Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1567: ""

There is no pain that cannot be cured, no sinking that cannot be ended. All the lost things will return in another way.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

I noticed the abnormal Bai Feng from the changes in the expressions of the four gray robe priests, and did not call on them to ask them anything, but asked quietly about the same well-understood Vepsani: "Wepsani, our four Where are the guests from?"

"Governor, this guest with the goddess of war is from the Vandal tribe, this guest with the goddess of the forest is from the Gothic tribe, this guest with rich goddess of the body is from the Atanarik tribe, this The guests with the goddess of life from the body come from the Sinbury tribe." In front of these outsiders, Vipsani changed his name specially.

"In this way, the Vandal tribe should be the sphere of influence of the goddess of war, the Gothic tribe should be the sphere of influence of the goddess of the forest, the tribe of Atanarik should be the sphere of influence of the goddess of richness, and the tribe of the Simburi is the goddess of life. Sphere of influence."

Bai Feng and Weipu Sani have a tacit understanding of the question and answer, making the faces of the four gray robe priests slightly pale, but they still look like they are standing still, and they have no intention of actively speaking. Bai Feng is not care.

"Vipsani, as far as I know, it seems that the barbarians have believed in the Four Goddesses for thousands of years?"

"The Governor, I’m afraid it’s more than that, since the barbarians have believed in the legendary four goddesses. Although this barbarian has no detailed written history, it is also a branch of the human race that existed in ancient times, and its belief in the four goddesses should be considered. It has been ten thousand years."

"Since the barbarians have believed in the four goddesses for thousands of years, why are the four main tribes such as Vandal responsible for the sacrifices of the temple, and they belong to the four goddesses? ?" Bai Feng said with a smile.

"This... Governor, the minister is not a barbarian in the middle, and naturally does not understand the relationship between the four goddesses; but according to the speculation of the four goddesses, I am afraid that there is not necessarily how intimate between them." Wipsani teased his face. Tao: "As the saying goes, there are disputes in some places. Maybe the relationship between God and God is also the same. This is something that anyone can't say for sure."

"Shut up!" The gray-robed ritual of the Vandal tribe resented and resented Weipsani: "The great goddess of war will not do such a thing! You ugly pagans, actually Dare to use your extremely dirty thoughts to slander our great goddess of warfare. Such a despicable behavior will inevitably bring you disaster and destruction. You will not have a good ending!"

Vipsani sneered and threatened them: "I will not have a good ending I don't know, but I know that now I only need my order, you will be abandoned by the goddess you believe in, and then go to the underworld to throw in the death embrace."

"Even if we are killed by you poor pagans, our souls will be honored to the great temple of the goddess of war, and will not fall into the underworld!" The gray robe sacrifice of the Vandal tribe did not show the weak hard-top: "Only You pagans will fall into the underworld!"

"Maybe you went to the palace of the rich goddess?" Bai Feng interjected suddenly.

"How is it possible?" The gray robe sacrifice immediately jumped and retorted: "We believe in the great goddess of war, although the rich goddess Sananos is also one of the four goddesses, but it can not be compared with our great goddess of war. You are insulting my faith!"

"Fart!" The silent gray robe of the Atanarik tribe, who has been silent, jumped like a thunder: "Our great and rich goddess is the head of the four goddesses. Your war goddess Bellona is only the weakest of the four goddesses. You How dare you speak so loudly!"

The barbarians are barbarians, and their hot temper is a common problem of all barbarians. Even if they become a seemingly more intelligent temple sacrifice, their hot temper will still not change; Bai Feng and Weipsani only treat them slightly Adding excitement and provocation, the four of them do not have to intervene outsiders, so they have no internal quarrels.

If their bodies were still imprisoned by Yue'er's divine power, maybe these four noisy and fierce gray robe priests would have to start; this really proved a truth: different religious beliefs are indeed splitting an ethnic group The best way to use, there is no one!

Bai Feng gave ten minutes to the four gray robe rituals and let them four fight for a full ten minutes. Then he coughed twice and said slowly: "I am to the four goddesses There is not much interest in enmity and resentment, and what I want is not to replace your four goddesses at the level of faith; therefore, I feel that we can cooperate rather than be hostile."

"Cooperate? Don't even think about it!" The gray robe sacrifice of the Vandal tribe refused sharply: "You sent an army to invade our tribe and killed so many of our compatriots, and now want us to cooperate with you, This is absolutely impossible!"

Although the gray robe priests of the other three tribes were not as angry as this gray robe priest, the expression of disgust on their faces was enough to explain everything; however, Bai Feng did not take these to heart, he turned right Vipsani asked:

"Vipsani, what is the barbarian population in the eastern part of our city under the rule of Rome?"

"Governor Qiqi, the forty-five towns directly under the Roman city have a population of 4.9 million. The Kingdom of Essini surrendered to our city of Rome has a population of about one million, and the Kingdom of Lucy has a population of about 900,000. It is expected that the seven million mark will be exceeded in two years."

"What about the central area managed by the Pantheon on behalf of the Four Goddesses?"

"Governor, from the half of the central region that our Roman army has controlled, the barbarian population in the entire central region will not exceed 3.5 million, and it is very likely that there are not even three million, which is not as good as the barbarians under our Roman city. One-half of the population."

"Four, have you heard?" Bai Feng smiled slightly: "Even if you return half of the central area that already belongs to our Roman city, the population that your Pantheon can control is only three million; How much faith can you bring to the four goddesses you believe in? The cooperation with us is good for your goddess."

Looking at the Baifeng, a demon like a temptation to commit mortal crimes, the most radical of the four gray robe ceremonies, the gray robe ceremonies of the Vandal tribe are speechless; they, as the goddesses of the four goddesses, naturally know more than ordinary barbarians Much more, which means that they can understand the price quotation offered by Bai Feng better than the average person.

"We are just small priests who are resident outside the tribe, and are not qualified to decide such a big thing."

"Of course I know that this matter is not something that you can decide. I need you to do it, but it is just for me to pass on the letter." Bai Feng solemnly said: "I will let the four of you leave on your own, and you will return to the Pantheon In the future, as long as I tell your senior officials about the conditions I made, I believe they will make the right choice."

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