Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1554: ""

When human beings create something with emotion and hope, that thing will be given to the soul.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"Your Majesty, Luze, the main lord of Hei Yao City, is a member of the Stuart family, one of the eight major families of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce. He was a six-level sword saint one step away from the high-level sword saint three years ago. It is not clear whether it has become a senior sword saint."

"The Hei Yao Legion of Hei Yao City currently has 32,000 strong soldiers. Each of our eight major families directly controls 4,000 soldiers. In addition to these 32,000 elites, there is also a pro The guard, about three thousand elite."

"Hei Yao City can become one of the four major forces in the chaotic realm, of course, not only the army of less than 40,000; Hei Yao City's thirty-six villages within ninety miles of Jiu Yao City are all attached to Hei Yao City. Yes, they need to hand over at least half of their tax revenue to Hei Yao City every six months, and the army must also unconditionally obey Hei Yao City’s dispatch, even if they let them die."

"The thirty-six villages of the nine towns all add up to a population of more than 400,000, and the standing army that can be directly called is not less than 20,000; if a war really happens, Hei Yao City can still take thirty-six from the nine towns. The village recruited at least 40,000 young and strong men to add to the army."

The secret guard has already compiled a very detailed information about the Black City for Bai Feng, but it is still inferior to the personal description of the Duke of Windsor; more importantly, the Duke of Windsor as Westminster The contemporary owner of the Windsor family, one of the eight major chambers of commerce, he knows the top secrets that many secret guards can't detect, which is what Bai Feng is most concerned about.

"As far as I know, the total population of the chaotic region is no less than 40-50 million. Hei Yao City is one of the four major forces in the chaotic region. Under the rule, why there are only 500,000 people in the chaotic region, accounting for only 100 of the total population in the chaotic region. One-half?" Bai Feng asked slightly frowning.

"Your Majesty, Hei Yao City, Holy Light City, Night City, and Dawn City are collectively referred to as the four major forces of the domain of chaos, but the strength of each share of power is extremely limited; this is because the domain of chaos is too chaotic. On the one hand, it is because of the intentional control of neighboring countries and the Holy See."

"A population of half a million is a threshold. Once a certain force has a population of more than half a million, all the high-level leaders of that force will surely die in one year; with the death of these high-level leaders, it was originally powerful. The forces of then split into many smaller forces."

"Is this done by the Holy See, or are all countries working together?" Bai Feng asked with a solemn expression.

"Your Majesty, the last force that killed all the high-level leaders was Hei Yao City. Our Westminster Chamber of Commerce took advantage of the chaos of Hei Yao City to enter Hei Yao City; it was almost 200 years ago. No one knows the details of the old thing."

"In this way, is it difficult to implement my plan to unify the chaotic realm?"

"Your Majesty, if someone said to the minister five years ago that the second son of the Bai family of the Tianlong Empire was the orphan of William the Great, and the idea of ​​overthrowing Charles the Emperor to regain the throne, the minister would sneer; because the Bai family is just a second-rate marquis Family, and Charlemagne has been firmly seated on the throne for more than two decades. The rule is extremely stable, which is simply impossible."

"But the reality is that it only took you a few years to take back the throne and empire that belonged to you; in the view of the minister, what is almost impossible for others to do may not be for your majesty. It cannot be done, because you convince the minister that there are geniuses in this world who can create miracles, and you are such geniuses who can create miracles!"

Faced with the flattering words of the Duke of Windsor, Bai Feng only smiled symbolically and didn't say much. It is impossible for him to get the chaotic territory that he must have because of any external factors. The specific implementation method may need to be modified.

After discussing in detail the specific transfer time and transfer method of Heiyao City, the newly duke of Windsor, duke of the Empire, and the duke of Dukes, and Earl of Ron, newly duke of the Empire, are in Baifeng's gesture. Next left the palace together.

After pondering for about half an hour, Bai Feng asked Yulin Tiewei Loras to send his entourage to the intelligence department to summon the intelligence department manager Ames; while waiting for Ames to come, Bai Feng also made the flame sword guard captain white Six flaming sword guards were called.

Although the six flaming sword guards called are the six with the lowest strength in the flaming sword guards, they also have the realm of intermediate-level swordsmen and a powerful combat power far exceeding that of the same rank. Compared with the Holy See and the Dark Council, And ordinary saints in other countries are strong but not weak.

"Ames, how many of your sacred level strongmen in the secret guard and quasi-level strongs who have reached the threshold of the sacred order?"

"His Majesty, the secret guards under his jurisdiction now have six holy rank commanders, 16 holy rank combatants, and 22 top swordsmen who are only one step away from the holy rank; in addition, we are secret Wei is in contact with two of the Rheinland Merchants' hidden saints, and once the conditions are negotiated, our secret guard will also add two primary juggernauts who are not weak."

"Since your Hidden Guardian is about to add two more Junior Juggernauts, then I will call out the Twelve Juggernauts and all the top great swordsmen from your Hidden Guardian, together with my selection from the Flaming Sword Guardian Six flaming sword guards, formed a team to follow the army to Hei Yao City."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Bai Feng and the Duke of Windsor agreed to hand over the Black Yao City one and a half months later. The transfer method was that the Westminster Chamber of Commerce directly withdrew all their high-rises in the Black Yao City. Enter the power of Hei Yao City.

The Hei Yao Legion, formerly belonging to the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, will join the Cossack mercenaries in the form of independent mercenaries to sell their lives for the Cossack mercenaries or the Dragon Empire behind the Cossack mercenaries; Bai Feng paid a one-time payment for this Thirty million gold coins were given to the Westminster Chamber of Commerce to obtain 32,000 elite soldiers of the Hei Yao Legion in the form of a buyout.

Starting from the day when the agreement is reached, Bai Feng still has 45 days. After 45 days, the Cossack mercenaries must return to the vicinity of Hei Yao City in the chaotic region to prepare to take over Hei Yao City; therefore, many originally did not Urgent things are urgent now.

But no matter how urgent things are, we must do it one by one. Rebuilding the standing army of the empire that is still being rebuilt is the basis of all plans. Then, two large troops are dispatched to destroy the northwest and southwest rebels. The top priority, especially the dispatch of a large army to annihilate the southwestern rebels in Harry's department, is the key to directly deciding whether the plan of the chaotic region can be successfully implemented.

At the same time, whether the Duke of Ribbentrop, the foreign minister who has represented the empire, can reach a truce with the Holy See, and the countries that the Holy See secretly organized, is also the key to affecting the development of the empire. Bai Feng also needs to always pay attention to This matter.

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