Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 918: "·Equity Division"

We must live what we want others to follow.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

Throughout the afternoon, Bai Feng and Prince Prosperus have been discussing the future development direction of the Eastern Metropolitan Government; Nice Province, as one of the six Eastern Provinces, is naturally within the scope of the negotiation, but neither of them specifically talked about Nice. Provincial development issues.

In addition to the Nice provinces under the control of the Nice family, there are five other provinces that are temporarily not governed by the governor. The two agreed that the five governorates are best to maintain the current state without governors; after all, the existence of the governor is not conducive to their control. Powerful.

Of course, after the simple division of provinces, it is not that the provinces of Broyansson and Grenoble are really completely in the hands of the Prince of Pros; Bai Feng’s unparalleled influence in these two provinces is fundamentally short-term. It cannot be eliminated.

Prince Pross, who already knows the situation in the eastern provinces, was also wise and did not want to eliminate Bai Feng’s influence; all he wanted was the administrative power and taxation power of these two provinces. He will not care too much.

In the opinion of Prince Pross, he can issue orders to the people and nobles in these two provinces with administrative rights, and can obtain wealth through these two provinces with the right to collect taxes and taxes; Do you burden yourself?

Based on this typical aristocratic thought of the upper empire, Prince Pross did not care about Bai Feng’s lofty reputation in the hearts of the people; he even offered to increase Bai Feng’s investment in the Sofia Chamber of Commerce in order to improve ordinary people in Eastern provinces. Living conditions.

Prince Pross, who had never cared about ordinary people's life and death, made such a proposal that was obviously beneficial to Bai Feng and the people, mainly because he wanted to collect more taxes; obviously, the better the people lived, his The tax revenue will be higher.

Bai Feng has no reason to disagree with such a proposal in the middle of his heart. After a detailed analysis of the current situation of the five eastern provinces, Bai Feng, who is unwilling to expose his financial situation, promised to put out 10 million gold coins every year to the Sofia Chamber of Commerce. .

Note that the 10 million gold coins here are not 10 million gold coins per year in the five provinces, but 10 million gold coins per year in each province! This means that Bai Feng needs to invest 50 million gold coins every year to improve the lives of people in the five eastern provinces.

The total population of the five eastern provinces is only about 20-30 million, and 50 million gold coins are divided equally among them. Each person can get at least two gold coins; if a family is calculated by five people, each family can be divided into Ten gold coins, this is not a small sum.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the money is actually used, it will only take up to three years; as far as the economy is concerned, it is almost destroyed by the orc army in the five eastern provinces, and it can be restored to its original peak. During the period, there is even more than that!

First, he gave 50 million gold coins for free, and then promised to spend 50 million gold coins every year to develop the economy of the five eastern provinces. Bai Feng showed that the financial strength is not like an empire upstart who has just been promoted to the Duke; even the Bai family behind Bai Feng, There is no such strong financial resources.

Even if Prince Pross did not deliberately inquire, Bai Feng explained it on his own initiative, and the loot he had distributed to the generals had already become the source of this mysterious fund; for this, Prince Pross expressed his moderation only moderately. Envious.

You know, it is a skill to **** the loot from the cavalry army of the prairie tribes; Prince Pross does not feel that he has this skill, so he has no excessive desire for these huge amounts of loot.

The reward paid by Bai Feng for paying 50 million gold coins is that the Prince of Pros agreed to the free development of the Sophia Chamber of Commerce under Bai Feng’s name in all areas under the rule of the Governor of the East; more importantly, the shops of the Sophia Chamber of Commerce do not need to be large Dudu House pays taxes!

Although the amount of money is too much to spend Bai Feng, the amount of tax payment is not attentive, but it is a waste to spend such a sum of tax every year, right? Therefore, he did not reject the kindness of Prince Pross and accepted this generosity from the other party.

After agreeing on the future development of the five eastern provinces, the next is the expansion of the Eastern Legion and the arrangements for the province’s garrison, as well as the appointment of provincial officials; the so-called Eastern Legion Expansion is to expand the number of Eastern Legions from the current five to eight Pcs.

The original five Eastern legions were all militia-like legions formed by Bai Feng. For these five legions that were obviously loyal to Bai Feng, Prince Pross didn't think about them, and they were generously placed under Bai Feng. Under your command.

As for the three Eastern legions that will be formed, they are willing to cultivate their own prince Pross. In order to improve the combat effectiveness of these three Eastern legions, they deliberately borrowed 500 low-level officers with actual combat experience from Bai Feng to strengthen the new construction. The quality of officers of the Eastern Legion.

Knowing that the "borrowing" of Prince Prosperous is a "borrowing" of borrowing and not repaying, Bai Feng still agreed without hesitation; it is not how friendly Bai Feng is to Prince Prosperous, but this is another one in Bai Feng's view A good opportunity to penetrate the forces into the three Eastern legions.

At this time, Bai Feng didn't know that after Prince "borrowed" his 500 low-ranking officers, he did not actually put these 500 officers into the newly-built Eastern Army, but used them to break up. Incorporated into his four standing legions.

Playing a careful eyed Prince Pross, on the one hand, he improved the actual combat experience of his standing legion, and on the other hand, he used the five hundred officers he had under his command to form three Eastern legions that were loyal to him. .

Even the discussions on the expansion of the Eastern Legion were exceptionally smooth, and the matter of the province’s garrison was not to mention; how did the twelve standing legions and four special legions, including the Erik Warrior Command under Bai Feng, be stationed in Bangladesh The three provinces of Dan are arranged by Bai Feng himself.

From the point of view of the decentralization of Prince Prosper, Bai Feng should not intervene in the garrison matters of Broyansong Province and Grenoble Province; but the crucial Thundercloud base is in Broyansong Province, and Bai Feng has to be appropriate Made some requests.

There are not many requests made by Bai Feng, only two points: first, the army of Prince Pross in the province of Broyansong must maintain a distance of at least fifty miles from the Thunder Cloud base; second, after the completion of Thunder Cloud City, Bai Feng Send yourself less than five thousand troops to station.

A piece of land with a radius of fifty miles will not be seen by the Prince of Pros, who has two provinces; Bai Feng just promised to honor the promise of 100,000 sets of new weapons and equipment within a year, and the Prince of Pros will Allowed the existence of Thundercloud City, the "Country of the Country".

On the final appointment of provincial officials, Bai Feng promised to transfer all officials from the two provinces, such as Bro Yangsong, who had been appointed by him, to Prince Prosper for reappointment; Prince Pross also appointed officials from the three provinces including Meng Dan , And handed it to Bai Feng without any delay.

So far, all the powers and interests of the Eastern Metropolitan Government in the six provinces have been divided by Bai Feng and Prince Prosperity; the next step is how the two can exercise their respective powers as quickly as possible and take the autonomous provinces to the top. The path of development!

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