Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1555: ""

The years are always young, and as we grow older, you will find that childlike innocence is a matter of pride.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Under the personal supervision of Bai Feng, the Imperial Army completed the reconstruction of all the Royal and Standing Legions, as well as the Imperial Forest and the Imperial City Defense Force with unprecedented speed and efficiency; in fact, of these completed troops, only 17 standing troops The regiment was arranged and reconstructed by the military department. The other thirty-three standing regiments were changed directly.

Twenty-eight standing legions of the former Great Metropolitan Government in the East and five standing legions under the control of the five major families in the southern border rebuilt the army by directly changing the number; the Royal Legion, the Royal Forest Army, and the Imperial City Defense Army are not to mention The military headquarters did not even have the opportunity to intervene, and the three military commanders had completed the reconstruction under the personal instruction of Bai Feng.

The Duke of Crest, the Secretary of the Army, also knows that the Royal Army, the Royal Forest Army, and the Imperial City Defense Army are nominally the standing army of the empire, but in fact they are the royal family or the emperor’s own guard troops. The military department generally does not Intervene in the affairs of the three armed forces.

Because the number of soldiers required by the garrison corps is relatively large, the military department will only recruit 100,000 new recruits for the garrison corps in the provinces of the central empire, and replenish each garrison corps to three-quarters of the state; officers at all levels All the garrison regiments in place will go to their provinces and provinces under the leadership of their respective regiment leaders, and formally begin to garrison places for the central government.

After the central ministries have appointed officials at all levels of the local provinces and provinces, the commander of the urban defense force in charge of the military affairs of the local provinces and provinces will form the local urban defense force on its own, and at the same time recruit the full number of personnel for the garrison troops stationed in the province. Quarter soldier.

The 400,000 descending soldiers who changed their ranks and became reserve soldiers of the Imperial Army, were also formed by the reserve officers dispatched by the army to form 200 supplementary wing in these days; the so-called reserve officers are actually veterans selected from the original Eastern Army. And middle and low-ranking officers, Bai Feng appointed them to control the 400,000 reserve, the purpose of which is to increase the loyalty of the reserve as much as possible.

With the passage of time and the development of the situation, all the imperial armies except the Imperial Forest and the Imperial City Defense Army will leave the Imperial Capital, either guarding the border for the empire, or garrisoning the place for the empire, or expanding the territory for the empire; By then, the reserve soldiers belonging to the military department will become the only non-royal guards resident near the imperial capital.

For such an army that will be stationed near the imperial capital in the future, improving its loyalty is an inevitable arrangement for Bai Feng, otherwise he will not transfer a large number of veterans and low-level officers from the original Eastern Army to come to this reserve force. Serve as officers at all levels.

The garrison corps and the city defense corps in the local provinces have two responsibilities. One is to maintain local stability in the garrison, and the other is to serve as an imperial reserve to support the frontier when necessary; however, it takes time for the military department to mobilize the local army to the frontier. The empire standing army After the team is damaged, it is also necessary to replenish the soldiers in time, so the empire must also have a reserve force directly under the army.

The Northern Army and the Imperial Capital Army formed the first batch of reserve forces of the Imperial Army, but it was definitely not the last one. When negotiating with the military ministers a few days ago, Bai Feng had asked the Minister of the Army Clay The Duke of Stir has formulated an extremely complete reserve recruitment plan. From now on, the reserve size of the Imperial Army will be maintained at about 400,000 soldiers.

This means that every time the Imperial Army sends a batch of reserve soldiers to supplement the frontline damaged legion, they have to recruit a new group of recruits from the Empire to add to the reserve; this system requires the military to spend hundreds more every year. Ten thousand gold coins for the reserve, but the effect is also very significant, so the front line legion can get a steady stream of recruits.

The difference between the well-equipped recruits who have undergone a long period of specialized training and the young recruits directly recruited from the private sector is so clear. Bai Feng, who is a commander general, knows better than anyone else; therefore, he would rather To spend several million more gold coins, it is also necessary to establish a reserve for the army of the empire, and use a perfect reserve system to ensure the combat strength of the empire's standing army.

The day the Empire Standing Army completed the reconstruction, which was the third day when Bai Feng and the Duke of Windsor reached an agreement, Bai Feng transferred a Royal Legion and 15 Standing Legions from the Empire Army that completed the reconstruction. Rebels.

The Southwestern Rebels, commanded by the Duke of Rondestede, the main force is the Fire Corps of the Rodriguez Army, and the other is the First Army of the Demi Army, the Second Army of the Andrew Army, and the First Army of the Billy Army. The Third Army, the Fourth Army of the Davis Army, the Fifth Army of the Bonela Army, the 29th Army of the Louis Army, and the 30th Army of the Di Maria Army.

The 31st Army of the Cavani Army, the 32nd Army of the Tevez Army, the 33rd Army of the Leonard Army, the 34th Army of the Hoy Army, the Kramer Army The thirty-fifth regiment, the thirty-sixth regiment of the Harper regiment, the thirty-seventh regiment of the Praunen regiment, and the thirty-eighth regiment of the Schulz regiment.

Among the five Royal Legions, the Fire Force is second only to the Yulin Legion. With the addition of five elite standing legions and ten general standing legions, the scale of the Southwestern Rebel Army is only 400,000, but its combat strength is definitely better than that of Harry. The million-strong Southwest Rebel Army is strong but not weak.

The Southwestern Rebels under the Duke of Longdestaide also shouldered the important task of countering the White Horse Kingdom, so Bai Feng also transferred the two yellow flags and the two white flags of the Eight Banners to the Southwestern Rebels; There are 80 cattle records with yellow flags, 60 cattle records with white flags, 90 cattle records with white flags, and 315 cattle records with four flags.

The southwestern rebellious army composed of 200,000 elite infantry, 200,000 ordinary infantry, and 100,000 elite cavalry, formed the same day to swear to rebel against the rebel Harry in the southwestern provinces of the empire and many provinces in the west; Two days later, the army went out.

The half-million well-equipped stepping army went south, and the movements could hardly be concealed. Even the Prince Harry, who was far away in the southwest of the empire, received the 500,000 army of the empire on the third day of the southwestern rebel army. News of going south.

The elite of the former Eastern Army is not exaggerated even if it is used to describe the ranks of the imperial armies. The strength of the standing army of the empire rebuilt with the original Eastern Army as its backbone cannot be too weak. Unsure of the 500,000 rebellious army that blocked the empire with his millions of Uighurs under his command, he decided to start looking for allies.

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