Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 934: "·Development"

A sense of superiority is nothing more than a sense of inferiority walking in an upright position.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

About half an hour later, Bai Feng, who finally put down his hand, raised his head again and asked Weipsani: "Weipsani, we have 2.3 million barbarians in the 18 towns under the rule of Rome. Now How do you identify with our city of Rome?"

"The Governor, the Ward commander of the garrison headquarters a year ago, will lead two thousand elite soldiers under his direct control to the new town of the former Viter tribe. Will not affect anything."

Weipsani's serious description made a smile appear on Bai Feng's face, and he said with ease: "In this way, our barbarians under the rule of Rome have a good recognition of our city of Rome. At least there is no heart of rebellion."

"It's not just that there is no heart of rebellion." Vipsani, who knows the situation of each town with a smile on his face, said: "You only need the Governor's order, hundreds of thousands of barbarians in 18 cities and towns can be yours at any time. The most loyal and fearless warrior!"

"In the end is a nation where all the people are soldiers, as many young and strong as there are warriors." Bai Feng said with emotion: "If the young and strong of the Tianlong Empire have such a fighting force, how could it be that the Orc Empire in the east and the grassland tribe in the north Repeated invasions?"

"Governor, each ethnic group has its own characteristics that other ethnic groups cannot learn and imitate." For this, Vipsani explained with a smile: "The humanity's specialty lies in learning and creation, and fighting is just their many subsidiary strengths. Just one."

"In my opinion, the reason why the human race army can contend with the barbarian, orc, and grassland tribe army is not their own combat power, but the excellent weapons and equipment they have created with their own characteristics. This is their The key to winning."

"Compared to the creation and updating of weapons and equipment, I believe in tactical innovation and flexibility." Bai Feng, who is irrevocable to Vipsani, said frankly: "The reason why the human race can become the mainland's overlord, rely on Not force, but wisdom."

"The governor is wise!" After the insignificant **** was delivered, Vipsani continued the topic just now: "With the increase in food production in various towns and the increasingly prosperous economy, those barbarians have become us Loyal supporters of the city of Rome."

"Dear loyal supporters, we are working hard to plan and build towns for them to help them improve their living environment. Isn't that the reason?" Bai Feng said with joy: "Only more and more barbarians support us, we To become more powerful!"

Speaking of which, Bai Feng suddenly turned around and asked Weipsani and Lucius: "How is the situation on the side of the Kingdom of Aisini, and why the size of their guard army suddenly increased to 25,000 Warrior, what happened?"

Weipsani and Lucius, who looked at each other, didn't quite understand why Bai Feng talked about the town under the rule of Rome, and they mentioned the Kingdom of Essini; however, Vepsani replied:

"The Governor, the cooperation between our Governor’s House and the Kingdom of Essini is mainly economic; in addition to exchanging a large amount of food for special products of the Kingdom of Essini, private trade transactions are also very frequent and greatly stimulated. The development of the Kingdom of Aisini."

After Vipsani’s remarks, Luquith took over and continued: “Governor, according to the report of our garrison stationed in the Kingdom of Essini; the expansion of the army of the Guards of the Kingdom of Essini is due to Budika The Queen intends to send two legions to give us command."

"Send two legions to be commanded by us?" Bai Feng, who moved his heart, frowned slightly: "Is it the first legion of Nalbado and the second legion of Assam, why did Queen Putika take these two? The legions are handed over to us for command, and the garrison reports?"

"Queen Budeka wants to send us the two legions. As for the specific reason, she didn't elaborate." Luquez explained: "The reason why Queen Budeka did not report to the Governor's Palace is her. Knowing that you are not in Rome."

Facing the water like Bai Feng, Shen said: "Isn't I not in the city of Rome, can she take the initiative in this kind of thing?"

"Governor, Queen Budika did not take the lead in this matter." Lucius, who knew Bai Feng was angry, calmly said: "The reason why she did not officially report to the Governor's Mansion is because she wants to wait for you to come back. Then report it to you personally."

"As of now, the army of the Kingdom of Essini is still stationed in their capital, the capital city, and even the expanded pro-corps has not left without a step; even if the strength of the Kingdom of Essini is increasingly restored, they are still in our Under control."

In the first half of the sentence, Lucius was still speaking for Queen Budeka and the Kingdom of Essini. In the second half, he expressed his position to Bai Feng; indeed, with the strong military strength of the city of Rome, Aisi with a total population of more than half a million The Kingdom of Nepal, it really can't turn over the waves.

In fact, the reason why Bai Feng reacted so strongly just now was because he and Queen Budeka had a layer of unclear relationship; it was this relationship that made Bai Feng particularly disgusted by Queen Budeka. One step beyond Lei Chi.

There is no doubt that a woman who understands and retires can get the heart of a man; and a woman who likes to use a man intentionally or unintentionally will only lose the heart of a man, because the more powerful and ambitious the man cannot bear this Kinds of utilization.

Is Bai Feng, who has the Roman city system and hundreds of thousands of elite teachers, a man with power ambitions? Therefore, he did not want Queen Pudika to do anything suspicious; he did not want to see the people under his own, even if Queen Pudika's suspicious.

Fortunately, Lucius's answer dispelled Bai Feng's worries. After all, Queen Budeka's performance did not disappoint Bai Feng; after putting down her heart, Bai Feng turned around and ordered Vipsani:

"Vipsani, you will formally send a mediation order to Queen Budeka in the name of the Governor’s House tomorrow morning, so that the First and Second Legions of the Kingdom of Aisini will rush to the city of Rome to join us within half a month. The next battle is going north."

"Nuo!" Vipsani should have no objection.

"How is the formation of the Sixth and Seventh Legions, and how long will it take to form combat power?"

"Because of the early formation of the Sixth Legion of Marcus, the three Longbow Wings have been fully completed, and the formation of the four Roman Wings is only half of it; the seventh legion of Luculus is due to the late formation. The three longbow teams of the United States are not yet full.

"Hasn't the three longbow teams of the Seventh Legion reached full capacity?" Bai Feng, who was slightly disappointed, ordered to Luquez: "Within half a month, make sure that the three longbow teams of the Seventh Army The team has reached full status!"

"Nuo!" Lu Quesi's execution of the order is naturally needless to say.

"In addition, a complete combat brigade was selected from each of the five Roman legions in the full series, and readjusted and added to the Sixth Legion and the Seventh Legion; before the whole army went north, I wanted these two legions to have at least two complete 'S combat wing!"


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