Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1551: ""

No one can share the real pain with you. You can only change it from one shoulder to your other shoulder.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"Your Majesty, do you want Hei Yao City?" Duke was surprised by Bai Feng's request, but was not shocked.

"Yes, as long as your chamber of commerce is willing to hand over the Hei Yao City to me, all the conditions that I open to your chamber of commerce will be fulfilled immediately; from now on, your chamber of commerce will be in the same status as the Sofia Chamber of Commerce. , Enjoy all kinds of business privileges."

"Your Majesty, although I don't know why you want to get Hei Yao City, I will try my best to help you do this." Duke first understood his attitude, and then he said abruptly: "However, you also I know, I’m just the person in charge of our Chamber of Commerce in the Tianlong Empire, and the Hei Yao City is in chaos, so I can’t guarantee that this transaction will be made.”

"Mr. Duke, I believe that with your and Mr. Ron's help, this transaction can be made." Bai Feng smiled slightly and increased his bargaining power: "After the event, in addition to the promise to your Chamber of Commerce, I will seal it The two of you are the Earls of the Empire."

Although the Earl of the Empire is only the threshold for senior nobles, it is already a great gift for Duke and Ron, who came from a merchant family; know that no matter how high their status in the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, That can't be passed down to their descendants, and the empire's knighthood can be passed down to hereditary inheritance, so that their descendants will always be superior!

The common people who are always struggling on the food and clothing line, the most eager is to live like a rich man without worrying about eating and drinking; the rich merchants who have eaten and drinking without worrying about food and drink, the most eager to get a higher social status and representative status Noble title.

Ordinary aristocrats will yearn to become senior aristocrats, and senior aristocrats want to join the central ministries and become power ministers at the top of the imperial pyramid; this is human nature, and they will never be satisfied with what they already have. Not arrived.

Duke and Ron, who were breathing heavily, looked at each other for a few times, and Duke promised on the spot with his teeth clenched: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, we will give you an answer five days later!"

Is Hei Yaocheng important? The answer is of course important. No matter how important it is, it can be measured by value. Take Hei Yao City as an example. A city with a population of less than 100,000 is placed in the territory of the Tianlong Empire, which is a small city.

Such a city, if only discussed in terms of its actual value, is not worth more than 40-50 million gold coins; and the conditions that Bai Feng opened to the Westminster Chamber of Commerce are only based on the current trade scale of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce in the empire. Calculated, it can save at least 100 million gold coins of tax expenditure for the Westminster Chamber of Commerce every year.

If we consider that the Westminster Chamber of Commerce may take this opportunity to continue to expand the scale of their chamber of commerce in the empire, then the actual benefits of this transaction to the Westminster Chamber of Commerce will be no less than 150 million per year. gold.

With a tax incentive of 150 million gold coins per year to return a Hei Yao city worth only 40 to 50 million gold coins, even if Bai Feng no longer has the Roman system to rely on, it is impossible to do such a stupid thing; Another purpose.

Bai Feng's goal is not a black Yao city from beginning to end. The chaotic region where Hei Yao City is located is Bai Feng's real goal; not to mention how important the geographical location of the chaotic region is, but the chaotic region is not enough. The huge area and population of more than 50 million in the six imperial provinces are enough for Bai Feng to recover all costs.

Of course, Bai Feng is not a businessman who likes to use the profit and loss of money to calculate the gains and losses. What he cares about is actually the very special geographical location of the chaotic domain; it is no exaggeration to say that the chaotic domain is the most important springboard for the Tianlong Empire to become stronger. ,none of them!

Expand the giant territory of the Tianlong Continent, the Tianlong Empire in the middle of the eastern part of the mainland, to the east are the sunset mountains and the Holy Light Mountains that are all over the world of Warcraft. After crossing these two mountains, it is an extremely powerful orc empire and an unknown. New world.

Not to mention that Bai Feng has now reached an almost permanent peace agreement with the orc empire under the intervention of Apollo; even if he has not reached a peace agreement with the orc empire, he will not deliberately go to the orc empire that has no human foundation. Expansion.

On the prairie land north of the Tianlong Empire, the former tribes of the prairie have been swept into the historical garbage dump by the powerfully rising Mongolian tribe; the Jurchen tribe has completely become a vassal of the Tianlong Empire, and several other tribal tribes can not persist How long.

As the mongolian kingdom is about to unify the grasslands, it will be the first superpower to unify the grasslands since ancient times. In the face of such potential enemies that come and go like wind turbines, Bai Feng’s principle is to avoid fighting as much as possible. When it is unavoidable, be prepared to fight against each other in a full-fledged battle.

No matter how strong the Mongolian cavalry is, it is not invincible. Bai Feng has some ways to deal with the cavalry on the grassland. The reason why he has been reluctant to march on the grassland is mainly because he feels that there is an essential difference between farming civilization and nomadic civilization. To rule the nomadic people, the result is either that the nomadic people are assimilated or that the farming civilization is dragged down.

Even though Bai Feng has now become the emperor of the Tianlong Empire, there are a lot of worries inside and outside the Tianlong Empire today. Where does Baifeng have the time and energy to worry about things on the grassland; even if the empire returns to stability in the future, it can re-enter the road of expansion He will not give priority to the northern grasslands, because the war to expand northwards will become a bottomless cavern that will bring down the empire with little care.

In the eastern part of the barbaric land south of the Tianlong Empire, only Baifeng’s own Roman city power is left, and the two barbarian kingdoms with weaker independence and autonomy are being assimilated by the Roman city at a very fast rate and fully integrated The city of Rome is just a matter of time.

The last remaining place for the expansion of the Tianlong Empire is only the countries west of the Tianlong Empire and the Rhine Business Alliance located in the northwest corner of the Tianlong Empire. Among them, the Rhine Business Alliance is a loosely decentralized merchant alliance, not a pure country. And it is adjacent to the grassland and the land, which is not a good target for expansion, and the benefits that can be brought to the Tianlong Empire are also limited.

The Deman Kingdom to the north and the White Horse Kingdom to the south are the most stable and suitable targets for the expansion of the Dragon Empire; the problem is that the strength of these two kingdoms is not weak, especially the mainland is known for its strong infantry. The Kingdom of Deman, its military strength is not much worse than the two empire of the Dragon Empire and the Antwerp Empire.

At this time, the location of chaos at the junction of the four kingdoms of Tianlong, Deman, White Horse, and Feiyu, the superiority of its geographical position is highlighted; as long as the Tianlong Empire gets the chaotic area, then the army of the Tianlong Empire from the northwest of the chaotic area You can go straight to the hinterland of the Deman Kingdom, and you can attack the hinterland of the White Horse Kingdom from the southwest of the chaotic realm, and you can even attack the Feather Principality to the west!

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