Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1572: ""

The seizure of what was once does not mean that it will return to the time when there was no such thing.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

Before dawn, Bai Feng took Yue'er and Bing Lan, as well as the newly summoned Aminos, Maglo, Fulcus, and Akio Kiyomizu back to the palace; as soon as they returned to the palace, Akio Kiyomizu Bai Feng was sent to the shogunate camp and formally took over the shogunate camp.

The Mufu Battalion and the Roman Battalion were the two system troops that Bai Feng took with him. As Bai Feng entered the main emperor, they were also transferred to the Royal Palace; now the Royal Palace has a total of four troops stationed in it, namely the Royal Forest Army and the Royal Cavalry Army. , Mufu camp, Rome camp.

Among them, the Royal Forest Army was led by the system general Aguis, the Royal Cavalry Army was led by the system general Salvini, the Roman Battalion was led by the system general Etius, and the Shogunate was replaced by the Kuriyama Qingan by the Shogun General Akio Kiyomizu.

There are three Roman system generals and an elite commander of the shogun system general stationed in the palace, and outside the Roman system general Gabittus's Imperial City Defense Army is defending the imperial capital. Bai Feng's control of the imperial capital has reached an unprecedented level.

Since the establishment of the Tianlong Empire, the emperor who can completely control the inside and outside of the emperor capital in his own hands, except for the founder of the Tianlong Empire, I am afraid that there is only the extremely powerful Baifeng. Who makes him an outright military supremacy!

Facing the tenth day of the ascension, the New Year of the Dragon Empire finally came. This is not the first New Year spent by Bai Feng in this different world, but it is the most meaningful new year. In the palace, went to Baifu.

Yue'er, Binglan, and Queen Budeka also joined Bai Feng, and came to Baifu under the guards of Yulin Tiewei and Blazing Sword Guard; this was Baifeng's first return to Baifu after he became king, and he was also a non-person. Came to Baifu for the first time.

Under the leadership of Bai Haotian, the former head of the Bai family, the Bai family listed a welcoming team at the gate of Bai Fu in a sequence of generations, and welcomed Bai Feng, who was no longer a Bai family, into the Bai Fu.

Looking at the white parents who have lost their mentality in front of themselves, Bai Feng did not lose much in his heart. After all, he is not a real Bai Feng. His feelings for the white parents are not deep, but he should be respected. The expression is still in place.

In addition to the material rewards, Bai Feng also specially prepared five energy light **** for the Bai family, which were gifted to Bai Haotian, Bai Mingcheng, Bai Mingliang, Bai Mingxing, and Bai Ruojun; one energy light ball per person, although not Ensure that the five of them will be promoted to the Holy Power, but they can maximize the possibility of their promotion to the Holy Power.

Such a gift is not to be understated. Bai Haotian and others inevitably showed some excitement and sincerity when they received the energy sphere of light; it is not difficult to understand Bai Feng, whose mentality has changed, but there is a touch of loss in his heart, but it is The performance is very indifferent Bai Ruoyun, so that the feeling of loss in Bai Feng's heart is slightly better.

Compared with Bai Haotian and Bai Mingcheng's distinguished and respected people, Bai Sa, Bai Han and others are more relaxed when they get along with Bai Feng, which makes Bai Feng, who is most intimate with them, very happy .

After playing with the Bai family's brothers and sisters for a long time, Bai Rou, who has always been the most understanding, suddenly mentioned Princess Diana who still lives in the backyard of Baifu; Bai Feng, who recently intends to evade this matter, can only stay silent. , A person came to Princess Diana's courtyard.

Before he walked into the courtyard, Bai Feng heard a babble of children's language and the voice of a girl teasing the child; Bai Feng, who is no stranger to this voice, naturally knew that he was teasing Prince Joachim It was Melinda, not Diana.

"Why don't you go in since you're here?"

The voice from behind made Bai Feng's face smile involuntarily. He turned around and said: "I wanted to take the opportunity of the New Year to see you, but I didn't expect you to have a guest today. Hesitant to disturb you."

Diana, who was wearing a white cotton coat, looked slightly haggard but not as haggard as Bai Feng had imagined. A pale smile hung on her pale face: "Melinda, you know each other, come in together as old friends Get together."

"Okay." Although feeling a little awkward, Bai Feng walked into this courtyard with little New Year atmosphere.

"Diana, I said, who else in the Imperial Capital dares to visit you here, it turns out to be your good cousin!" Melinda is still as spicy as ever, speaking more full of ridicule, not at all Gu Baifeng's current identity.

"Melinda, we have no complaints in the past and no hatred in the past. Are you attacking me as soon as you meet?" Bai Feng came to Baifu today not to put the emperor on the shelf, so he spoke in a friend's posture rather than the emperor. attitude.

"Baifeng, I don't care if you were Baifeng before, or now Frederick the Great. I just want to tell you that Diana is my best friend, no one can hurt her, including you!" Melinda used Facts have proved that there will always be people who are not afraid of imperial power in this world.

Facing an aggressive attitude, Melinda shrugged helplessly and said: "As you said, Diana is my sister-in-law, how can I hurt her? As long as she wants, she can move back at any time The Royal Palace, which is also her home."

Diana, who was sitting on the side of the desk tidying up the fruit and tinkering with the fruit, heard a slight pause in the words, and then pretended to continue to tidy up as if nothing had happened; Melinda rolled her eyes and continued: "Nayoah What about Sim, can you tolerate him?"

"Why can't you?" Bai Feng asked with a smile.

"Because Joachim is the son of Charlie the Great, and Charlie the Great is the murderer who killed your father, William the Great, wouldn't you kill his heirs?" Melinda said as a matter of course.

"If William, who is far northwest of the empire, and Harry, who is far southwest of the empire, and Philip who does not know where to hide, if they are willing to give up their resistance and return to the imperial capital, I will deprive them of all their rights, but they will not kill them. ."

"It's absolutely impossible!" Melinda interrupted Bai Feng with a lie on your face: "I don't believe what you said!"

"This is not a lie, but I have absolute self-confidence and will never give them any chance!" Speaking of this, Bai Feng pointed to the still-worn Joachim: "Including Joachim, When he grows up to be able to live independently, I will send him to the imperial forbidden ground of the royal family, and let him be trained and trained by the royal sage strongmen, and cultivate him as our royal sage strongman."

"Bai Feng, are you really willing to let Joachim go?" Diana, who had been silent, finally couldn't help but speak.

"Charlie the Great was slain by Arthur Dane, and his grievances with Charlie the Great must have been understood without me saying; I can tell you frankly that, apart from that Charlie the Great is the one I will kill, any other royal member I Will not kill them!"

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