Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1573: ""

It is not difficult to give up, but it must be cool to persevere.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

Diana and Melinda looked at each other, although they still felt a little unbelievable, but Bai Feng’s incisive appearance did not seem to be fake. They really didn’t know whether to believe Bai Feng or not. After hesitating for a moment, Melinda Not confident enough to ask: "Aren't you afraid that Joachim will retaliate against you in the future? Just like you retaliated against Charles the Great."

"Why should I be afraid of Joachim's revenge?" Bai Feng said with a face on his face: "The Imperial Army after the reorganization is completely loyal to me, not to mention that Joachim is only one person, even if he has a loyalty to him. Army, I'm not afraid that he will be able to toss about any storms."

After reacting from a brief shock, Diana, who was born in the royal family, understood why Bai Feng was so confident. She held down Melinda who wanted to continue to ask questions. She was grateful to Bai Feng: "Bai Feng, no matter why you made it I thank you for this decision; if possible, I hope Joachim will never know who his father is."

"You are his sister, you can teach him how you want. I won't interfere; if you really want him to never know his life, I will let all the royal family members in the forbidden area of ​​Houshan shut up to mention this matter. ." Bai Feng nodded and made his own promise.

"Thank you!" Diana sincerely thanked.

"You are my cousin, he is my cousin, we have very few members of the royal family, and now there are very few after the two disturbances. I don’t want our limited members of the royal family to continue to fall into infinite self-mutilation. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Bai Feng, don't worry, I know how to do it." Diana nodded cleverly.

After reaching consensus on key issues, Bai Feng felt a lot of confidence in his heart, and then smiled and asked Diana: "You have also lived in Baifu for a long time. When do you plan to take the little guy back to the palace, do you want me? Send someone to pick you up?"

"Today is the first day of the New Year. I can't go home with Joachim. Tomorrow I promised Melinda to go to her house, or I'll go back the day after tomorrow." After thinking about it, Diana added: "The day after tomorrow, we can go back on our own. You don't need to send someone to pick you up."

Bai Feng pointed at the children's playthings scattered around the yard, and said with a smile: "You don't need anything to pick me up to understand, what about him? There are a lot of playthings in this yard, you bring it yourself. Going back?"

"I won't take someone to help Diana if I can't take it home!" Melinda interjected angrily.

"Okay, since Melinda's heroine took action, then I don't worry about it." Bai Feng, who was about to get up and leave, said a little more before leaving: "I know you will go back sooner or later, so you sleep The maidens and attendants here are the same as before."

After having a reunion dinner with the Bai family in Baifu, Bai Feng took Yue'er and the three men back to the palace. He was no different from the lonely family. He was quite willing to accompany Yue'er when they were in After hanging around in the palace for a while, he returned to his bedroom.

This New Year, Bai Feng has been unprecedentedly smooth and safe. In comparison, the encounter of the three princes William, Harry, and Philip is much worse; unlike Bai Feng’s idleness, they are overwhelmed by the mountain of affairs Not angry.

Under the rule of Prince William in the northwest and west of the empire, his army has now broken the 6 million mark; the problem that followed was that the army’s wanton expansion allowed many middle-level generals he sent out to lead the army alone. It breeds the same ambitions as him, which directly led him to completely lose control of the western provinces under his rule.

In addition to the four northwestern provinces and the 2.4 million troops stationed in these four provinces are still under the control of Prince William, the total number of troops in the other western provinces that have escaped the control of Prince William is as high as 3.6 million; Yes, these more than 3.6 million troops belonged to more than 500 generals and commanders. They neither obeyed his command to dispatch troops nor supported each other.

In all fairness, when Prince William let these ambitious middle-level generals recruit troops from the western provinces, they were ready to lose control; but the premise is that after you have separated yourself, you have to unite to survive the imperial rebellion for survival. Army!

Prince William's original idea was to allow these ambitious generals to split the western provinces under his control into countless large and small separatist forces, increase the difficulty of rebellion sent by the empire, and save him in the four northwestern provinces. Strength delays time.

The result now is that Prince William has indeed lost the western provinces, and the ambitious generals have indeed led their forces to seize one side, and even their mad expansion of the army's size has not exceeded Prince William's expectations; but the problem is, you These fools who pull up a bunch of gangs and break up, why not unite? Prince William was extremely painful when he thought about it.

How long can the nearly 500 million troops dispersed by the nearly four million Uzbekistans that cannot be united be resisted by the attack of hundreds of thousands of elite divisions led by Marshal Albert? A month? Two months? Prince William felt that they could stand for three months.

What is enough for Prince William today? Can't do anything! Prince William, who felt that he had taken another big step, and after struggling for days, he finally made a decision, a decision that affected the situation in the empire.

Prince Harry’s situation is not much stronger than that of Prince William, but somehow he has a professional mercenary force to help him share the pressure, so he has not followed the extreme route taken by Prince William, and the scale of his expansion is also under his control. Inside.

The main force returned to the Prince Harry in the three southwestern provinces, leaving only half a million troops in the three southwestern provinces, and the remaining more than 100,000 warriors and more than 300,000 newly recruited soldiers. He was mixed into twenty-five well-equipped army corps, and sent to the three western provinces adjacent to the three southwest provinces to be stationed.

The three southwestern provinces are defended by 500,000 main forces, and the three western provinces adjacent to the three southwestern provinces are stationed by half a million second-line troops. Other western provinces controlled by Prince Harry are naturally handed over to Opman’s Cossack mercenaries. Defense.

With the support of Prince Harry's request, Opman has expanded his Cossack mercenary to the size of 1.2 million troops; among them, the core troops with real combat strength are the three or forty thousand of Opman's most direct lineage. The soldiers, the fighting power of the other 1.1 million Uighurs, are slightly stronger than those of the Uighurs under Prince William, and there is no essential difference.

Not thinking that he could resist the rebellious army of the imperial rebellion alone, Prince Harry actively expanded the new army and reused the Cossack mercenaries, but also contacted the three-nation coalition forces who stabbed him behind him in an attempt. Make allies with these three countries.

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