Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1575: ""

In fact, all the people who are struggling to make choices already have an answer in their hearts. Consultation is just to get the choices that are inclined to the heart.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

"Is there any recent conflict between the borders between Deman and Dessau?" Bai Feng's tone was full of questioning elements, because if the Deman Kingdom and the Dessau Kingdom really broke out on their borders, the secret guard must be A report will be sent.

Since there is no relevant information from the secret guards, it means that there has not been a large-scale conflict between the Deman Kingdom and the Dessau Kingdom. As for the small-scale conflict, in which year did the two feudal nations not fight on the border. It's a common thing.

"Your Majesty, there has not been any conflict in the border between Deman and Dessau, but Deman has secretly assembled 300,000 elite divisions and 200,000 ordinary infantry in a distance of fifty miles from the border. Marquis Cordel slightly excited.

"You mean, the Deman Kingdom has secretly assembled a half-million troops at a distance of fifty miles from their border with Dessau?!" After shocking, Bai Feng suddenly changed colors: "The place where Deman's army is assembled is Deshao The southwest border of the kingdom or the southeast border?"

"Your Majesty, the place where the half-million army of the Deman Kingdom is assembled is neither near the southwest border of the Dessau Kingdom in the middle of the Deman Kingdom, nor the southeast border of the Dessau Kingdom at the junction of our three countries, but the south border of the Dessau Kingdom. , That is, northeast of Deman Kingdom."

"The northeast part of the Deman Kingdom, the northeast part of the Deman Kingdom." After whispering on both sides, Bai Feng frowned and asked Cordel, "The most eastward unit of the large army assembled by the Deman Kingdom is far away from us and Germany. How far is the border of the Kingdom of Man?"

"This..." Marquis Cordel in some languages ​​hesitated for a moment before answering with an uncertain tone: "Your Majesty, the army at the east of the Deman Kingdom that the minister saw at the time should be seven miles from the border of our country. A distance of about ten miles."

"Are you sure?" Bai Feng's sharp eyes shot directly at Cordel's guilty eyes.

"Your Majesty forgive sins, the minister did not pay attention to how far the army he saw was from the border of our country, but it should be within the range of fifty to eighty miles." Cordel, who knew where he was wrong, was sweating. Confessed wrongly: "Moreover, the minister is not sure that this unit is the most eastward unit of the Deman Kingdom. After all, this is the initiative of the Deman Kingdom to show the minister."

"It doesn't matter whether the Demand Kingdom is showing you the initiative, what matters is how you view this abnormal performance of the Demand Kingdom." Bai Feng said in a low voice: "You really think that the Demand Kingdom will be so kind Do you dare to gamble?"

A word of'gambling' is enough to show Bai Feng's attitude towards the matter, and makes Cordel's already uneasy heart even more disturbing; at this moment, he suddenly finds that his previous expression is a little too reckless, and he has lost a mature diplomat. The level of!

"Your Majesty forgive sins, the officials dare not gamble!" Cordel, who quickly adjusted his mind, resolutely stated.

"Since you don’t dare to gamble, then tell me what you think about this matter now."

"Your Majesty, he thought that the Kingdom of Deman could not be fully trusted, but not completely unbelievable." As a top diplomatic man trained in foreign affairs, Cordel, who came out of his mistakes, said very clearly: "Anyway, this matter is right As far as our empire is concerned, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. We can promise the Deman Kingdom to cooperate with it on the surface, and secretly strengthen the defense against the Deman Kingdom."

"How to promise and how to prevent?"

"Your Majesty, the method of agreement is not difficult. You only need to inform the Deman Kingdom of the strategic mission of the empire’s army in the North, and the Deman Kingdom will naturally believe in the sincerity of our country. As for prevention, you must continue to strengthen Albert. The Northwest Ping Rebels under the command of the Marshal gave the Empire's Northwest Ping Rebels the ability to resist the invasion of the 500,000 troops of the Deman Kingdom."

"As long as the Empire's Northwestern Rebels have such strength that the Deman Kingdom will not dare to take risks, no matter whether the Deman Kingdom originally tried to set a trap to harm us, they will not continue the plan; by then, They will either retreat and withdraw their troops, or they will try their best to attack the Kingdom of Dessau. There is no third way to go."

"Then, do you think they have a high probability of dying, or do they count?"

"Your Majesty, when the minister thought that Deman's Kingdom first formulated this plan, it is likely to be prepared with both hands like the minister." Gradually found the feeling of Cordel, and said more and more self-channel: "This also means that the Empire The response will directly determine what choice the Deman Kingdom will make, so all the initiative is still in the hands of the empire!"

Bai Feng was quite satisfied with this inference about Cordel, because he thought so; however, for the purpose of examining Cordel, he still deliberately asked: "If the Kingdom of Deman and the Kingdom of Dessau Together, what should we do?"

"Your Majesty, the minister feels that the possibility of this matter is extremely low, and can even be described as having no possibility!" Cordell shook his head and rejected it: "Not to mention the feud between the Kingdom of Deman and the Kingdom of Dessau, only the Kingdom of Deman. The half-million troops assembled in secret are enough to make the Dessau kingdom restless up and down. They simply cannot risk an alliance with the Deman Kingdom."

"Even if the decision-makers of the Kingdom of Dessau really had a fever of mind and formed an alliance with the Kingdom of Deman, the Deman Kingdom with a serious lack of cavalry, it is impossible to rely on its domestic army only for the three Royal Legions and two red flags sent by our country. The Wanqi Qiqi is a lethal threat; on the contrary, our army can use its mobility advantage to hit them in the hinterland of the Dessau Kingdom."

"At that time, the northern part of the Deman Kingdom is the Kingdom of Dessau, which was hit hard by our army. To the east is the northwestern rebel army with the strength of our empire. The decision-makers of the Deman Kingdom will make wise choices as long as they are not stupid. "

After glancing at Cordel quite appreciatively, Bai Feng said with a smile: "First weaken the Dessau Kingdom, and then sit and watch the Dessau Kingdom be annexed or seriously damaged by the Demand Kingdom, which is not in the interest of our empire; This is what our empire should do."

"Your Majesty is wise! It's a poorly thoughtful man." Whether Colder was deliberately thoughtful, or whether he deliberately said half and left the remaining half to Bai Feng, it would be unknown.

Bai Feng, who did not take this kind of thought carefully in his heart, then Feng Feng replied: "If I leave this matter to you to mediate, you can confidently provoke the kingdom between Deman and Dessau War, let the empire become a fisherman with full profit?"

"If your majesty is destined, the minister will do everything in his power to live up to his majesty's trust!" Cold said with confidence.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you to handle it all!" Bai Feng clapped on the spot.

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