Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1578: ""

There are no useless gears in this world, and only the gears themselves can determine their purpose.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novel)

"Your Majesty, our covert guards have little power in the chaotic realm. Only half of the thirty-six villages in the nine towns of Heiyao City have people in our covert guards, and few of them are in high positions." Duke Ames reported truthfully.

"The secret action of Lord Lu Ze of Heiyao City during the recent period, can your covert guard notice?"

"Your Majesty, as far as I know from our covert investigation, Lu Ze, the main player of the Hei Yao City, had transferred the 4,000 elites of the Hei Yao Legion directly under the Stuart family to the army alone. The Stuart family army and the City Guards have been expanded."

"In terms of the information currently available to your covert guard, how many troops can Lu Ze use?"

"Your Majesty Qi, the army of the Stuart family alone has added six thousand soldiers, the original two thousand elite city main guards have added three thousand soldiers, plus the maximum of 20,000 that can be provided by the thirty-six villages of nine towns. The soldiers and soldiers can call for about 35,000 troops; but Hei Yao City has always had a complete production line for weapons and equipment, so their weapons and equipment are more sophisticated."

The news brought by Ames made Bai Feng's brows frown slightly: "How about the weapons and equipment of the 45,000 Cossack mercenaries that Opman withdrew from the chaotic territory? The combat power is more available than under Lu Ze's. Of the 35,000 black Yaojun, which is stronger?"

"Your Majesty, the main force of the Cossack mercenaries under General Opman, although they are elite veterans in the battlefield, but most of the weapons and equipment they used were seized from the battlefield; the Westminster Chamber of Commerce supplied them from the black. Yaocheng’s excellent weapons and equipment have almost been destroyed on the battlefield, so their disadvantages in weapons and equipment are more obvious."

Ames did not directly answer the question of who is the strongest and the weakest of Opman’s Cossack mercenaries and Luzer’s Hei Yaojun, but his answer is very clear about the status quo; the Cossack mercenaries with slightly inferior weapons and equipment are fighting away. The disadvantages are quite obvious.

Judging only from the comparison of the strength of the two armies, the Cossack mercenaries do have an advantage of 10,000 soldiers, but the Hei Yao Army of the Luze Division at home, it is easy to recruit 10,000 new recruits; even more terrible is, Lu Ze, who has a complete weaponry production line in Heiyao City, no matter how many recruits he recruits, he has enough weaponry to arm these recruits.

In comparison, the Cossack mercenaries will not work, they are not even good enough in their own weapons and equipment, and there are extra weapons to arm the new recruits; of course, there are no Cossack mercenaries with very shallow roots in the chaotic region. The way to recruit new recruits.

Bai Feng, who had no practical plan for himself, thought to Ames after thinking for a moment: "Ames, you want to find a way to get a batch of weapons and equipment from the Rheinland Businessmen to be secretly transported to the chaotic area, Then pass it to Opman."

"Your Majesty, if this matter is to avoid the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid it will take a lot of time."

"Then don't avoid the Westminster Chamber of Commerce." Bai Feng offered the opportunity to Ames. "The Windsor family, one of the eight major families of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, is now serving the empire. They have come forward to help, West. The Mint Chamber of Commerce will not help Lu Ze."

"Your Majesty is wise! The minister understands."

Bai Feng, who is far away from the imperial capital of the Tianlong Empire, can’t interfere too much with the situation in the chaotic region. In addition to letting Ames use the power of the hidden guard to send a batch of weapons and equipment to the Cossack mercenaries, other things can only rely on them. Myself.

At this moment, all the senior members of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce are gathering together to hold the highest-level emergency meeting in a medium-sized city of crime, which is also a thousand miles away from the chaotic zone. The issue is how to deal with the disobedience of the chamber of commerce. Lu Ze of the decision-making order.

Even though Luze is a core member of the Stuart family, one of the eight major families of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, what he did was indeed to ignore the interests of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce; to internal personnel who ignored the interests of the Chamber of Commerce, The Westminster Chamber of Commerce will never condone forgiveness.

In the huge meeting room, a simple and thick wooden round table is placed in the center, and eight chairs are surrounded by a circle. The contemporary head of the eight major families of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce sits together. It constitutes the decision-making layer of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce.

"Farald, Luzer is a core member of your Stuart family, but he is also one of the senior members of our Westminster Chamber of Commerce; as a senior member of the Chamber of Commerce, he ignores the interests of the Chamber of Commerce and endangers the Chamber of Commerce for his own selfish desires. If the same behavior as the betrayal chamber of commerce is not dealt with harshly, wouldn't the rules of our chamber of commerce be in vain?" Duke Windsor, the head of the Windsor family, exasperated.

"Our family's Luze did indeed ignore the interests of the Chamber of Commerce this time, but he could not afford to betray the Chamber of Commerce!" Farald, the head of the Stuart family, showed no weakness: "If someone betrayed the Chamber of Commerce, then Someone who accepted the Dragon Dragon Empire!"

"Who said you betrayed the chamber of commerce?!" Windsor shot the case directly, glaring at Farald with an angry face.

"I'll tell you!" Farald's eyes were more fierce than Windsor.

"Okay, don't quarrel!" Falk, the oldest Anru family head, took the initiative to round the field and said: "Today everyone is together, not to quarrel, but to deal with Lu Ze's disobedience to the Chamber's order as soon as possible. , Let's just let go of other things first."

"Humph!" Even Falk persuaded to persuade. Windsor and Farald had been arrogant, but after glaring at each other, they turned their heads and stopped arguing.

Seeing that the original quietness was restored in the conference room, Falk asked Ernst, the head of the Hanover family, "Ernst, you have always been responsible for the rewards and penalties within our chamber of commerce; in your opinion, how should we Dispose of Lu Ze who does not obey the orders of the Chamber of Commerce."

"The mistakes made by Lu Ze are neither big nor small. According to the rules of our chamber of commerce, he should be deprived of his status as a senior member of the chamber of commerce. The Stuart family must also be reduced to ordinary family members." Ens A special public official said.

"How to make sure that Lu Ze is not difficult to deal with, the key is that he has already disobeyed the orders of the chamber of commerce, and will he still accept the punishment from the chamber of commerce?" As soon as the punishment order was passed, he would completely break with the chamber of commerce; by then, the agreement reached between our chamber of commerce and the Tianlong Empire, I am afraid it will change again and again!"

"Our eight major families have fought together for thousands of years, and now we finally have hope for our dreams to come true, but we are pushed to the brink of destruction by such a reckless husband. Isn't God blessing our eight major families?" York family His family York was pessimistic.

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