Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 938: "·Expedition Strategy"

Maturity has nothing to do with your external life experience, it has something to do with your inner journey, it has something to do with your inner experience.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

"Lukui, the Eastern Alliance’s sphere of influence now spans the main stream of the Cangluo River, covering the area east of Lulu and north of our Roman city; if we use the fleet to block the main stream of the Cangluo River, will their troops be blocked split into two?"

"Governor, the main power of the Eastern Alliance is concentrated on the west bank of the main stream of Cangluo River, and there are only an army of old, weak women and children on the east bank." Lu Ques replied without thinking: "Block the main stream of Cangluo River, yes Their influence will not be too great."

"That's not without influence, is it?" Bai Feng, who smiled lightly, replied: "If the food of the Eastern Alliance really comes from the orc empire, then the main stream of the Cangluo River is blocked. For the Eastern Alliance , What does it mean?"

"That means that it will only take up to three months for the Eastern League to perish itself." Wipsani said: "The Eastern Union's 600,000 troops and 500,000 people are all on the west bank of the Cangluo River. ; Without food, what do these 1.1 million mouths eat?"

"With our current fleet size, it is almost impossible to completely block the main stream of the Cangluo River." Lucius, who is familiar with the military situation of Rome, said the truth: "Our limited warships cannot meet the complete blockade. The needs of the main stream of the Cangluo River."

"Even if we quickly expand the fleet size in a short period of time and reach the number of warships necessary to completely block the main stream of the Cangluo River, that will not help; the way the Eastern Alliance uses the space ring to transport food determines whether they want to dive into the warehouse at night Luohe is not difficult."

"Cangluo River, it's not so good to dive in at night." Bai Feng's attitude to Luquez's objection is: "I believe that people in the Eastern League cannot understand the reason why eggs cannot be put in a basket. This is their weakness and our opportunity."

"The storage space of ordinary space rings is limited. At least hundreds of thousands of people or millions of people need food for a month. At least they need to be filled with dozens of space rings. Alliance strong protection?"

"Even if there are five space rings on a person, it needs ten people; as long as one or two of these people are found and killed by our warship, the food that the Eastern Alliance has barely maintained , There will be an irreparable gap immediately."

"For the Eastern Alliance, which is extremely poor and extremely powerful, once the food gap occurs, their already fragile operating system will collapse in an instant; in this way, the seemingly powerful Eastern Alliance has suddenly reached the edge of life and death. ."

"Food is always a deadly knot that the barbarian forces cannot truly become strong." After hearing Bai Feng say so much, Vipsani concluded: "If there is enough food, what is the turn of the large eastern region? The rise of the Eastern Conference?"

"Is the Eastern League rising?" Lu Kuixi, who smiled disdainfully, confidently said: "The reason why the former Eastern League can quickly become stronger depends on the strength of the overall strength; as they expand, they are destroyed. It is their inevitable ending."

"The powerful Essini Kingdom, the western part of Luxi, which has dominated today, has become a part of the Viter tribe of Rome. Why did these once powerful barbarian forces not continue to expand in the end? In the final analysis, it was still food restrictions."

"As you said, this is the value of food." Seeing Vipsani and Lucius both wanted to understand the importance of food, and a Bai Feng of strategic planning has been formed in their hearts, shifting the topic to the development law of the barbarian tribe On the road:

"The dead cycle of the barbarian tribe is: if you want to conquer other tribes, you must have more troops. More troops means fewer young people, and fewer young people will lead to a reduction in cultivated area and lower food production. , Which will hinder the development of the tribe."

"When powerful tribes face an unsolvable food crisis, their only two options are to either fall apart or continue to invade; the former way is to give up their merits, the latter way is to continue the cycle, and finally Fall apart."

Speaking of which, Bai Feng smiled and asked Weipsani and Lucius: "You said that when the food gap in the Eastern Union is getting bigger and bigger; they will fall apart at any time, and they will choose which path to choose. Keep going?"

"The ambitious Eastern Alliance will naturally choose to continue its expansion by invading other tribes; otherwise, they will be too self-defeating as soon as they stop because they are too large due to the blindness of the early expansion goals. "

Lu Quesi’s answer is consistent with Bai Feng’s idea, and Vipsani nodded with approval, adding: “Now the only tribe on the northern bank of the Cangluo River that has not been invaded by the Eastern Alliance, Only Lu Xi has fallen."

"Before our army officially embarked, the Eastern League and the western Lu's battle was triggered ahead of time. After the defeat of both sides, they will be injured, and then we will send troops to sweep the north bank of the Cangluo River; this is the most perfect result for us. , Isn't it?"

Facing Bai Feng's gleaming eyes, Lucius again made a suggestion: "If the fleet is blocked, the time period is too long; if it is supplemented by the shadow killer and the arson of the battlefield arson, the grain breakout plan It may be implemented more smoothly."

"Yes, too much time wasted on the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. It is indeed not cost-effective." Bai Feng, who recognized Lu Quesi's statement, immediately nodded and agreed: "Tomorrow I will transfer Adrien and Ivan back. , Let them go to the Eastern League to set fire to grain."

"Governor, only the Eastern League side may make the strength imbalance between the Eastern League and Lu Xiluo." At the same time, Vipsani also proposed: "To avoid this situation, should we not What restrictive measures should be taken against Lu Xilu?"

"Governor, Wipsani is not unreasonable." Bai Feng has not yet given an answer, and Lu Quesi echoed: "Lu Xiluo's overall strength is superior to the Eastern League, only against the Eastern League, I am afraid that Let Lu Xi have a chance."

"The Eastern Conference is too big, Adrien's battlefield ghost and Ivan's shadow killer are all involved, and they may not be busy." In response, Bai Feng's reply was: "Lu Xiluo's broken words plan was handed over to the shogunate. Let the ninjas and spies in the palace system execute."

"The governor is wise!" It seems that timely flattering is also a major feature of the generals of the Roman city system.

After agreeing to first weaken the Eastern Alliance and the West of Lu, and then take the opportunity to trigger the war of these two forces, and finally the own army’s planned strategy of sending troops; then, Bai Feng and Lucius specifically discussed the route of the Roman army’s expedition And the scale of the expedition.

As a Vespasani who fully handles the various government affairs of the forces of Rome, his task is to prepare the food and materials needed for the march for the expedition; other military deployments do not require Vepsani to intervene.

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