Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1581: ""

Although the road so far is by no means a smooth one, but I thought I had the opportunity to feel the pain because I was alive, and I successfully overcome all kinds of difficulties.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

The first batch of siege troops dispatched by the Cossack mercenaries suffered a devastating blow under the heavy crossbow arrows and fiery canisters of the Hei Yao City defenders; more than one third of the mercenaries were killed in the city and fled back to the Cossacks to hire The mercenaries of the army's formation are only about one-third, and one-third of the mercenaries are directly scared to escape and disappear.

Opman knew that mercenaries were unreliable when recruiting mercenaries, so he invested mercenaries in the initial tentative offensive, and the purpose was to use these mercenaries hired for money as cannon fodder; but mercenaries The degree of unreliability is beyond his imagination. He can understand the defeat of the mercenaries, but he cannot accept the mercenaries' escape.

This is actually the most essential difference between professional soldiers loyal to the country and mercenaries who earn their lives. In their bones, Opman is still an imperial soldier. It is never possible to understand the idea of ​​mercenaries seeking benefits and avoiding harm, just like hiring The soldiers could not understand that they behaved the same way as if they were brave and fearless; there was a clear dividing line between the two very different groups.

The Cossack mercenaries, which had no cavalry establishment, used the horses they searched in the provinces of the empire to form a thousand-cavalry cavalry unit while they were hired by the Prince Harry; now, this cavalry unit, which has hardly ever fought, Their first combat mission was to chase down mercenaries who fled the battlefield under Opman's order.

Two or three thousand mercenaries are nothing at all, and Opman doesn't think that the lack of these scared cowards will have any effect on the next battle; but he still sends extremely valuable cavalry to chase them down, because he wants to use They came to kill the chickens and monkeys, and told the remaining mercenaries that their gold coins were not so easy to get, so that they did not dare to run away on the battlefield.

How could a two-legged person run over a four-legged cavalry, but within half an hour before and after, more than 2,000 mercenaries scattered scattered, strangled by the Cossack mercenary cavalry who chased them, and scared those hearts The Italian mercenaries were even more frightened.

There are two leaders of small mercenary regiments. I feel that my mercenary regiment can’t even count the cannon fodder in this tragic war. Cancel the employment agreement between them and Opman.

For this kind of mercenary group that does not know the current affairs, Opman, who is troubled by the wrong estimation of the strength of the Black Yaojun, directly gave them two options: either continue to implement the employment agreement or be killed by the Cossack mercenaries, and there is no third. There is a way to go!

Between death now and waiting a few days to die, the leaders of these small mercenary regiments can only choose the latter; until this moment, they found out that the gold coins of the Cossack mercenaries were so hot, but unfortunately they now want to repent Too late.

After two or three hours of rest, the Cossack mercenaries who launched the attack again, this time dispatched a 5,000 soldiers of the headquarters wing and a 4,000 mercenary of the mixed wing; hired by the Cossack wearing the armor and holding the iron solid wood shield In front of the elite army headquarters, the heavy crossbow formations of the defending army no longer have a lethal threat. What really threatens them is the more lethal fire oil!

A Cossack mercenary headquarters headed elitely in front, and the mercenaries who responded on both wings were much less stressed; when they entered a position about a hundred away from the wall, the heavy crossbow arrows on the wall poured again. under.

Dense arrows poured onto the elite Cossack mercenary headquarters leaning over the shields above their heads, the sound of Ding Ding Dong Dong echoed through the battlefield, but the actual results were very limited. The Cossack mercenary headquarters shot by the arrows were elite Very few.

Seeing that the heavy crossbow arrow array could not play its due role in killing the enemy, the defensive commander on the city wall transferred half of the heavy crossbowmen to the two sides to shoot the poorly equipped mercenaries, and the other side began to prepare to throw the fire again. Jar of oil.

Two hundred strong and strong defending soldiers took the cup and came to the edge of the city wall. Over a hundred small trebuchets on this wall were also placed with the cup; the most powerful one was the Hei Yao Army's more than ten. Famous wind magicians, thousands of cups are neatly arranged next to them. Just when they use wind magic, these cups will be wrapped in wind magic and thrown out of the city.


With the order of the garrison commander, all the prepared garrison soldiers and magicians immediately acted; more than three hundred jars filled with fire oil hit them with terrified eyes from the mercenaries under the city, and Cossack mercenary soldiers around them.


Under Opman’s order, more than thirty water magicians hidden beside him recite the magic spell at the same time; a series of water arrows and water polo **** appeared in the hands of these water magicians, and then quickly The speed is directed at the cupping in the air.

When the water is small and the fire is big, the fire can dry the water. When the water is big, the water can extinguish the fire. If the fire is made of burning oil, it is extremely difficult to extinguish the water. A bubble, whether it can be ignited is an unknown.

More than 30 Cossack mercenary water magicians shot countless water arrows and water **** at the cups that were constantly thrown down. They simply destroyed most of the cups that were thrown from the city walls. Many cups were spared.

The kerosene in dozens of cupping pots can't play a key role. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Cossack mercenary soldiers struggling to move forward have already helped one by one with the help of mercenaries. The head of Hei Yao City.

There are constant cloud ladders over the city walls that are pushed down by the defenders on the walls, but more and more cloud ladders are still being mounted on the city walls; the Cossack mercenary soldiers and mercenaries who are climbing the wall to the wall desperately follow the cloud ladder. The obstacles of crossbow arrows, rolling stones and wood, and spear piercing, finally rushed up the city wall, and then the siege battle evolved into a melee between the two armies.

Originally, Opman thought that the black soldiers defending the city walls were only superior in weapons and equipment. Once the battle between the two armies entered the frontal fighting stage, it must be that the Cossack mercenaries with more practical experience and better weaponry were not inferior. .

But this is not the case. The generals of the Hei Yao Army who are holding on to the city walls are not only well-equipped, but also more powerful than the elite of the Cossack mercenaries. Standing firm on the city wall and fighting for more than an hour, they were ousted from the city wall by the more powerful Black Yao General!

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