Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 901: "·Inner Concern Appears·Next"

Because they are evil, we need integrity; because they are cruel, we need goodness; because they are insidious, we want light; because they are shameless, we want nobleness. We do not want anyone to bleed, but we are never afraid of bleeding. When the clouds clear and the snow melts, the world will see our beauty and their ugliness. This is the only thing I firmly believe in: beauty will eventually defeat ugliness.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

After the Yulin Legion and the Blaze Legion were transferred to the Imperial Capital by a paper order from Charles the Great and the Imperial Army, Bai Feng, who was also ordered, would also leave for the Eastern Empire; after losing the 100,000 elite soldiers of the two Royal Legions, Bai Feng’s side The army is still huge.

There are direct troops such as the Lance Corps, the Cavalry Corps, the Blast Corps, the Jagged Corps, the Guards Guard, and the Death Camp. Under Bai Feng, the available troops are up to 120,000; if you add the six elite regiments in the Eastern Metropolitan Government, This number will rise to 240,000.

Under the formation of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, under Bai Feng alone, there are 240,000 elite divisions, and the other five Eastern Legions and ten standing legions add up to another 250,000 troops; in this way, the Eastern Great Governor The regular army of the government is as high as 500,000!

Echoing the number of regular troops of up to 500,000, the city’s large city defense forces under the six governorates of the Eastern Metropolitan Government; because of the official categorization of the provinces of Nice, the total number of urban defense forces of the Eastern Metropolitan Government reached 70,000, and Dudu Palace is comparable.

Sixteen standing legions, four special legions, and five Eastern legions. How such a large army is stationed, and those generals will serve as the commander-in-chief; these crucial arrangements must be discussed by Prince Pross and Bai Feng Decide.

Prince William's Northwest Metropolitan Government, Prince Harry's Southwest Metropolitan Government, and Prince Philip's Northern Metropolitan Government, the Prime Minister and the four princes were appointed directly by the prince who served as the Metropolitan Government; only the Eastern Prince of Prince Prosper In the Dudu Palace, the Prime Minister Bai Feng was appointed by Charles the Great. The appointment of the four Duchens was also handed over to Prince Pross and Bai Feng by Charles the Great.

To some extent, Charlie’s compensatory decentralization of Bai Feng has actually seriously damaged the rights of Prince Prosperity. While other princes are arranging cronies, Prince Pross has to negotiate with Bai Feng in everything, which is not allowed. Not to mention it is a tragedy.

As a vested interest, although Bai Feng sympathized with Prince Prosper's experience, he did not intend to give up his power at all; as to whether Prince Prosperity could finally gain a foothold in the Eastern Empire, it would depend on his own choice Too.

Bai Feng, who is preparing to lead the army on July 5, ushered in a surprise person in the military camp on the evening of the fourth. The Marquis of Besançon, Governor of Besançon, has already explained everything to the other party. Bai Feng, really can't understand why he came to find him late at night.

Under Steve’s lead, Marquis Besançon, who walked into the military account, opened his face with frustration when he saw Bai Feng: "Your Excellency, you will lead your army to the Empire East tomorrow morning. Before that, I have I want to ask you for help."

"Seek my help?" Bai Feng, who regards Marquis Besancon as his own, has not hesitated to promise from the mouth of Marquis Besançon, and he promised without hesitation: "What help do you need? I will not refuse as long as I can do it."

"Your Excellency, you know the situation in our province of Besançon; the number of millions of northern refugees has not only consumed the food inventory of our governor's house, but also brought security management and development in our province. Very heavy burden."

"Before you and the Ministry of Food supported you, we have stabilized the situation anyway; now, because the war is over, the food of the Ministry of Military Affairs will no longer be transported to our province of Besançon, and you will soon be heading for the Empire East, What do we use to feed those million refugees!"

"The war in the north is over, and all the provinces have been recovered. Isn't the empire's internal affairs department arranging the refugees to return to their homes?" As the Marquis Besançon said, Bai Feng's situation in Besançon's province Understand, what you say is also straightforward.

"Duke Amble, the Minister of the Interior of the Empire, did indeed give us the order to arrange the return of northern refugees to their homeland." Marquis Besançon, who was more bitter on his face, said sadly and indignantly: "But he didn't even have a grain of food. Give us, how do we arrange for the refugees to leave?"

"You mean, the command given by the Duke of Amble to you is flexible?" Bai Feng, who was instantly clear, frowned.

"Not bad," Marquis Besançon nodded and admitted: "The order of the Duke of Amble is that our Besançon province will send millions of refugees back to the north if we have the ability, and leave them in our province without it; anyway. The Ministry of the Interior has no food for us."

"Even the millions of refugees who returned to the north could not get their food back. Has the Ministry of the Interior been so embarrassed?"

"Duke, the situation of the Imperial Ministry of the Interior may be more embarrassing than you think."

"how do I say this?"

In response to the look of Bai Feng's inquiry, Marquis Besançon explained in detail: "It is not only our province of Besançon that is adjacent to the northern provinces, but other provinces also have at least hundreds of thousands of refugees. ; For the total number of more than 5 million refugees, the Ministry of the Interior ignored them all."

"At most one or two months, if the Ministry of the Interior still cannot provide enough food for the relief of the refugees in the provinces, I am afraid that the empire that has just ended the two-line war will be caught in turmoil and chaos again; It’s hard to save.

"Before leaving, I will leave you with enough food and 10 million gold coins for five million people a year in the barracks." Reaching the Marquis Besançon who wanted to speak, Bai Feng solemnly dealt with him. Dao: "Help me keep Besancon and save the province. Don't mess up."

The Marquis of Besançon, who was so moved, also said solemnly: "As long as he will save a day in Besançon, he will never give anyone a chance! If you save trouble, you will definitely wipe out the troublemakers with thunder!"

Looking at the Marquis Besancon, whose military style is full, Bai Feng smiled and shifted the topic: "Since the Ministry of the Interior has no food for you, then you will leave these millions of refugees in Besançon province. For Sangsong Province, it is a great opportunity!"

"Duke, waiting for your next visit to Besançon, the province will surely let you see a new Besançon province!"

After sending away Marquis Besançon, Bai Feng, who was alone in the military account, could not help but feel emotion; the war in the northern frontier of the empire had just ended, and the relief problem for the refugees there was revealed, the empire without food and funds , What kind of relief refugees can I get?

The grain of the Ministry of the Interior of the Empire has long been exhausted in the years of war; but the funds that the Ministry of Finance of the Empire has short of funds are not even enough to rebuild the provinces and support the three million troops, and where there is money to buy food relief Millions of refugees?

What no food means to refugees who have nothing is self-evident; in Bai Feng’s view, if the imperial looming empire cannot resolve the most urgent food shortage problem as soon as possible, future turbulence and chaos are almost inevitable .

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