Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 927: "· Garrison Division · Middle"

The so-called happiness is that what you think, say and do is the same.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

To everyone’s surprise, the warrior Eric, who looked calm and watery, did not react to it as if he had heard nothing; but the truth is that he really did not hear anything, and Is there no response?

of course not! The reason why Bai Feng can serve as the governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is because he has the prestige and ability that ordinary generals can't reach; the reason why Giskar can serve as the governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is because he is the confidant general of the Prince of Pros.

So, why can Eric be appointed as a high-powered governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government by the Duke of Coulomb of the Imperial Army? According to the information provided by the Secret Guard, Bai Feng knows that Eric, whose family is not inferior to the Onassis family, is not a member of the Duke of Columbine.

The Onassis family of the Duke of Columbine was originally just an ordinary earl family in the capital; if the Duke of Columbine became the confidant of Charles the Great, and his daughter gave birth to Charles the Emperor's eldest son William, would the Onassis family have today? Glory and glory?

The Eric family, where the Warlord Eric is located, was previously the Marquis family of the imperial capital. On the status of the Onassis family, the status of the Earl family is more than one. For the imperial nobles who value family heritage very much, they will not recognize the new The Duke's family.

From this point of view, neither the Onassis family of the Duke of Columbine nor the Bai family where Bai Feng is located will seem to be recognized by the upper class nobles of the empire; at least, in a short time, unless these two families The duke title can be maintained for a hundred years.

But the actual situation is not necessarily the case, because military aristocratic families like the Eric family are more recognized for families that are also military aristocratic families; undoubtedly, Duke Bailin’s Yulin was won with a solid record .

It is not unreasonable for the Onassis family not to be recognized by other imperial high noble families, and it is obvious that the Onassis family has not received the contribution that they can make, and it has no outstanding reputation. The Rick family.

Duke Cullen who had not been on the battlefield and had no experience as a general in the army, and served as the head of the military department in charge of the imperial army, was originally an appointment that criticized countless imperial generals and military families; therefore, Erik and Duke Cullen were not All the way.

It would be enough to prove that the Duke of Coulomb appointed an imperial general who was not a fellow with him to be the governor. As such a general, would Eric be a stupid person who knows nothing? No, he is a shrewd noble general!

The seemingly calm water like Eric, the shock inside can be described by the stormy waves! He did not expect that the commander of the 74th Legion's Basaromu had become Bai Feng's loyal loyalty, even willing to ignore the existence of the empire and the military department!

If it was the commanders of Dambrosio, Bella, Assassis, Atos, etc. that Bai Feng pulled out with one hand, Eric would not be surprised to say that he had ignored the Empire and the military department; after all; These generals are the heads of cutting-edge troops promoted by Bai Feng.

Basaromu, who is also the head of the legion, is not the same. His legion is not the legionary legion that Bai Feng brought out in the war, and his post of head of the legion was not appointed by Bai Feng; the 74th legion was formed by the Imperial Army. He was appointed as the commander of the 74th Army.

You know, the time that Barçarumu led the 74th Legion to play under Bai Feng’s regime is less than three months. Why is it that in less than three months, I should be grateful to the promotion of the Duke of Cullen. Will become a follower of Bai Feng?

I have doubts about the countless Eric, after all, he is not a general of the civilian origin of Dambrosio, nor a general of the systematic origin of Assassis; he of the nobles has already trained a spoiled person. Looks like, does not expose his thoughts at all.

Unlike Erik, who is calm and water-like, Kraffel and Barao, who are inexperienced, immediately showed shock when they heard the excessive words of Barcelona. After a brief shock, they wanted to understand them, and A relief expression appeared.

In their view, an imperial general like Barcelona's experience similar to theirs, met Bai Feng as invincible and endless, and was kind to the commander-in-chief of his subordinates. He devoted himself to his loyalty and became a follower of the other side. Is not an incomprehensible thing.

I am asking myself whether they will put themselves in the position of Basaromu, and they will make a choice different from that of Basaromu. They have no confidence of themselves; coupled with the fact that they are people from the military department, how come they don’t want Bai Feng to come over The stronger?

Seeing Barçarumu’s explicit position did not cause any waves, and the head of the Felix Corps of the 77th Corps stood up and said: "General, our 20,000 soldiers of the 77th Corps will always be your most loyal and reliable. Deployment!"

Immediately thereafter, Leopold stated: "General, any command you have is the highest mission of our 82nd Legion!"

Even the three army commanders who came with Bai Feng led the army to express their positions one after another. How could the five-blooded tigers headed by Dan Brosio fall behind? Waiting for other generals who were eager to try to speak, Dan Brosio quickly stood up and said on behalf of the five blood tigers:

"General, our 80,000 soldiers of the 39th Army, 40th Army, 44th Army, and Jagged Army, will absolutely obey your orders; as long as you say a word, even if the sword is in front of us, our 80,000 soldiers Will not frown!"

"General, ten thousand soldiers of our Fifth Eastern Legion, swear allegiance to you!" Of the five Eastern Legion chiefs, the first one who seized the opportunity to stand up was actually Luke, which was somewhat out of Bai Feng Expected.

Who knows that the words of Little Luke have just ended, and the three heads of Reichnu, Keitel, and Brauchic, who belonged to Bai Feng, unanimously stated: "General, our 10,000 soldiers of the second (three and four) Eastern Legion , Swear loyalty to you!"

"General, the 20,000 soldiers of our 47th Legion, swear allegiance to you, will never die!" This is the statement of the Chief of the Atos Corps from the 47th Legion System.

"General, 20,000 soldiers of our Lance Corps, swear allegiance and loyalty to you, until death!" This is the statement of the leader of the Lance Corps, Gattus, who is also a general of the system.

After some scrambled positions, fifteen of the twenty-one legion chiefs in the conference room except Bai Feng clearly stated their position; undoubtedly, these fifteen legion chiefs, regardless of the past, will all become Bai Feng's heirloom, henchman.

The six legionaries who have not responded are: the head of the Slim Army of the First Eastern Army, the head of the Montgomery Army of the Blast Corps, the head of the Donald Army of the Cavalry Corps, the head of the 65th Corps and the governor Eric The head of the Krefeld Army of the Sixty-seventh Army and the Head of the Barao Army of the Eighty-sixth Army.

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