Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1566: ""

Dreams will not escape, only you will escape.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"Since the warriors of the barbarian tribes in the central region have grown up to be as inferior to the combat strength of the intermediate swordsmen, why don't they march to the Principality of Kassel and the Kingdom of White Horse just one step away from them? Is there any hidden reason? "

"Your Majesty is wise!" Because Bai Feng has been crowned emperor in the emperor of the Dragon Dragon Empire, the name of Vipsani has also been restored to his former days; Bai Feng has successfully proclaimed emperor in the Dragon Emperor, which was a happy event, but Vipsani's face But there was no joy.

"Your Majesty, according to General Luquez’s investigation, the barbarians in the central region ten years ago are still at the same level of strength as the barbarians in our eastern region; since the Pantheon came to the stage uncharacteristically ten years ago, the barbarians in the central region have Strong suddenly."

As soon as things involve religious organizations like the Pantheon, Bai Feng will inevitably think of the gods who have always affected the development of the world situation, which makes his brows wrinkle instantly: "In just ten years, how did the Pantheon do it? Full coverage of the central region?"

"Your Majesty, the Pantheon has been a powerful force over all tribes in the central region since ancient times; except that the Pantheon ten years ago generally did not actively participate in inter-tribal affairs unless any tribe violated their custom. Rules."

"But since ten years ago, the Pantheon has continuously sent their gray robe sacrifices and guardian warriors to the temples of the pantheon of various tribes, personally presided over the sacrifices and prayers of each tribe, and the barbarian warriors in the central area are almost the same. It became stronger at that time."

The reality of eight nines makes Bai Feng a headache. He has to suppress the helplessness in his heart. He continues to ask Vipsani: "Luke has conquered four larger tribes and thirty-two vassals. Horde, how many people in the Pantheon did he capture?"

"Your Majesty, the Pantheon sent to each barbarian tribe is a gray robe ritual plus sixteen guardian warriors, even the tributary tribes of low status; but sent to the gray robe ceremonies of powerful tribes such as Vandal Compared with the guardian warriors, it is obviously stronger than the gray robe priests and guardian warriors sent to the tributary tribes, which is more in line with the consistent style of the barbarians."

"Thirty-six gray robe priests and 576 guardian soldiers captured by General Lucius were taken back by the first four Banner Corps who came back to the rest of the organization half a month ago, and are now detained in the city. In the barracks outside, the wingmen soldiers are responsible for the custody."

Listening to Vipsani’s narrative, Bai Feng felt even more puzzled. He frowned, "These gray-robed priests and guardians are all from the Pantheon, so they were escorted all the way to the city of Rome. Is there no resistance or attempt to escape?"

"Your Majesty, all the gray robe priests and guardians are temporarily sealed by General Lucius. Even if they have the idea of ​​resisting escape, they do not have the strength to resist escape. When they come to the city of Rome, To prevent the soldiers of the Barbarian Corps from being fooled by these people, specially dispatched three thousand winged soldiers to take charge of them."

Bai Feng, who was still uneasy about the people in the Pantheon, first asked Vipsani to send the four most powerful gray robe sacrifices to the ruling mansion, and then he went back to the imperial white again. The mansion, brought Bing Lan and Yue'er who had never moved out of the White Mansion back to the city of Rome, so that they could help them refer to the Pantheon.

"Bai Feng, do you mean that you suspect that the Four Goddesses, which have disappeared for more than two hundred years in the eastern region, reappeared in the central region ten years ago, and began to greatly enhance the strength of the barbarian warriors who believed in them?" Bing Lan's tone was somewhat Incredible.

"I feel that Bai Feng's suspicion is not unreasonable." Yue Mei, who was locked in Liu Mei's face, said solemnly: "As an adult, you have the combat power equivalent to an intermediate swordsman. This level of power surge is even stronger than the barbarian. Orcs can’t do it either."

"What is the purpose of the four goddesses to do this?" Bing Lan asked, "A barbarian tribe with a population of 20,000 to 30,000, who prays daily for the power of faith generated for one year, barely enough to reach all the young adults of the tribe. It may not even be enough to increase the strength to an intermediate swordsman; I really don’t understand why the four goddesses who also need the power of faith do this."

Yue'er gave a glance at Bing Lan who had no political mind and explained: "Because there are only two or three million barbarians in the central region, it is impossible to rely on the power of belief of these two or three million people. Two or three million people have cultivated 4.5 million elite warriors. Using these elite warriors as pioneers in spreading faith, the results will be completely different."

"If the idea of ​​the Four Goddesses is really like this, then our Roman city was born to grab their set goal." Bai Feng faced like a water channel: "The Principality of Kassel and the Kingdom of White Horse are the Holy See of the human race. Asylum, the four goddesses are absolutely not afraid to provoke easily; the western barbarian is the strongest, and it is not the barbarian in the middle that can provoke it."

"What about that?" Yue'er said with her usual high-spirited gesture: "Behind the barbarians in the central part are the four goddesses, and behind our Roman city is the sun god, who has no one on it? And, our sun **** is comparable to this The so-called four goddesses are much stronger!"

"Yeah, Bai Feng, you have the full support of the Sun God, so why worry about the threat of these four goddesses?"

Looking at Yue'er and Binglan who sang one song and being too confident, Bai Feng was a bit crying and laughing. It was at this time that Vipsani came to worship with the gray robe of four tribes such as Wang Daer. The shots sealed the bodies of the four.

"Bing Lan, you check to see if the spiritual power in them contains divine power."

Step forward to Bing Lan in front of a gray robe priest, stretch out his right hand and press the space in the position of the gray robe priest Dan Tian, ​​the gray robe priest immediately emits emerald green light, the light is not How rich, it has a majestic atmosphere that can not be ignored.

"Green represents vitality, but it is mixed with a trace of majesty and solemnity. This should be the divine power of the forest goddess."

"The same is green, this divine power makes people feel like a spring breeze, this should be the divine power of the goddess of life."

"Gold represents the harvest. The goddess of abundance is also known as the goddess of abundance. This should be the divine power of the goddess of abundance."

"Red represents glory and victory, and the same color as blood, which should be the divine power of the goddess of war."

Bing Lan's tone has always been very plain, and the expression when speaking is calm, and the contrast is the four gray robe sacrifices; when they first came in, they looked calm, even if Yue'er imprisoned them, they did not let them His expression fluctuated, and until Bing Lan began to speak, their faces appeared involuntarily panic and anxiety.

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