Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 935: "·Two Department Development"

The higher you go, the more lonely you are, and the lower you go, the more you will be with others.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

Now that the topic has been talked about militaryly, the next topic naturally revolves around the military; with the current military strength of the city of Rome, it is not difficult to eliminate Lu Xiluo or the Eastern Alliance alone, but if you want to deal with both It is impossible for the tribe to start.

Even if the city of Rome has a naval advantage that Lu Xiluo and the Eastern Alliance cannot match, it does not have the strength of one enemy and two; know that after nearly two years of recovery and development, the strength of Lu Xiluo and the Eastern Alliance has become more and more powerful. Be strong.

"Lucius, you are the military commander of the city of Rome. All the ghosts on the battlefield lurking on the north bank will regularly report the situation of the north bank to you. Come and tell me, what is the strength of the current Lu Xiluo and the Eastern Alliance?"

"Governor, if compared with our Roman city, the Eastern Conference with a numerical advantage and the Luxi without the numerical advantage will not be the opponents of our Roman city army; but if they are compared with them, , Their development is indeed rapid!"

"Oh?" For a long time, he did not pay attention to Lu Xiluo and Bai Feng in the Eastern League. The tone was surprised: "They have become stronger?"

"Their speed of becoming stronger is faster than we thought." Lu Kuisi said in a dull voice: "In just two years or less, the number of troops in the west of Lu has doubled at least, and the Eastern League The expansion speed is even more terrifying!"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Did they perceive the existence of our Roman city, or did the destruction of the Viter tribe have been known to them?" Bai Feng, who was also frowning, frantically guessed, "Also, it was Essini." Is the wind leaking over the kingdom?"

"With the Cangluo River and our fleet there, no matter whether it is the Luxilu and the Eastern Alliance on the north bank, or the Essini Kingdom on the east bank, there is no possibility of transmitting information; even those refugees who have nowhere to go, come to the South Bank. There is no opportunity to return to the North Shore."

First, he answered Bai Feng’s guess, and then Lu Kuisi made his own judgment: “According to the information sent back by the ghosts of the battlefield, plus the previous battle between Lu Xiluo and the Eastern Alliance; the strength between them should be The result of facing each other."

"The result of facing each other?" Bai Feng, slightly stunned, immediately responded: "You mean that the purpose of Lu Xiluo and the Eastern Alliance now desperately accumulating strength is that they will start a decision between themselves and the tribe. The battle between life and death?"

"It should be like this." Bai Feng, who was not sure about his words, was indeed determined to speak. He stood up and walked to the huge map in the conference room, pointing to the yellow mark on the map. Lu Xiluo said:

"Two years ago, the total population of West Lu was about 2.4 million, and the elite standing army was about 200,000 infantry and 60,000 cavalry; the Eastern Union, with a total population of less than 1 million, was under the poor soldiers. One hundred thousand infantry and twenty thousand cavalry."

"Later, as the aggressive Eastern Alliance continued to expand westward, Lu Xiluo and the Eastern Alliance broke out in a battle of Lele that had both sides defeated; this battle not only awakened the arrogant Eastern Alliance, but also awakened The self-enclosed Lu Xiluo fell."

"After the war, there were several internal strifes within the Eastern Alliance where the main force of the expansion was lost. The dominant 18 tribes exchanged blood several times; until the new 18 tribes stabilized, the Eastern Alliance began to rush north and east. Expand on both sides."

"The unwillingness of the western part of Lulu fell. After the war, it first restored its standing army to the size of 200,000 infantry and 50,000 cavalry; then, in addition to the 250,000 standing army, a new 300,000 ordinary tribe warriors were built. Second-line army."

Lu Quesi said here, Bai Feng interrupted him: "Two hundred and fifty thousand standing troops are riding, three hundred and twenty second-line fighters. The total population of West Lu is only 2.4 million. They are poor soldiers. Is Alliance shopping really going?"

Lu Kuisi patiently explained to Bai Feng: "The leader of the Western Villasius, who is in the west of Lu, is not a fool. If he really intends to fight the war with the poor soldiers, the Eastern Union, which is the main force in the battle of Leer, is afraid. It has long since been completely destroyed by West Lu."

"The reason why he didn’t chase the Eastern League immediately after your Battle of Leer was because he didn’t want to lose both sides with the Eastern League; only half of his newly-built 300,000 second-tier fighters were from the western fighters, and the other half came from Lucy. Tribal tribe."

"At the outbreak of the Battle of Leer, the reason was that the affiliated tribes in Luxiluo were forcibly destroyed by the Eastern Alliance; and the tributary tribes in Luxiluo were far more than this tribe, and the number of other large and small tribes that belonged to Luxiluo was about About twenty or thirty."

"The twenty or thirty vassal tribes, on the one hand, are out of self-preservation, on the one hand, they cannot refuse Lu Xiluo's order, and eventually provided Lu Xiluo with a total of 150,000 warriors; The current size of the army in Western Lu's."

"What about the Eastern Alliance?" Seeing Lu Quesi has been saying that the Western Union fell, Bai Feng asked him: "When the army size in the Western Union dropped sharply to 550,000, what was the size of the Eastern Union's army? Degree?"

"The lunatic war madmen of the Eastern League really brought the characteristics of the barbarian tribes to the extreme; the Eastern League under the rule of a population of only 1.5 million, and the total number of the battles was patched up. Up to 700,000 troops!"

As soon as Lucius said it, Bai Feng hadn't had time to express his shock. The unbelievable Weipsani exclaimed: "A population of 1.5 million has formed a 700,000 army?!"

"Yes, with a population of 1.5 million, a 700,000 army has been formed!" Luquez, who all felt incredible, said with a wry smile: "Otherwise, how could the leader of the 18 tribes of the Eastern Alliance be? Is it called a war madman?"

"I'm afraid that these 700,000 troops include a large number of old people, children, and women?" Bai Feng, who regained his calmness, saw it sharply: "Otherwise, not even 300,000 young and powerful among the 1.5 million people Yes, where are there so many troops?"

"It's more than a lot, it's almost unbelievable!" Lucius took a stack of paper from the space ring and handed it to Bai Feng: "Of the 700,000 troops of the Eastern League, the real There are only 300,000 young soldiers."

"The other 400,000 troops are all made up of the old and weak women and children of the lost tribes and the conquered tribes; the leaders of the Eastern Alliance of the poor soldiers and militia have turned all the people of this tribe into what they call special warriors. This army of 700,000."

Hearing this, Bai Feng puzzled: "There are only 300,000 warriors in the Eastern Alliance’s 700,000 army, but Lu Xiluo has 250,000 elite and 300,000 warriors; such a disparity in strength "Why didn't Lu Xiluo start the Eastern League?"

Faced with Bai Feng's doubts, Lu Kuisi replied solemnly and solemnly: "Because the 400,000-strong army of old and weak women and children in the Eastern League, the fighting power is far weaker than the outsiders imagine; even, their fighting power is no less than the real How bad is the warrior!"

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