Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 900: "·Inner Concern·Appear"

All that nature provides is enough to satisfy human needs, but it cannot satisfy human greed.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

Without the support of the Minister of Military Affairs, it means that the five Eastern Corps of the Eastern Metropolitan Government cannot obtain the support of the Imperial Army; without the support of the Minister of Finance, it means that the five Eastern Army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government cannot obtain the Imperial Finance. support.

Prince Philip, who also does not have the financial support of the Imperial Army and the Empire’s finances, only needs not to form the Metropolitan Corps for the time being in the Northern Metropolitan Government; after the future restoration of the six northern provinces in the future, the Northern Metropolitan Government as the support of the six northern provinces, It's too late to do anything.

The 13 grasslands on the northern grasslands of the empire, only the Turks, Khitan, and Jurchens are really close to the northern border of the empire. Now, the strongest Jianzhou Jurchen among the three Jurchens has been defeated by the Baifeng Army, and it is almost impossible to face the empire. What a deadly threat to northern Xinjiang.

The internal chaos of the East Sea Jurchen and Hercyn Jurchen does not even have the Khan of the powerful unified tribe. Where is it possible to invade the Empire and North Xinjiang? In this way, the Jurchen tribes on the northern grasslands of the empire did not threaten the strength of the empire's northern frontier for nearly ten years.

If it weren’t for the Empire’s heavy losses in the two-line battle in the past two years, it was really unable to fight back. The weak Jianzhou Jurchen and the chaotic East Sea Jurchen and Hercynian Jurchen were undoubtedly the best targets for the Empire’s active counterattack; unfortunately, the Empire Without that strength.

The reason why the imperial army's crazy expansion did not cause the imperial people and nobles to rebound is not because they support the imperial army's crazy expansion, but the invading orc army and grassland three, which has let the empire go to life or death. edge.

Unwilling to allow the invaders to kill the looted imperial people, the imperial nobles who do not want to lose their power and wealth, this is the unification of the city, unreserved support for the expansion of the imperial army, and the desperate fight against the aggressive enemies of the aggression. .

Now, the orc army that once occupied several provinces in the east has abandoned all their occupied land and returned to the sunset fortress; the three grassland tribes who were not willing to retreat, under the pressure of the imperial army, also successively withdrew from the imperial northern frontier .

At this time, the long-strained imperial people and imperial nobles will inevitably relax quickly; many domestic contradictions that have been covered up by the war will soon resurface, that is the emperor of Charles and the emperor. We really worry about worrying things.

At a juncture where internal worries are about to appear but have not yet appeared, what the empire leaders most hope to do is to appease the forces of all sides in the empire as much as possible when various internal contradictions erupt, and strangle the internal worries to the outbreak prior to.

If the army is blindly launched to fight back against the Jurchen tribe, then the hidden worries within the empire will be induced in advance; by then, there will be all kinds of worries in the fierce fighting outside the empire, the so-called crisis of life and death, but that's all!

In all fairness, Emperor Charles sent his four princes to the border to form the Dudu Palace. It is not necessarily that there is no consideration in this regard; the four Dudu Palaces with four princes sitting in the town guarding the empire border, at least can make the empire chaotic, even if it breaks out Will not spread to the frontier.

In the final analysis, the formation of the four major governor's palaces was Baili's best and no harm; even if his army was divided into two and divided into two major governor's palaces, he also had absolute confidence. Take this opportunity to develop and strengthen your own forces.

What's more, the current situation of the army under Bai Feng's army is far worse than what the spectators imagined; even the six corps that Bai Feng was forced to stay in the northern governor's palace were all under the unified command of Bai Feng's confederate general, Kuntus. Is there a better result than this?

The transfer of the Yulin Legion and the Blaze Legion to the Imperial Capital is also a good thing for Bai Feng; among the five royal legions in the Imperial Capital, the two strongest legions are Bai Feng. Isn’t this a good thing? ?

In the military order sent by the Imperial Army, there was a letter of appointment from Charles Emperor to the heads of the two royal legions; Rodriguez, the acting head of the Fire Legion, was officially appointed as the head of the army, and the deputy general of the Yulin Army. Hans was also formally appointed head of the army.

Rodriguez, Edel, and other generals of the Legion of Fire, how loyal they are to themselves, Bai Feng does not have much in mind; even, in Bai Feng’s view, even if the generals of the Legion of Fire will return to the emperor, they will admit their mistakes to Charlie. Begging for mercy is a matter of reason.

What really convinced Bai Feng of the Legion of Fire was not the generals of fire such as Rodriguez, but the ordinary soldiers and low-level officers of the Legion of Fire; these ordinary soldiers and low-level officers were not the original soldiers of the Legion of Fire, but Added in the war.

Whether it is an elite veteran from the city defense army, or a supplementary recruit from the military department, after the injury, he is treated by the field doctor Hua Mu under Bai Feng; life-saving grace plus a series of rewards, these people To whom can your loyalty be dedicated?

It is no exaggeration to say that if the generals of the Legion of Flames, such as Rodriguez, choose to stand on the opposite side of Baifeng, then only Bai Feng needs to ascend, and who the fifty thousand soldiers of the Legion of Fire stand behind is still unknown!

Compared with the generals of the Legion of Flames whose loyalty cannot be guaranteed, the generals of the Featherline Corps, such as Hans and Lopez, are different; it is needless to say that Hans is a system general, and the three of Borg, Bartloli, and Vermalen are even more Bai Feng's belly lifted by his own hands.

And Lopez, who is one of the five blooded tigers, cannot be loyal to Charlie the Great; because the blooded five tigers will be cultivated by the Duke of Longdestad, and Charlie the Great deliberately suppressed the Duke of Longdestad, That's what everyone knows.

In addition to the five main generals, the Yulin Legion also has a special joint captain who is inferior to the five generals, namely the captain Leonardo of the Yulin United; before the Yulin Legion headed to the Imperial Capital, Leonardo Bai Yu was sent to the north by Yulin United under his command.

Prepared to return Lucurus to Rome City to form the White Peak of the Seventh Army, and finally chose Leonardo as the second commander of the Five Guards of the Personal Guard; the two thousand elite soldiers of the Yulin United Team were also handed over by Bai Feng To Leonardo, it was Bai Feng's own guard.

In fact, the main reason Bai Feng handed over the Yulin United to Leonardo was still worried that he could not suppress the arrogance of the five military camps; you know, the captains of the five military camps are the first The captain of the Seventh United team period was too shallow compared to their Leonardo.

Why did Leonardo always trust Bai Feng? His ability is only one aspect, and the identity of the 7th Wing veteran is the key to his re-use by Bai Feng; but this identity is quite deterrent to others and has no effect on the Wing barracks captains.

When the 7th Wing was expanded for the first time, the Wing Barracks of the 5th Barracks, Sikaila, Miralas and Wanama, became the 7th Wing’s captain; at that time, Wing’s veteran Leon Nado is just an ordinary soldier of the 7th Wing!

Can the ordinary soldiers of the former 7th Wing be the boss of the former 7th Wing captain, can Sikaila and others accept it? Although Bai Feng believes that Leonardo can solve this big problem with his own ability, it takes time to solve the problem.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles in the process of solving the problem, Bai Feng deliberately handed over the two thousand elite of Yulin United to Leonardo; with these two thousand soldiers, Sikela and others dare not do things Excessively, Leonardo could not be elevated by anyone.

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