sin; this gift list is a little bit of our Westminster Chamber of Commerce, and we hope His Majesty will forgive sins."

"Mr. Duke, my friendship with the Westminster Chamber of Commerce has been established for several years, and the various tests I have experienced during this period are numerous. Even if I have assumed the throne today, your Westminster Chamber of Commerce Help, I still remember people."

"Your Majesty is a magnificent celestial wizard. Even without the help of our Westminster Chamber of Commerce, we will surely accomplish something great. Our Westminster Chamber of Commerce is just a trivial thing that happened at the meeting. Dare you dare to say something under your majesty."

After accepting the gift list presented by Osment, Bai Feng put it aside directly, and then took out the prepared things and handed it to Osmond: "Mr. Duke, your Westminster Chamber of Commerce I accepted; I give you The remuneration of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce is also accepted."

Some unidentified Duke, after opening what Osmon handed him a glance, when the scene changed, he calmed down a little bit and then carefully asked Bai Feng, "Your Majesty, you really want you Within the empire of the empire, give us the same business treatment as the Royal Chamber of Commerce and the Sofia Chamber of Commerce, and also concession all our goods free entry and exit?"

"Mr. Duke, every privilege written on what I give you is true." Bai Feng smiled.

Duke is a businessman, and a very successful businessman, so he never believes that there is a free lunch in this world; but Bai Feng's condition is that he can hardly refuse, he is struggling, hesitant It took five or six minutes.

After finally making up his mind, Duke opened his face to Bai Feng with a determined face: "Your Majesty, I know that there can be no free lunch in this world, so you can mention anything you want, as long as I can do anything within my power I promise you; if it exceeds my terms of reference, I am willing to report this matter to a higher level of our chamber of commerce and try to facilitate this matter as much as possible!"

"Mr. Duke really is a smart person, I like to deal with smart people like you." After glancing at Duke with admiration, Bai Feng asked solemnly and asked: "I want you Westminster Chamber of Commerce in Black Yao City in the Chaos Realm!"

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