Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1556: ""

Love, not to find a perfect person, but to learn to appreciate the imperfect person with perfect eyes.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

At this time, the force that can provide assistance to Prince Harry, or the force willing to ally with him, is only the elder brother William who is in a similar situation to him; other such as the Holy See, the Dark Council, the White Horse Kingdom, etc. have the strength to assist him Which is not an ambitious ambition like a jackal, a tiger or a leopard, they are also staring at the worried Prince Harry.

Although the coalition forces of the Kingdom of White Horse, the Principality of Kassel, and the Principality of Feiyu have not been completely withdrawn from the territory of the Dragon Empire, the intention to withdraw is already obvious; the reason why they were after the dust of the Dragon Empire was settled, He was reluctant to withdraw, he just wanted to sell for the price, and extorted another amount of money from Bai Feng, the new emperor.

In fact, as early as the day when Bai Feng was officially crowned emperor, the Holy See that promoted the formation of the coalition of the three countries had already withdrawn their personnel from the coalition forces; It was the decisions made by the three countries Hakuba, Kassel, and Feiyu themselves, and it was not at all indistinguishable from the earliest formation of the Holy See.

Whether Prince Harry can persuade the three-nation coalition to become his ally depends, on the one hand, on his willingness to pay an extremely painful price, on the other hand, it depends on whether Bai Feng is willing to compromise these three countries; if Bai Feng is willing to compromise on the truce With concessions, it is impossible for these three countries to choose to support Prince Harry and the emperor emperor Bai Feng who are enemies.

With the exception of the three countries that are selling ambiguously, neither the Holy See nor the Dark Council risk the offense of Bai Feng from death, to support Prince Harry and Prince William who are absolutely impossible to return to them; because they have no The territorial requirements do not require the Tianlong Empire to pay them compensation, so they will not choose to be directly hostile to Bai Feng, who represents the orthodox empire.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Bai Feng is willing to make an appropriate compromise with the Holy See or the Dark Council in the spread of faith, then these two religious organizations will certainly not hesitate to contribute money to help Bai Feng suppress the Prince Harry and Prince William's rebels.

Although Bai Feng will not make such a compromise, the Holy See and the Dark Council will not offend Bai Feng from death, because at this time Bai Feng has already represented the Tianlong Empire; as far as possible to maintain a good relationship with Bai Feng, became the Holy See and the dark Parliament’s only option.

Of course, the reason that the Holy See and the Dark Council would never invest in Prince Harry and Prince William to overthrow the more difficult Baifeng is mainly due to the existence of two great swordsman-level powers, such as Prince Barbarossa and Arthur; It is known that even the dark councils with a lot of holy-level powerhouses seem to have no god-level powerhouses, and the power of the god-level powerhouses is beyond doubt.

The Tianlong royal family, which originally had only one quasi-godly strong man, can bring great pressure to the Holy See. Now Bai Feng has the protection of the two god-class strong men. The Holy See and the Dark Council will naturally make wise choices.

The communication between Prince Harry and White Horse, Kassel, and Feiyu was not smooth. Bai Feng didn't care at all. His alliance with Prince William would not be taken by Bai Feng. The inevitable Prince William could not give Prince Harry What practical assistance is provided.

Just three days after the Southwestern rebels from the Duke of Rondestede were recruited, the formation of the Northwestern Rebels with Marshal Albert as the commander and the Marquis of Dambrosio as the deputy was officially completed. Like the rebels, the scale of the Northwestern Rebels is not small.

The main force of the Northwestern Rebels is the Yulin Corps of the Hans Corps, the 6th Corps of the Bella Corps, the 7th Corps of the Carol Corps, the 8th Corps of the Giannu Corps, and the Lennon Corps. The 9th Corps, the 10th Corps of the Remy Corps, the 39th Corps of the Hult Corps, the 40th Corps of the Eberbach Corps.

The 41st Corps of the Commander Grezel, the 42nd Corps of the Commander Kempf, the 43rd Corps of the Commander Kessner, the 44th Corps of the Commander Kleinman, the Lombok Corps The 45th Legion, the 46th Legion of Sun Ce, the 47th Legion of Bai Mingxing, and the 48th Legion of Alexei.

Among the five royal legions, the most powerful Yulin legion, plus five elite standing legions and ten ordinary legionaries, the Northwestern Rebel Army also has a scale of only 400,000, but its combat strength is definitely higher than that of the Northwestern Rebels of William’s Department. The army of more than 900,000 troops is strong but not weak.

The Northwestern Rebels of Marshal Albert did not have the important task of countering the Deman Kingdom and Dessau Kingdom, but they had the task of guarding against the Deman Kingdom and Dessau Kingdom hindering the empire from recovering the lost ground, so Bai Feng still adjusted the Eight Banners. The two blue flags are assigned to the Northwestern Rebels.

Dudu’s Zhenglan Banner has 65 cattle records, and Nikon’s blue flags also have 60 cattle records. The two flags have a total of 125 cattle records, and nearly 40,000 master rides. Shooting fine rides, no matter how strong the infantry of the Deman Kingdom is, there is no advantage.

The Northwestern Rebellion Army, composed of 200,000 elite infantry, 200,000 ordinary infantry, and 40,000 elite cavalry, formed the same day to swear to rebel against the rebel William in the northwestern provinces of the empire and many western provinces, and then the army was directly recruited.

Forty-four thousand well-equipped stepping troops headed north, how much pressure was given to Prince William, as can be seen from the reaction of Prince William; the panicked Prince William took him under just a few days The army that has just recovered to 900,000 has expanded to a jaw-dropping 3 million, and it is still growing at a rapid rate!

Of the three million troops of Prince William, only one million soldiers can be fully armed, and the remaining 2 million soldiers are not to mention weapons and equipment. They don’t even have a uniform like that. They are all in civilian clothes. Farmer holding farm tools.

Take the Lille province of the four northwestern provinces as an example. In addition to the county seat, Alas County in Lille province has more than 1.2 million people in seven towns and thirty-five towns; conscripts sent by Prince William In fact, more than 200,000 soldiers were recruited from more than 1.2 million people!

Almost all the young and middle-aged people in the county of Alas have been forcibly recruited by the Prince William as a soldier of the Northwest Army. A large Alas County has become a county for the old and weak women and children. The whole county may not even get 10,000 young and strong.

Such a crazy move seems to Bai Feng to be looking for his own death, but Prince William still did it, and he did it with boldness; 900,000, 1.5 million, 2 million, 3 million, 4 million ... The information sent back to the capital from the northwestern provinces by Luo Wang made Bai Feng, who learned the size of the army under Prince William, have to lament that Prince William was really crazy.

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