Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1582: ""

The so-called living is not simply breathing, the heart beating, or brain waves, but leaving traces in this world; to be able to see your footprints along the way, and be sure that those are the marks you left, this is called Alive.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

Within one day, the Cossack mercenaries launched four strong attacks on the Luze headquarters who refused to surrender the Black City, and the results ended in failure; Opman had more than 3,000 Cossack mercenary soldiers and more than 8,000 The mercenary battled the battlefield to death.

With the addition of the more than 2,000 mercenaries who came out and were killed by Opman’s cavalry, the Cossack mercenaries with a total strength of less than 70,000 killed more than 14,000 soldiers in one day, and the fallen soldiers reached their soldiers. One fifth of the total.

The Cossack mercenaries defeated in the first battle, and in the next four days, launched 12 powerful attacks on the Black Yao Army who adhered to the Black Yao City, but still failed to capture the Black Yao City, Black Yao The flag of the city still hangs at the head of the city.

On the fifth night of the siege of Hei Yao City, the Cossack mercenaries with only 40,000 soldiers no longer need to divide their troops to manage the free mercenaries; because more than 20,000 mercenaries have been in the five-day battle The consumption is almost the same. The remaining more than 2,000 undead mercenaries have also been broken up by Opman and incorporated into the Cossack mercenaries, becoming a member of the Cossack mercenaries.

When the Cossack mercenaries took advantage of the night to take time to rest, Lu Ze had assembled 15,000 elite black Yao Jun in Hei Yao City; this 15,000 generals of He Yao Yao were Lu Ze himself The elite troops from the city's main guard expanded for the backbone, and have not participated in the previous five days of combat, in order to play a greater role at this time.

Under the cover of night, fifteen thousand black Yaojun elite came quietly and quietly near the camp of the Cossack mercenaries. The guards responsible for the vigil in their camps were already sleeping on their sentries, and there was no trace of what a regular military camp should have.

Three fiery red magic flares suddenly lit up in the dark night sky. They had touched the elite Hei Yaojun near the Cossack mercenary camp, and immediately launched an attack on the Cossack mercenary camp; the unexpected Cossack mercenary soldiers had not yet From the shouting and killing sounds coming from all directions, their military camp was already full of fireworks.

Opman, who had just laid down and had no eyes closed, rushed out of the camp without wearing armor. He had a long sword and had not had time to order the generals around him. Dozens of highly powerful Black Yao generals Straight towards him, killing him, as if he wanted to kill him.

Although Opman is not a system general, there is no strong system general guard around him, but there are five flaming sword masters that Bai Feng secretly assigned to him in his guard; even if these five flaming sword masters are only flaming sword masters The mid-level swordsman with the lowest strength, but the black Yaojun who kills the strongest but the senior swordsman is astonishingly assaulted.

With these five flaming sword saints, Opman, who is the supreme commander of the Cossack mercenaries, is absolutely unlikely to be life-threatening, but the defeat of the Cossack mercenaries cannot be changed by the five flaming swordsmen.

In the chaotic barracks, the cossack mercenary soldiers who rushed to fight had almost no chance to wear armor. With a long sword in their hands, the elite Hei Yaojun who was armed to the teeth was tragic. Incomparable fighting game.

One by one, a Cossack mercenary soldier fell into the pool of blood and became the dead soul of the Black Yao attacking the army; the one-sided slaughter continued until dawn, and the red-eyed Opman was only five. Under the guard of the Flaming Juggernaut, he escaped from the barracks.

The defeated Cossack mercenaries fled all the way to the east, and the defeated Black Yaoyao night raid troops did not pursue it, because Lu Ze also had a cavalry unit of five thousand in his hands, and this black Yao cavalry was him. The main force sent to chase Cossack mercenaries.

Under the desperate pursuit of the five thousand black Yao cavalry, the heavy loss of the Cossack mercenaries paid a very heavy price, only to take advantage of the opportunity of night to come back from their pursuit; at this point, they were completely withdrawn The Cossack mercenary remnants of the Black City were only led by Opman and took a small village as a camp for rest.

That night, when counting the number of soldiers, Opman found that there were fewer than a thousand soldiers left behind him, not even one tenth of the number of soldiers when the Cossack mercenaries were first built.

Seeing the wounded soldiers who were almost wounded, Opman was so painful in his heart, but he still supported it without falling down; at this moment, he even had the heart to blame Bai Feng for his death. So he didn't put it into action, on the one hand, because he couldn't rest assured that the robes and zeal that followed him desperately to kill the encirclement, on the other hand, because of his hatred for Lu Ze.

It is these two intertwined emotions that support him not to fall, so that he has the motivation to continue to live.

Because the village that was captured by the Cossack mercenaries belonged to the independent village between Night City and Hei Yao City, neither of the two forces dared to easily send troops into this area, so Opman took his own remnants to rest here It took three full days to leave.

In these three days, more than 4,000 Cossack mercenaries and remaining soldiers came to this village, and finally restored the total number of Cossack mercenaries to 5,000; with these 5,000 soldiers, Opman went all the way Northward withdrawal to the north of the chaotic region.

Let Opman lead the remnants of the Cossack mercenaries to the north of the chaotic territory. It was Baifeng, who was far away from the imperial capital of the Dragon Dragon Empire, issued an order to Opman through the hidden guard; he learned that the Cossack mercenaries failed, he was there for the Austrian Purman prepared everything needed for the Cossack mercenary to make a comeback, and it was all paid for by the Windsor family and the Westminster Chamber of Commerce!

Lu Ze’s loss of control and the Cossack mercenary defeat, both messages were delivered to Bai Feng on the same day; when the Duke of Windsor expressed his apologies to Bai Feng for the loss of Lu Ze’s loss of control, the Director of the Intelligence Department and the Secret Guard were responsible Ames sent the report of the 70,000 troops of Cossack mercenaries defeated by Hei Yao.

Unexpectedly, the situation in the region of chaos will be such a major change. Windsor, on the spot, based on the original compensation of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, added 50 million gold coins, 50,000 young slaves, and 50,000 sets of weapons and equipment compensation The money, I hope to exchange Bai Feng's understanding.

Knowing that this was an accidental Bai Feng, he could not easily forgive each other. He not only doubled the price quoted by the Duke of Windsor, but also required the Westminster Chamber of Commerce to provide a billion-dollar interest-free loan to the Dragon Empire. Compensation for the early investment of the empire.

Windsor, who was caught off guard, felt that Bai Feng’s request was still within the tolerance of the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, and he agreed on the spot; so, there was an order for Opman to retreat to the north of the chaotic territory, Because the young slaves and weaponry provided by the Westminster Chamber of Commerce will be handed over to the Cossack mercenaries in the north of the chaotic territory.

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