Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1574: ""

The final so-called destiny came out step by step.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

Whether it is the brightest Holy See, the strongest human race in the mainland, the dark parliament that fought against the Bright Holy See for thousands of years, or the Deman and Dessau kingdoms that formed the coalition invasion of the northwest of the empire, the White Horse Kingdom that formed the coalition invasion of the southwest of the empire, The Principality of Kassel and the Principality of Feiyu are reluctant to turn their face against Bai Feng under the premise that Bai Feng has become king and emperor.

But if you don’t want to turn your face, you don’t want to turn your face. Except for the Light Holy See and the Dark Parliament, who are not very interested in worldly power and gold and silver, the other five countries are not willing to withdraw their troops. They have already obtained many benefits and want to go from Tianlong again. The empire made a fortune.

The so-called extra money is nothing more than that these countries want to force Bai Feng to compensate them with another sum of money; but this reasonable request, which is not too excessive in their view, was rejected by the diplomats of the Dragon Empire. .

It has never been a happy thing to be rejected. When the leaders of De Shao, Baima and other countries learned of the tough attitude of the Tianlong Empire, their country’s already retreating troops immediately stopped their retreat. The pace is stationed on the spot.

The coalition forces of Deman and Dessau, stationed near the northwestern border of the empire, and the coalition forces of Hakuba, Kassel, and Feiyu, stationed near the southwestern border of the empire, have to some extent become the influence of the Dragon Empire. Two forces developing the situation.

The reason why Bai Feng set the diplomatic tone for his empire from the outset is to avoid any compensation for these five countries from the high levels of his empire; It has been quite difficult to annihilate the two major rebels, and then go to war with the five countries such as Deshao and Baima.

Although Bai Feng is the kind of person who refuses to lose his heart, he is not the kind of reckless man who can only solve the problem by force; he refused to compromise the root cause of the five countries such as Deshao and Baima, but he still has enough confidence to be able to Face the worst possible situation.

What is the biggest inside of the Dragon Empire? This is a matter of opinion, and Bai Feng's answer to this is the vast territory and huge population; militaryly, the vast territory represents strategic depth, and the huge population represents a steady stream of soldiers.

In the current Tianlong Empire, there are 41 provinces under the rule of Baifeng, and the population is as high as 1.1 billion. This data is higher than that of Deman, Dessau, Hakuba, Kassel, and Feiyu. Any country is strong, and more powerful than a little bit!

The combination of the most powerful Deman, Dessau, and White Horse kingdoms in these five countries is only as large as the 41 provinces under the administration of Bai Feng, and the population is nearly 300 million less; From this perspective, the strength of the Tianlong Empire is still very strong.

However, the background is ultimately only the background. Bai Feng wants to transform the strong background of the Tianlong Empire into a powerful strength. It takes at least ten years of rest and recovery to have an initial effect; the premise is that the Tianlong Empire has no turmoil, otherwise everything will be abandoned.

The Tianlong Empire under the rule of Charlie the Great had almost no internal worries. Why did it continue to go downhill? The problem was external aggression; the orc empire in the east and the grassland tribes in the north took turns to invade the empire, and serious external aggressions continued. The outbreak, coupled with the princes fighting for the throne within the empire, finally destroyed the rule of Charles the Great.

The chaos and wars of the five or six years before and after have consumed the national power accumulated by the Tianlong Empire for hundreds of years, allowing the Tianlong Empire to enter its weakest period since the founding of the country; otherwise, how dare the White Horse Kingdom send troops Invade the territory of the Dragon Empire?

The Kingdom of White Horse is not the powerful Deman Kingdom and Dessau Kingdom. They have existed on the southwest border of the empire since the establishment of the Tianlong Empire. They were once a vassal state of the Tianlong Empire for a period of time. Restore independence.

Even the White Horse Kingdom, which once existed as a vassal state of the Tianlong Empire, now dares to take the lead in organizing coalition forces to invade the southwest border of the Tianlong Empire, and also asks Bai Feng, who is the new emperor to claim the emperor, to pay back his troops.

With the solid backing of the city of Rome, Bai Feng cannot naturally fear the provocation of these five countries, even if he is temporarily unable to use the military power of the city of Rome, but he can still use the grain and coins of the city of Rome to support the continuation of the Dragon Empire Fight down.

The 450 million gold coins exchanged for the three million gold treasury funds were taken from the granary of the Roman city granary enough for the two million army to provide the military food for one year. With the support of these money, Bai Feng will be able to shake the dragon. Under the premise of the imperial state, continue the war.

Problems that cannot be solved by diplomatic means can only be solved by military means. Bai Feng, who has been avoiding the escalation of the war, has been ready to expand the war after returning from the city of Rome; in his view, regardless of Deman and others The five countries have not reached a secret agreement with William and Harry. As long as they do not withdraw their troops from the empire, they can only meet their soldiers!

In the blink of an eye, the three days of the New Year had passed. On the first day of the courts, there were basically no major issues to be dealt with. Bai Feng did not expect to see a person he didn't expect after the end of the early dynasty: representing the emperor Deman The Marquis of Cordell, the kingdom returned.

Before the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Duke of Ribbentrop, sent the Rheinland Business Union and the second minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Marquis of Molotov, the first minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the first minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, returned to the Imperial Capital before the return of the Cartgart Kingdom. Became the master of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As the Marquis of Cordel, he was eligible to participate in the DPRK, but he did not participate in the DPRK. Instead, he secretly met after the DPRK; the deep meaning behind this, for Bai Feng, who had already prepared for the worst, It's nothing.

"Your Majesty, your subjects are fortunate!"

After receiving the diplomatic document submitted by Yulin Tiewei, Bai Feng just glanced a little after opening, and there was a strange look on his face: "Isn’t the Kingdom of Deman now forming a coalition with the Kingdom of Dessau? How do you plan to join us?" Attack the Kingdom of Dessau?"

"Your Majesty, there is a feud between the Kingdom of Deman and the Kingdom of Dessau. It was impossible for the two countries to jointly send troops unless the conditions for the Holy See were good enough; now the Holy See has made it clear that it does not blend in this matter. Have other ideas."

"Ai Qing, I want to know, how much assurance do you have to ensure that this is not a trap set by the Deman Kingdom?"

"Your Majesty, at the beginning, the minister also worried that this was a trap set by the Deman Kingdom, and he tested many heavy ministers of the Deman Kingdom; finally, the King of the Deman Kingdom sent a special envoy to take him to Deman, At the border with Dessau, the minister finally determined the matter."

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