Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 917: "·Internal Negotiation·Next"

People and behavior are two different things. A good behavior should be applauded, and a bad behavior should be condemned. The person who does such behavior, regardless of whether he is good or bad, always He was respected or compassionate for the good or bad of his actions.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

The only province in Nice that has not been ravaged by war. It has been in the hands of the Nice family for hundreds of years. This is impossible for Bai Feng and Prince Prosper to change; the remaining five provinces have the best recovery It is undoubtedly the province of Broyangsong.

Broyongsong Province is not a unique geographical location. After the sunset fortress was occupied by the orc army, it became very important; by comparison, the three provinces of Mengdan, Lyon, and Toulon, which are closer to the sunset fortress, have almost become the front lines. .

Judging only from the distance to the fortress, the provinces of Broyansson and Grenoble can be regarded as the rear, while the three provinces of Meng Dan are undoubtedly the front line; therefore, the garrison division proposed by Prince Pross Is not fair.

In view of this, Bai Feng did not immediately agree to the division plan of Prince Pross, but said in a matter of words: "His Royal Highness, if you divide according to you, the responsibility of defending the orc army will be put on the army of our ministry, which is unfair. ."

"Bai Feng, it's not that I'm unfair, but you're self-effacing!" Prince Pross said with a bitter smile: "With the power of your Yulin God of War, plus the three provinces of Mengdan, Lyon, and Toulon as a resident, I believe you must Can withstand the attack of the orc army!"

"His Royal Highness, dealing with the orc army is not as simple as you think." Bai Feng, who has a fresh memory of the last defeat, said with reverence: "The orc warriors who overwhelmed and rushed up are not the flesh and blood of the imperial soldiers. Blocked."

"That's also true." As the imperial prince, Prince Pross knew the inside story of Bai Feng's recapture of the eastern provinces; unlike the blind and confident imperial people, he knew how Bai Feng recovered the eastern provinces, and knew that the empire was in How much has the sunset fortress sacrificed.

After frowning slightly, Prince Pross made a slight suggestion and re-suggested to Bai Feng: "Otherwise, the garrison division will remain the same; I will transfer the six legions of your old ministry to your command for reinforcement. What do you think of the strength of the garrison?"

Facing the sincere eyes of Prince Prosperous, if Bai Feng had learned the thoughts of Prince Pross from the Secret Guard, he might have believed the ghosts of Prince Prosperous; I am afraid that Prince Pross didn’t even know that, Bai Feng He already knew his bottom line.

"His Royal Highness, since you said you wanted to be honest with me, why did you cover up like this?" Bai Feng pretended to be helpless, sighed deliberately: "You and I understand that the six legions that I stayed in the East, It is a matter of course to return to my subordinates."

"If you use this as a bargaining chip, can I understand that you don't trust me? Or that you are willing to let our honesty be based on the exchange of interests rather than deep brotherhood In love?"

If there is no exchange of interests, why should a noble child in your area sit on par with my noble prince? In the depths of his heart, Prince Pross, who almost didn't say anything to curse, had to hold back the resentment in his heart in order to maintain the atmosphere he created today.

"Brother Bai Feng, what you said." The prince deliberately pretending to be a wrathful Prince, immediately playing the emotional card: "Is the deep friendship between your brother and me a comparable benefit? Can you be honest with your brother?" Staying is my consistent principle of Pros!"

"Your Highness..."

"Your Highness, between you and me, if you can afford me, call me Brother Pross!"

Knowing that the other party wants to die immediately, it is really not an easy task to watch the other party's performance of Xu and Snake; Bai Feng, who is like a mirror, also hypocritically says: "This... Brother Pros, actually I have two good suggestions."

"Oh, what's your opinion, brother, let me hear it?" Prince Pross made a deaf ear.

"In the eyes of the younger brother, the number of troops in our Eastern Metropolitan Government is certainly not enough to prevent the large-scale offensive of the orc army; therefore, before making a specific garrison division, we must first agree on a practical expansion. Program."

"Later, we will implement the expansion plan step by step, and at the same time find ways to increase the combat effectiveness of the garrisons in various provinces to improve the overall strength of our Eastern Metropolitan Government. In this way, if the orc army really launches an offensive against us, we also have the resistance."

"For the expansion plan, we can wait for us to discuss the specific garrison division, and then formulate it according to the actual conditions of the provinces." Prince Pross with a smile on his face is full of curiosity: "I still want to hear, you this What good advice does Yulin God of War have."

"Actually, it's not a good suggestion. It's just some of my personal views. Under the current situation that the division of garrisons and provinces is difficult to achieve fairness, I think there are two ways to move closer to fairness: first, increase the army; Second, increase provinces."

"Increase the army? Increase the province?" Prince Pross, who frowned slightly, turned his eyes slightly: "You talk about it specifically."

"The so-called increase in the army is that I hope that you can put the commander Eric sent by the Ministry of the Army and the 65th, 67th, and 86th legions under my command; as long as there are enough troops under my command, I naturally have the confidence to resist the invasion of the orc army."

"The so-called increase of provinces means that if you don't want to put Warrior Eric and his three legions under my command, then hand over the Grenoble province, which is barely counted to the rear, to the generals of our ministry; In this way, I can also establish a war buffer on the front line."

"Is Warrior Erik and his three legions under your command?" Prince Pross, who said the words in his mouth, began to meditate; when he heard the voice of Prince Pross whispering, Bai Feng knew that Jiang Ge The proposal given to himself by Lenoble was rejected by him.

Sure enough, after about a minute of careful consideration, the prosperous Prince of Prosperity asked Bai Feng seriously: "Brother Bai Feng, if I give General Eric and his army to you, you can promise me three conditions ?"

Has it finally begun to show its true colors? Didn’t I just return my brother’s affection? Bai Feng, who sneered in his heart, on the surface was a decisive promise: "Don't say three conditions, it is thirty conditions; as long as I can do it, I will do my best for my brother!"

"Good!" Prince Pross, who could not tell whether it was true or false, said excitedly: "Brothers like this, life is as good as you want!"

"Brother, brother, my three conditions are not difficult: first, I want you to help me to form three Eastern Legions; then, I want to order you 100,000 sets of new weapons and equipment of your army; Finally, I want to borrow 50 million gold coins from you."

"Brother even Erik Warrior and his army are willing to give me, 100,000 sets of weapons and 50 million gold coins, and I will give it to my brother! As for the three Eastern legions, as long as the brother recruits Soldier, brother's business is my business!"

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