Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 952: "·Heavy punch"

Don’t deliberately hurt others because it’s not just a joke, it’s neither fun nor humorous.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

After the eight battlefield ghost elites split into the camp of this tribe, they began to investigate everything in the camp; from the most sparse and ordinary hut to the only one leader's house, from the unguarded stable to the guarded granary , They scrutinized carefully.

After the layout and important buildings of the entire tribe were fully investigated, the ghosts of the battlefield, which moved quickly and secretly, quietly left without knowing the enemy’s unknowingness; next, the shadow killer’s performance time .

Supported by detailed information provided by the ghosts of the battlefield, the destruction and assassination of the shadow killers were exceptionally smooth; the eight shadow killers who were waiting for them, followed behind the ghosts of the eight battlefields, and also quietly infiltrated. The camp under the night.

The original specific words and assassinations should be performed by the shadow killer under Ivan; but no one knows why Adrien sent the eight again after the spy intelligence sent back by the battlefield ghost. The ghost of the battlefield leads the shadow killer.

The only Ivan who could see through Adrien’s intentions did not say a word from beginning to end, but let Adrien and the ghosts of his battlefield act together with himself and his shadow killers to execute Destruction and assassination missions.

Eight ghosts on the battlefield with eight shadow killers and sixteen elite system characters with up to five experience levels are divided into eight groups to each of the important buildings in the camp; for example, a grain silo filled with food and a stable filled with war horses , A warehouse full of weapons, etc.

All the important buildings of this tribe are all destroyed by the ghosts and shadow killers of the battlefield; even the camp temples where the spiritual trust and beliefs of the barbarian people have not escaped the poisonous hands of the ghosts and shadow killers of the battlefield. Completely destroyed!

Of course, Bai Feng’s emphasis on the gods with the power of faith is also well known; so that the ghosts and shadow killers of the battlefield had already transferred several gods in the temple to them before they destroyed the camp temple. Coming in the space ring.

After ensuring that the idol is safe and sound, the remaining empty shell temples naturally cannot escape the fate of being burned by the raging fire; except that at this moment, the fire ignited in this camp is far more than the temple, and the other All important buildings are also blazing!

Eight two-by-two action teams, each of which destroys three important buildings and assassinates at least ten barbarian aristocrats; only need to complete this hard target, each action team has the right to decide to continue Destruction, or decisive evacuation.

In fact, this so-called hard indicator is not the decision of Adrien or Ivan alone, but the result of their negotiation; if according to Adrien’s idea, each action team only needs to destroy three important buildings, You should immediately evacuate the enemy camp.

But Ivan did not quite agree with Adrien’s idea, the reason is that only destroying important buildings and burning the tribe’s grain can’t weaken the combat effectiveness of the 25,000 warriors of this tribe in a short time. Some necessary measures must be taken.

Needless to say, the necessary measures proposed by Ivan are for the action team performing the sabotage mission to kill at least ten noble warriors of the tribe in the course of the task; in this way, the eight action teams can take advantage of at least Kill hundreds of noble warriors in chaos!

Noble warriors are undoubtedly the mainstay of the barbarian tribal army, and even the number of noble warriors can be used as a standard to measure the overall strength of a tribe; but the hard-won cultivation means that no tribe can have too many Noble warrior.

Even for this large tribe with 70,000 people and 25,000 warriors, the number of noble warriors is less than 500; this is what Ivan speculated based on normal data. The characteristics of the Eastern Union’s poor soldiers Muyu determine their actual situation. The number simply does not reach five hundred.

Less than 500 enemy noble warriors beheaded and killed 100. Although it does not mean that the enemy's 25,000 troops are suddenly reduced by one-fifth, it is enough to make the enemy chaos for a while; you know Each noble warrior is an intermediate officer in the barbarian army.

Not to mention the loosely structured barbarian army, even the tightly-organized Tianlong army, after suddenly losing one-fifth of the intermediate officers, the sharp reduction in combat power and the loosening of the military heart in a short period of time are almost inevitable results.

Therefore, killing as many noble warriors as possible in this tribe has become one of the missions of ghosts and shadow killers on the battlefield; however, killing some noble warriors generally in the realm of intermediate swordsmen is equivalent to great power. Sword Master's battlefield ghosts and shadow killers are not really difficult tasks.

While the eight action teams performed their tasks smoothly, Adrien and Ivan each came to the house of the tribal leader with two confidants; their goal was to strike the tribal leader before he came out to preside over the overall situation. kill!

A huge barbarian tribe, there are always some noble warriors at the senior swordsman level, and even the strong at the swordsman level are not lacking in them; but compared with their powerful leaders, their fighting power is still too weak .

Adrien and Ivan, who successfully entered the house of the chief, only two ghosts of the battlefield and two shadow killers, killed the 20 guards of the senior swordsman outside the house. The two swords The guard captain of the division realm was even besieged on the spot.

Such a fierce fighting, it is impossible to hide the tribal leader who is only one step away from the sword saint; when the angry leader is dressed and rushed out with a long sword, the small house has been surrounded by his guards Corpse.

This time, Ivan, who took the lead with two battlefield ghosts and two shadow killers, took advantage of his dexterous dodge skills and the dagger that saw the blood-stained master in his hand. His dagger was inserted into the leader's chest.

During this time, I noticed that the tribe noble warriors who came to reinforce their leader were blocked by Adrien with two battlefield ghosts and two shadow killers, and they could not get closer to the house.

After about half an hour's attack, the ghosts and shadow killers of the eight action teams evacuated one after another, successfully slashing tribal leaders and a large number of enemy noble warriors Adrien and Ivan.

After returning to the previously hidden small forest, Adrien and Ivan sent someone to inquire about the results of the eight action teams; after statistics, it can be determined that the eight action teams burned 35 important buildings in total and killed Two hundred and forty-six noble warriors!

Including the two commanders of Adrien and Ivan, eleven battlefield ghosts and eleven shadow killers turned this Eastern Alliance tribe upside down at an unimpaired cost; this is their horror and this The scary part of the action plan!

How many large tribes with a population of 70,000 in the Eastern Union with a total population of only 1.5 million? There are eighteen if you are full. But, are these eighteen large tribes able to withstand the combined heavy punches of ghosts and shadow killers on the battlefield?

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