Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 928: "· Garrison Division · Down"

We can only resolutely maintain our civilization and morality, that is, not to boast of the glory of the past, but to reflect the moral glory of ancient times in our own lives, and make our lives a glorious testimony of the past.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

Montgomery's identity is not only the leader of the original blast thief group, but also the military leader reserved by the Duke of Columbine for Prince William; except that with the passage of time and the changes of the years, the former military leader rookie has become anonymous. Ordinary middle-aged uncle.

If it weren't for Bai Feng to forcefully incorporate the Wind Rogue Corps into the Wind Corps by force, God knows how long the identity of Montgomery's Rogue Corps leader will remain; even so, Montgomery's current identity is just an ordinary legion chief.

Montgomery, who has spent so much time in the past, is not aware of the resentment of Prince William and the Duke of Coulomb who did not give him reinforcements at a critical moment in time. But his indifference to Bai Feng's repeated solicitations is well known.

You know, O'Kinley Lake and Paresi, who were the core seniors of the Blast Rogue with Montgomery, have now been entrusted by Bai Feng; only the cousin of Prince William Mountbatten and the loyal Kaswo are left. I still follow Montgomery.

In fact, in this general’s statement, Slim’s delay in speaking did not necessarily have anything to do with Montgomery’s presence; with the prestige of Montgomery in the old department of the Blast Thief, Slim from the Blast Thieves did not Convenient expression is also a matter of reason.

When Bai Feng's eyes shifted from Montgomery to Slim, he felt that this Slim with unclear eyes immediately became restless; he knew in his heart that today's position has actually exceeded the garrison division itself.

He didn't want to put a burden on Montgomery. He raised his head to meet Bai Feng's meaningful eyes, and cold sweat instantly crossed his forehead; Slim, who lost the confidence of Bai Feng without knowing his attitude, finally couldn't help standing up, his voice was embarrassing Expressed:

"General... General, at the end will represent the 10,000 soldiers of the First Eastern Legion, and swear allegiance to you until death!"

The obvious imitations are a little weird in everyone’s ears; but it’s better to speak than to not, isn’t it? Slim's "timely" statement, somehow saved Bai Feng's trust, at least a flash of laughter appeared on Bai Feng's face.

Slim, who was staring closely at Baifeng, was relieved to sit back after seeing this slight smile; even Slim had expressed his position, and Krefi, who was still watching Er and Barao no longer hesitated, and they stood up in unison at the same time:

"General, 20,000 soldiers of our 67th Legion (86th Legion), I hope that you will be the leader!"

In this way, there are only three remaining generals in the conference room; among them, Montgomery’s identity is special because he was originally the person of Prince William and Duke of Columbine, and Donald’s identity is special because he was originally the Military Department of the Imperial College Teacher.

The teacher of the Military Department of Imperial College, that is, Bai Feng’s own teacher; although the Tianlong Empire has no national policy to govern the world with filial piety, there is still a tradition of respecting the teachers and respecting them. It is untimely for Bai Feng’s teachers to express their allegiance to Bai Feng. thing.

As for Eric, who is also the governor of the Great Eastern Metropolitan Government with Bai Feng, as his governor, if he really swears allegiance to Bai Feng on such an occasion; then, from now on, he and his family will be completely tied There is no possibility of getting out of the chariot on Baifeng.

As time passed by, the meeting room where no one spoke was becoming more and more dull. An atmosphere called embarrassment was slowly covering the entire meeting room; about five minutes later, Bai Feng, who was sitting in the first place, took the lead Smiling and breaking the silence:

"Since most of the generals present are willing to obey my arrangement, then General Barsaromu will first announce my initial garrison division; when the time comes, everyone will discuss and discuss together and make sure that each general is convinced ."

After making some remarks, Bai Feng commanded Barçarumu, who was full of surprises, "General Barcelona, ​​let's get started."

After taking the three provinces' garrison defense map handed over by Bai Feng from Bai Yi, Barçarumu quickly got up and left the conference table, and walked to the huge map in front of the conference table, comparing with the detailed maps of the three provinces of Mengdan, for the generals present Introduction:

"Generals, this is the province of Lyon among the three provinces, and it is also an important backing for sending troops to reinforce the province of Mengdan as soon as the fighting breaks out; therefore, the garrison here will be placed by General Dan Brosio’s The 39th Corps and General Bella’s 40th Corps and General Giannu’s 44th Corps are the main force, supplemented by the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Eastern Corps as backup forces."

Moved the baton in his hand from the province of Lyon to the province of Toulon, and continued: "This is the province of Toulon among the three provinces, and it is also the rear base of our three provinces after the outbreak of war; all frontline troops need Grain and grass supplies will be shipped here to be hoarded."

"So, to ensure absolute security here, the garrison here will be dominated by the sixty-fifth corps of General Erik and the sixty-seventh corps of General Krefeld, and the eighty-sixth corps of General Barao, Supplemented by the 4th and 5th Eastern Legions as backup troops."

"Finally, the Mengdan province, which is the closest to the sunset fortress, is not only the front line province where we face the orc army, but also the core province of our three provinces; therefore, the remaining ten legion of 200,000 elite soldiers will be all Are stationed in the province of Mengdan!"

"General Barcelona, ​​you have worked hard." Nose smiled and signaled that after Barcelona sat back, Bai Feng turned his head and asked Eric, who was second only to himself, "Operator Eric, divided this preliminary garrison. , What did you mean?"

"Master Governor, your division seems to be fair and reasonable, but in fact it does not take into account the difference in the combat power of each of our legions." I don't know what kind of mentality. He gave a serious opinion.

No matter how weird the generals are here, Governor Eric still speaks out: "The three legions under my name are the three standing legions, but the actual combat effectiveness is far from the other standing legions; it is fair For the sake of reason, the provincial garrison in Toulon should add one or two more elite standing legions, and then transfer one or two legions to other provinces."

"The combat capabilities of the 65th, 67th, and 86th legions are indeed not strong." Bai Feng, who nodded frequently, replied: "But which legion was the elite teacher at the beginning of its formation? The elite teachers are all killed on the battlefield of blood and fire."

I thought that Bai Feng was rejecting the warlord Eric that he proposed, and said in a helpless tone: "Master Governor, the status quo of the empire at this time. You also know that without the large-scale war temporarily, the three legions under my command are really not. Too many opportunities for practical training."

"General Eric, the way to improve the combat effectiveness of a legion is far more than a practice." Bai Feng smiled and shook his head: "The improvement of the quality of soldiers, the replacement of weapons and equipment, the promotion of new tactics, these are all to improve the combat effectiveness of the legion. good idea."

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