Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 937: "·New possibilities"

If you are not happy, it is because you take things too seriously.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

"Governor, although the White Horse Kingdom and the Eastern Alliance are separated by Lu Xi, but it is not necessarily suspect." Vip Sani, who was a soldier but better at government affairs, pointed to the map and said: "The inherent looseness of the barbarian tribes determined them. There is no rigid border concept."

"From the southeastern border of the White Horse Kingdom to the most northwestern end of the Eastern Alliance's sphere of influence, there is a 200-kilometre border line between western Lu and Lu; it has always been the edge of the western Lu's sphere of influence. It's rare to describe it."

"As the general said just now, the Eastern Alliance has a 5,000-unit cavalry unit; as long as this cavalry unit’s actions are sufficiently concealed and rapid, it can be accelerated from the northwest end of the Eastern Union all the way to the west. Southeast region of the White Horse Kingdom."

"The strength of the White Horse Kingdom should not be underestimated. It is still easy to take out dozens of space rings; if they really intend to support the Eastern Alliance, the method of using the space rings to transport food will not be difficult for them to do."

Speaking of which, Vepsani just stopped, and Ruques added aside: "Compared to the ability of the White Horse Kingdom to support the Eastern League, I am more concerned about whether they have the motivation to support the Eastern League; undoubtedly, they are The most motivated to support the Eastern Conference!"

After referring to the White Horse Kingdom, Lucius went to the map, put away the detailed map of the eastern region, and unfolded a map of the distribution of the forces of the Tianlong Continent. He pointed to the White Horse Kingdom and said, "As one of the weakest kingdoms on the mainland, Their desire to expand is certainly not small."

"But the special geographical location of the White Horse Kingdom determines that they have little room for expansion; the east is the powerful Tianlong Empire, the north and west are the Principality of Feiyu and Kassel, who believe in the **** of light, and the south is deserted. The central part of the earth."

"As far as the White Horse Kingdom is concerned, challenging the overall strength of the Tianlong Empire is tantamount to finding its own way. Even if the Tianlong Empire is at the stage of decline in national strength, it is not a monster that can be challenged by the weak White Horse Kingdom. "

"The Principality of Feiyu and the Principality of Kassel, who believe in the God of Light, to the north is the Deman Kingdom that is not inferior to the Tianlong Empire, to the west is the most powerful pope kingdom of the human race; if the White Horse Kingdom dares to start against the Principality of Feiyu, Deman Kingdom Neither the Holy See will sit idly by."

"The Holy See will never allow the White Horse Kingdom to invade the princely Feiyu, who is extremely religious in faith; the Deman Kingdom, the Deman Kingdom that has been enemies on all sides, is even less likely to allow another powerful kingdom to appear in its south. "

"The only area in the middle of the wild land that can be left to expand by the White Horse Kingdom is the world of barbarian tribes; with the power of the heyday of the Dragon Dragon Empire, it has gone through hundreds of years of **** battles, but it was only laid down from the eastern region 20 years ago. It’s just the five provinces in the south."

"The overall national strength is far inferior to that of the White Horse Kingdom of the Tianlong Empire. Why do they invade the land from the central barbarians whose overall strength far exceeds that of the eastern barbarians? The central and western regions of the vast land have been the life ban of human races since ancient times, and the White Horse Kingdom must not dare to set foot ."

"In this way, by supporting the Eastern Alliance further away from the White Horse Kingdom and weakening the Lu Xixi closer to the White Horse Kingdom, it is a good strategy; whether the result is the decline of Lu Xixi’s decline or both losses, it is beneficial to the White Horse Kingdom. Bad."

"It's really a good way to get close and close, and in my opinion, the White Horse Kingdom is likely to have the idea of ​​three birds with one stone." Vipsani said slowly: "After the rapid expansion in the past six months, the Eastern Alliance is far from the Dragon Empire. The southern border of China is getting closer and closer."

"Dragon empire half a year ago, the east line was the orc army that captured the fortress and the five eastern provinces. The north line was the border defense and the grassland army in the six northern provinces. The long and fragile Tianlong empire, how long can it fall apart? What about?"

"If at that time, the 700,000 troops of the Eastern Alliance went north, would the Tianlong Empire still be able to withstand the three lines of east, north and south? A Tianlong empire that was going to extinction in the siege of aliens, its southwestern and western provinces, Who should get it?"

Looking at the reasoned and well-founded Luquez and Vepsani, there is another speculative Bai Feng in my heart. Only after a bitter smile, he asked the two of them: "Did you two not find out, there is still a share Do forces have both power and motivation?"

"There's another force?" Luquez and Vepsani, who looked at each other, suddenly fell into contemplation.

When he saw the two most confidant of his most confidant face, Bai Feng did not disturb them, but just waited for them quietly; after a long time, the gleaming Lucius in his eyes, his face was already showing a sudden enlightenment .

Bai Feng smiled and asked Lucius: "Lucius, did you think of it?"

"Thinking of a force that we have been unknowingly ignoring." Lucius, who did think of it, was quite helpless: "In addition to the Dragon Empire and the White Horse Kingdom, there is another force that borders the eastern region, that is the Orc Empire. ."

"The orc empire?" Wipsani puzzled: "between the orc empire and the Eastern Alliance, but across the sunset mountains all over Warcraft, and the orc empire's land is extremely barren. ?"

Seeing a little smile on Bai Feng’s face, and knowing that he was not wrong, he explained to Vipsani: “The reason why the orcish army can capture the sunset fortress of the Tianlong empire is not by turning over the sunset. Was the mountain unexpected?"

"I believe that the orc army is definitely not by luck, but a special method; this means that the sunset mountains that traverse half the continent are no longer the obstacles that block the orc army, they can always Easily over the sunset mountains."

"As for the food and food transportation space rings, these things are not available in the orc empire itself, but there are many in the five eastern provinces of the dragon empire; the accumulation of the five provinces can provide the orc empire with as much food and space rings as they can Unimaginable!"

"Can the Eastern Alliance be supported? What benefits does the Orc Empire have?" Wipsani still wondered: "The barrenness of the eastern region is comparable to that of the Orc Empire. The Orc Empire that has occupied the sunset fortress is no longer necessary. Peek into the east?"

"That's because the orc empire knows where its fatal weaknesses are." This time, waiting for Lu Quesi to explain, Bai Feng said: "The orc empire with a limited population, the last reason why he took the initiative to retreat under the advantage. The army is to avoid casualties."

"If you try to spend on the land of the Dragon Empire, with a total population of billions of days, you can destroy an Orc Warrior by destroying an Orc Warrior with a hundred young and strong; therefore, the Orc Empire needs help More external force to reduce their own losses."

"Governor, do you mean that the Eastern Alliance is supported by the orc empire to deal with the external help of the Dragon Empire?"

"No, Vipsani, this is just my personal guess." Bai Feng smiled and shook his head: "No matter whether the result of this guess is correct, it will not affect anything; because the Eastern Conference will not exist for too long, The eastern region is the eastern region of our Roman city!"

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