Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1579: ""

All the accidents in life are actually destined and destined.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

"If God has eyes, and if the gods have spirits, why should our eight big families fall here?" Jeffrey, head of the Gorse family, said indignantly: "Our eight big families are going to change their lives and rebuild on the mainland Belongs to our own country!"

"Rebuilding our own country is indeed the dream of our eight big families, but it is not our mouths to realize the dream; we have almost saved our strength, and now we have a chance." Jonathan said solemnly.

At this point, Falk said again: "Farrald, Luzer is after all a core member of your Stuart family, and is a holy class strong man with good ability; if possible, you should recall him as much as possible Come, the province's blood guard is dispatched."

Although Farald himself was very dissatisfied with Lu Ze who did not obey the orders of the Chamber of Commerce, he did not expect that Volcker would propose to use the blood guard to deal with Lu Ze. Since then, we have not dealt with ourselves."

"If Lu Ze has repeatedly failed to obey the orders of the Chamber of Commerce, is he still our own?" Seeing the lively Windsor is not too big, deliberately fueled: "If this is our Windsor family, there is no need for the Chamber of Commerce to send blood guards , I sent someone to destroy him myself!"

"Then you accept the envelope of the Dragon Empire on your back, isn't it the betrayal chamber of commerce? Duke of Windsor!"

Since the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, the eight families hidden behind the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, the owners are all professed by the Duke, but the self-proclaimed Duke is ultimately self-proclaimed, compared with the Duke of the Dragon Empire. It's not a little bit.

Farald's heart was full of sourness, so what he said was also very sharp; listening to the harsh words, Windsor looked like a breezy, he explained slowly: "When I first came back Didn’t I say that? This is my strategy to deliberately paralyze Bai Feng’s children. How can a duke be compared with our great founding plan?"

"You!" Windsor got a cheap and obedient posture, which made Farald frustrated; but he couldn't make trouble with Windsor in this matter, so he had to hold back the urge to scold in his heart, angry. Sitting on a chair secretly angry.

Both Windsor and Farald maintained their due restraint, and the others did not say much; as to whether they should use the blood guard to deal with some uncontrolled Luze, it is necessary to see whether Lalde can persuade Luze to execute Order of the chamber of commerce.

After the highest-level meeting within the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, Farald took the lead in leaving the city at noon that day and went back to the city of his Stuart family; as a result, he had just left and left Seven of them returned to the meeting room.

"Falke, you secretly signaled us to stay, could it be to avoid Farald against Luzer?" The seven people had just sat down, and Edmund, the Lancaster family's head, was unhappy to Falcon. Ke asked.

Faced with Edmund’s question, before waiting for Falk to speak, Windsor said first: “Whether our eight-family family’s dream of founding the country for thousands of years can be realized here. Should we give all our hopes? Is it pinned on Farald alone?"

"This..." Windsor's sharp counterattack left Edmund speechless.

"It's still the old rules. Use a vote to decide whether to use the blood guard against Luze now." Falke didn't say much, but directly handed over the decision to everyone present here: "Now, it is in favor of using blood. Wei raised his hand against Lu Ze's people."

While speaking, Falk raised his hand on behalf of his Anjo family, followed by Windsor on behalf of the Windsor family and Jeffrey on behalf of the Gorse family; after a little hesitation, on behalf of the York family York and Jonathan, who represents the Tudor family, also raised their hands. Only Edmund and Ernst left the round table without raising their hands.

Five to two, such a result, not to mention that Farald, who represents the Stuart family, is not able to change anything even if he is present; the minority is subject to the majority, and it is unconditionally, this is the most of all the rules of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce The core one.

"Five to two, since most families agree to use the blood guard against Luze, it's the blood guard." Falke turned his head and told Ernst: "Ernst, you will go to the blood guard later Spread the letter and ask them to send two main squadrons to kill Lu Ze."

"Lu Ze is just a juggernaut who has not yet entered the top level. Is it worth us to use two main squadrons to deal with him? This is half of our blood guard's strength." Jeffrey objected: "We were famous for dealing with the orc empire. For a long time, the Wild Beast Juggernaut, but only used a main squadron, he could never be stronger than the Wild Beast Juggernaut?"

"Lu Ze is not as strong as the Wild Beast Juggernaut, but he has more confidant guards than the Wild Beast Juggernaut." Ernst looked solemnly: "In my opinion, unless unexpected, the two The main squadron may not be able to deal with Lu Ze."

"Because it was unexpected, Falk let Farald go first, didn't he?" Edmund glanced at Falk with a smile before he continued: "No matter what, we still Prepare another emergency plan; if the Blood Guard fails, we must have a way to deal with the blame on the Dragon Empire."

"Windsor, what do you think of this emergency plan?" With Edmund's words, everyone looked at Windsor.

"I think that if the two main squadrons of the Blood Guard have missed, then there must be no way for us to deal with Lu Ze ourselves; it is better to hand over the 28,000 Black Yao Legions still in our hands to the elite. The Dragon Empire is regarded as the compensation that our Westminster Chamber of Commerce will pay him, and it is also regarded as the compensation we let them clean up the traitors."

"The two eighty-eight thousand soldiers, but the elite of the seven battles that our seven families spent more than ten years to develop, so give away in vain, is it a pity?" York's face with a painful expression made him present. The others felt the same.

"It's no pity that with the financial resources of our Westminster Chamber of Commerce, let alone 28,000 elite wars, we can cultivate even 280,000 elite wars; not to mention, we are not in vain. Sacrifice them, we are for the founding of the country!"

It seemed that Jonathan had said too much, and Volcker comforted everyone: "After we formally establish the country, everyone can form an army in a fair and upright manner, and then you will have as many elites as you want."

After everyone nodded and agreed, the emergency plan proposed by Windsor was thus finalized; in order to avoid the blood guard's true miss and later unable to respond, they unanimously decided to let Windsor lead the team again and rushed to the Tianlong Empire in advance.

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