Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1565: ""

You cannot escape certain obstacles in life. Rather than tossing around in the past, it is better to climb bravely, maybe this will create the high point of your life.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

It was only after understanding Luquez that the tribes in the central part of the barren land belong to the barbarian group, but they are two completely different ethnic groups; the difference between the two is much greater than that of the bright vatican And the dark council did not succeed.

Unlike the eastern region where large forces such as Lu Xiluo, the Kingdom of Essini, the Eastern Alliance, and the Wit tribe were born, the central region has never seen a tribe with a population of more than 100,000 since ancient times; such a population as the Vandal tribe Fifty thousand, there are as many as 30,000 tribes of young men and women, and it is already a powerful tribe in the central region.

The smaller tribes discovered by the cavalry reconnaissance by Li Xini were actually vassals of the Vandal tribe. As the overlord tribe, the Vandal tribe was able to dispatch more than 20,000 soldiers and attackers. The Roman army launched a life-and-death fight because they had six thousand elite warriors from six other tribes in their tribe.

Each weak tribe submitting to the powerful tribe must provide at least one thousand elite warriors to stay in the powerful tribe for the trend of the powerful tribe. This is a rule set by the powerful tribes in the central region, and is also what the weak tribes in the central region must follow The law of survival.

If any tribe dared to violate this law, then the Pantheon above all the tribes would intervene; the powerful and stubborn Pantheon would severely punish the tribes who violated the law and use their methods to maintain the central region. Order.

The Pantheon, a unique force in the central region, whose position in the central region of the barbaric land is basically equivalent to the position of the bright Holy See in the kingdom of light, even beyond it; even far away from the Vandal tribe where the headquarters of the Pantheon is located Inside, there is a small temple of the Pantheon, which enshrines the four goddesses of life, abundance, forest, and warfare that are not strange to Bai Feng.

The barbarians believed by the barbarians in the central region and the barbarians in the eastern region are the same, except that there is no religious force like the Pantheon in the eastern region, but there is such a religious force in the central region, and all tribes are affected by the pantheon Control.

The Pantheon sent the bishop responsible for the size of the temple of the Vandal tribe. It is a gray robe sacrifice only one step away from the holy class, and the barbarian guarding the gate of the temple is the barbarian of the 16 great swordsmen. Soldiers, such strength is not weak.

However, in front of the army of Luquez, Li Xini and others, the 17 people in this area were unable to resist; Luquiz, who easily invited them back to the military account, first expressed to the Pantheon on behalf of the city of Rome In good faith, he then proposed to use the sterling silver and gold idols brought by him to exchange the four slightly old solid wood carved idols originally enshrined in this pantheon temple.

In the face of the goodwill released by Luquez on behalf of the city of Rome, the arrogant Pantheon's gray robe sacrifice offered a straightforward rejection; even so, Luquez forcefully sent the original statue in this Pantheon temple , All replaced with gold and silver idols.

Since the people of the Pantheon chose not to cooperate, it would be impossible for Luques to continue to treat them as his guests; the Pantheon sacrificed and guarded the warrior who was sitting in the large account of the Luques Chinese Army a few days ago. Half a day he was imprisoned by Luques.

After temporarily controlling the people in the Pantheon, Lucius forced the eldest son of the Vandal tribal chief Serik to help the Roman army take the bloodless edge of the other six tributaries of the Vandal tribe within a radius of fifty miles. .

The Vandal tribe plus six of their tribes have a total population of about 150,000; Lu Kuisi selected all of the more than 40,000 young and strong, and handed it to the Ninth Banner Army of Kuroda. A prisoner of war camp was set up alone to see them in custody, and the remaining more than 100,000 old, weak women and children were placed together in the expanded Vandal tribal camp.

Roman soldiers, who are proficient in various civil engineering techniques, expanded the camp of the Vandal tribe more than five times in just one week; the Vandal camp, which used to accommodate only 50,000 people, is now barely Can accommodate 300,000 people.

After controlling the Vandal tribe and its six affiliated tribes, Lucius left the first army of Yubu Weixin under Li Sini's army; the first army in two divided by two, and two thirds of the soldiers Stationed in the prisoner of war camp, responsible for guarding those barbarian warriors who laid down their weapons, one-third of the soldiers were stationed in the camp in Vandal, responsible for maintaining stability in the camp.

The eldest son of the Vandal tribe, Serik, together with the elite 1,500 warriors of the Vandal tribe, and the elite 3,500 warriors of the other six tribes, were temporarily made up by Luquez to form a cannon ash camp with the army. , The name is Camp Vandal.

Camp Vandal, led by Serik, although there are 5,000 soldiers with more powerful forces than the first wing of the Roman Eagle Flag Corps, but Luquiz has no fear that they will betray himself. He even produced the city of Rome. They are provided with extremely sophisticated weapons and equipment.

The reason for Lucius’s bold appointment of the Vandal camp was simple. The five thousand elite warriors who formed the Vandal camp were all in the homes of the old, the young, the middle, and the brothers and sisters. Under the premise of full control of the Roman army, let alone Lucius treat them well, even if Lucius let them die, they would not dare to refuse.

With the assistance of Camp Vandal, Lu Kuisi led the four-way west march, either a frontal attack or a fraudulent opening of the camp door. Within a few months, he captured three overlord tribes in the central region and surrendered. Twenty-six tributary tribes of these three powerful tribes occupied about half of the territories in the central part of the barbaric land, and then Luquez stopped their pace of going west.

The reason why Lucius did not continue to move westwards was that on the one hand, because of the great losses of the five-way army under his command, he needed to return to the city of Rome to take a rest in turn. On the other hand, it was because the barbarians on the remaining half of the central region The tribes have joined together under the organization of the Pantheon, and a barbarian army of up to 300,000 is rushing towards the Roman army.

Deciding to solve the Pantheon and the remaining barbarian tribes in the Central Region with a wait-and-see battle, Luquez, while constantly sending troops to return to Rome for reorganization and rest, also began to let his soldiers stay in place, relying on the terrain to build a defensive camp And small fortress.

At this time, there were already four barbarian ashes camps of the barbarian warriors under Lu Ques, namely the Vandal camp of Serik, the Goth camp of Alaric, the Atanarik camp of Feledigan, and Clay Sinbury Camp of Sri Lanka, each camp has ten thousand elite warriors!

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