Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 926: "·Garrison division·on"

In terms of material, my village is the world; in terms of spiritual life, the world is my village.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

On the third day of mid-August, the long-traveled army of the Baifeng Office finally arrived at the city of Mengdan; and the sixty-ninth legion, including the six legions that received Baifeng’s order, had already arrived in Mengdan City a few days ago. Fifteen large military camps were built outside the city.

This large army barracks of the standard model of the imperial army, each barracks can accommodate 50,000 soldiers stationed in it; in terms of a standing army of 20,000 soldiers, fifteen large army camps can accommodate 30 standing army, 600,000 soldiers stationed among them.

At this time, the two armies merged into the same army of the Baifeng Office, consisting of three parts: the standing legion, the special legion, and the Eastern legion; of which, the standing legion consisting of 240,000 regular soldiers from the twelve standing legions is Among them are the absolute main force and mainstay.

Four special regiments, including the Lance Corps, Blast Corps, Cavalry Corps, and Jagged Regiment, and five Eastern Corps. The total strength of the nine regiments is only 130,000; especially the five Eastern Corps, compared with the standing regiment. There is still a big gap.

After the 370,000 soldiers of the 21st legion were stationed in 11 military camps, Bai Feng’s personal guards were stationed in a military camp alone; the remaining three military camps, two of which were used by Bai Feng to pile up the army for one year Of the grain and grass supplies, one was used by Bai Feng to store weapons and equipment.

The 200,000 sets of fine weapons and equipment provided by the Holy See and about 100,000 sets of ordinary weapons and equipment in the Bailing Ring were all stored in this large military camp by Bai Feng; The Spartan heavy infantry belonging to the guard battalion.

The two barracks filled with grain and grass materials, which are equally important as the arsenal, are also stationed by the Silver Shield Infantry and the Macedonian Royal Pikemen affiliated with the Guard Battalion. There are system soldiers.

This is not to say that the soldiers of other legions are not worthy of trust, but that Bai Feng must ensure that there is no trace of accidents in the three military camps; by comparison, the ability and combat effectiveness of the system soldiers are more powerful.

After setting up the stationing of the various legions, the 21 captains took their lieutenants and followed Bai Feng into Mengdan City; Bai Feng and his party entered the city and went straight to the Governor’s Mansion. Come down to convene the place to divide the station meeting.

A huge army with a total of 370,000 cannot be stationed in Mengdan Province; even if Mengdan Province is an important province facing the sunset, it can only station at most half of the troops, otherwise it will only weaken The war potential of the army under Bai Feng.

Bai Feng, who had fought several times with the orc army, naturally knew that the most terrifying place of the orc army was not their unwillingness to fight, but their fierce offensive that was difficult for the clan army to resist. That was simply a nightmare for the dragon army !

If the field battle between infantry and infantry is carried out in the open plains, even the Royal Dragon Corps armed with teeth, can’t stop the attack of the orc warriors in the armor; there is no way, who makes the orc’s offensive nearly fierce. Horrible!

Whether it is the imperial army or the orc army, for morale and other things, it is a vigorous, decay, and exhaustion; therefore, in Bai Feng's view, the best way to stop the orc army's offensive is by slowly retreating Way to cut their morale and offensive.

When the orc army of the fierce and invincible offensive is getting more and more tired, and the lower the soldier's vigor, the lower the offensive and the weaker, then use the main force to fight against the orc army that is no longer fierce.

To truly implement this response, Bai Feng first needs to do is to divide his army into three and send them to the three provinces of Mengdan, Lyon, and Toulon; then, to all the legions in combat readiness, Conduct targeted defensive training.

As for how to divide the troops and station them in the three provinces of Mengdan, this is the topic of the military meeting that Bai Feng held all the heads of the army today. With the presence of Governor Eric, there are many things that Bai Feng can decide in one word, and it is inevitable that some steps should be taken. .

Okine Lake, who rushed to Mengdan City in advance to take over provincial affairs, prepared the meeting room for Bai Feng and others in advance to convene a military meeting; Bai Feng took the heads of the regiments into the meeting room, and the three teams of German Berserkers in the back He shouldered the heavy responsibility of guarding.

After Bai Feng sat down in the first place in the middle of the meeting room, the heads of the regiments on each side sat down neatly; looking at the map of the three provinces placed directly in front of the conference table, Bai Feng had planned in his heart.

"Generals, as soon as you arrive in Mengdan City, we will call you together, mainly to discuss the division of the next garrison with you; it is impossible for all of our 21 legions to be stationed in the province of Mengdan. Just say anything."

As soon as Bai Feng's words fell, the leader of the forty-fifth legion, Assasis, who came from the system, stood up and said, "General, you are our governor, where do you want our forty-fifth legion to be stationed, our first Where is the 45th Legion!"

"Yes! General, you are our Warlord, and the 20,000 soldiers of our 46th Corps will surely support your decision!"

The leader of the forty-sixth legion of the system, Upadama, has just finished speaking. Since he thinks that he is the head of the seventy-fourth legion of the Baifeng heir, Barsaromu, he is not willing to stand up and swear. 'S statement:

"General, even if you are not our warlord, the 20,000 soldiers of our 74th Legion will be your only leader!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only was Bai Feng a little surprised, but the three who had just been placed under Bai Feng's life, Eric, Krefeld, and Barao, were even more shocked; because of this remark, he was still an imperial general in Bai Feng Under the premise, but can't talk nonsense!

Why did Assassis and Uppadama declare Bai Feng’s status as the warlord first, and then show themselves and the soldiers of the whole army to support Bai Feng? After all, isn't it because the imperial army doesn't allow a bright and upright independent force to exist?

The huge Tianlong Empire, who does not know the five old standing corps of the Imperial Ministry stationed in the southern border, after twenty years of stationing, it is better to say that it is the corps of the five families in the southern border than the standing corps of the empire; but After all, it is impossible to go on the countertop.

On all or public or similar occasions, anyone who mentions the five corps in the southern border will be called the standing corps of the empire, and they will not be regarded as the corps of the five families in the southern border; even if these five corps are actually already It is the private army of the five families in the south.

Therefore, this statement of Barcelona’s remarks is indeed a bit shocking; more importantly, the generals present are not all Bai Feng’s confidant generals, and the special identity of three people, such as Eric, cannot be avoided by anyone. .

Then, there was a scene like this: Barçalo Mu, who said a little too much, had just finished his speech. All the generals, including Bai Feng, turned their gazes differently to the three Erics, See how the three of them reacted.

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