Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 953: "·Excellent Opportunity"

Hope is bound to be broken, because hope is the pursuit of despair, and the desire contains a setback.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

In the last three days of September, the actions of 400 spies and 200 ninjas in the west of Lu, the battles of 180 battlefield ghosts and 120 shadow killers in the Eastern Alliance, were successively counted. , Summarized in the hands of Bai Feng.

Among them, two hundred thirds and two thirds of the two hundred ninjas have been gathered under the leadership of Naoki Yoshikawa; only about one third of them are still in the identity of an independent squad in southwestern Lu The ministry performed their sabotage mission.

The Yoshikawa Naoki, who almost became the leader of the Ninja, and the Yamashita Yamashita, who led the crime, the "vengeance" army they controlled, after successively breaking through several small and medium-sized distances in southwestern Lu, the size of the army reached an amazing three. More than ten thousand people.

In sharp contrast to this, is the repressive army sent by the leader of the Western Virginius in Lulu; this repressive army commanded by the famous Lugul, Gregory, has a total strength of 100,000, composed of 40,000 infantry and one Ten thousand cavalry, and fifty-two second-line infantry.

Even if the western part of the army with a size of 550,000 troops fell, its combined standing infantry and standing cavalry would only add up to 250,000; for the more than 30,000 rebels in the district, 50,000 standing troops and fifty-two line troops were invested. It's all a little bit overblown here.

Bai Feng, who learned of this situation, knew in his heart that the reason why Veriasius sent a whole army of 100,000 to suppress the rebellion was not because he made a fuss, but because he was aware of the anomaly; otherwise, how could he go from the border How about moving 100,000 troops south?

The continuous expansion of the Eastern Alliance and the poor soldiers' warfare have the most direct impact on Lu Xiluo. The border area between Lu Xiluo and the Eastern Alliance has two or three hundred thousand more Eastern Union troops; Corresponding troops were stationed at the border.

Because of the 550,000 troops in western Luzhou, 150,000 are from dozens of tribes in its border area; therefore, these 150,000 second-line infantry, plus the 150,000 permanent infantry and Five hundred thousand standing cavalry constitutes a garrison stationed in the western part of Lu.

In addition to the 200,000 standing elite and 150,000 second-line garrison infantry in the border area, there are also 50,000 standing infantry and 152,000 second-line infantry available in the western part of Lulu; this time, their 100,000 troops southward were stationed by the border troops It is formed with the internal garrison.

Fifty thousand from the internal second-line infantry, and fifty thousand from the standing elite of the border, together constitute the repressive army under Gregory; it can be seen that the fighting power of the repressed army is by no means comparable to the ordinary barbarian army, it is indeed Lucy The elite teacher of the Horde!

Why did Veriasius, who was the leader of the western part of Lu, risk the emptiness of the border forces and draw 50,000 steps from the border garrison to ride down the elite? There is only one answer, that is, he is aware of the rebellion in southwestern Lu, and there must be intervention from outside forces!

In the eastern region, there are only four remaining forces: the Eastern Alliance and the West of the West on the north bank of the Cangluo River, and the Roman City and the Kingdom of Aisini on the southern bank of the Cangluo River.

Among these four forces, if the Eastern League wants to attack West Lu, where else it needs to be so complicated, they will directly attack Lu West; and the relationship between the city of Rome and the Kingdom of Essini is not yet available. Known by the two major forces on the north bank of the Cangluo River.

Otherwise, Veriasius, who fell in the west of Lu, need not think about it. The external forces that secretly blended in their rebellion in southwestern Lu must be the city of Rome; unfortunately, the news blocked Virias, even the city of Rome. The name is unknown.

Whether it is the Eastern Alliance where eighteen tribes are united, or the fall of Luxi, which has dominated the eastern region for hundreds of years, they all know that a new force has emerged on the southern bank of the Cangluo River; but what is this new rise? Power, they will not know.

The people who stowed from the north bank of the Cangluo River to the south bank have never been able to return to the north bank; the Roman city fleet on the water of the Cangluo River, the cavalry corps patrolling the day and night on the south bank area, and the ghosts of the battlefield all over the north bank, which blocked the news of the city of Rome Airtight.

So many years have passed, the Eastern Alliance and the West of the Lulu on the northern bank of the Cangluo River, the knowledge of the Roman city still stays on the words of the mysterious forces; the unknown enemy is often the most terrible enemy, No one can deny this.

If it weren’t for the Eastern League’s aggressiveness, and there was quite a disharmony between Lu Xi’s and Luo Xi’s past, maybe these two forces on the northern bank of the Cangluo River might also unite to test out the possibility of Rome’s reality.

Of course, judging from the current overall strength of Rome City, even if the three alliances of the Eastern League, Lu Xiluo, and the Kingdom of Essini could not be opponents of Rome City; however, Bai Feng has been reluctant to mobilize the full strength of Rome City. , In order not to affect development.

Such things as the poor soldiers and militarism, once they are actually put into practice, will certainly cause unavoidable harm to the development of the Roman city itself; moreover, such harm is generally permanent and requires a long period of rest and recovery to slowly recover.

This is the reason why Bai Feng has not been involved in Lu Xi's fall and the Eastern League. Before his own strength was enough to crush the Eastern League and Lu Xi's fall, the start of a war of labor and people's money would only seriously slow down the development of Rome. .

Now, the strength of the city of Rome has developed to a stage similar to a bottleneck, and the overall military strength is more than enough to crush the Eastern Alliance and the west of Luxi. Bai Feng then returned to the city of Rome to really start the war to unify the eastern region.

The excellent results achieved by the spy and ninja troops in southwestern Lu have actually pushed Bai Feng to the point where they have to make new choices; while watching Gregory suppressing the'revenge' army supported by the army and destroying himself, and immediately sending troops to initiate Between the attacks on Lu Xiluo, Bai Feng must make his own choice.

In fact, even if Bai Feng chose to sit and watch the revenge of the annihilation of the army, his established strategic goals were still achieved; in the previous month, the spy and the ninja's destruction of southwestern Lu, far more than a toss More than 30,000 rebels are so simple.

First of all, all the large and small settlements in southwestern Lu have been secretly destroyed by spies and ninjas. These attacked settlements, ranging from the loss of some food to an unsustainable end, even the homeland has not kept the entire settlement They were all wrapped up by the rebels.

Secondly, out of the 550,000 troops in the west of Lu, a full 100,000 troops were attracted to the southwest of Lu, which caused the military emptiness in the north and the border area, giving the Eastern Alliance who was about to go to life and death To take advantage of it.

The last and most important point is the formation of the rebel forces in southwestern Lu; this rebel army secretly controlled by Yoshikawa Naoki secretly controls Yamashita’s surface. It not only represents more than 30,000 revenge fighters, but also There are more than 300,000 people in southwestern Lu!

If these more than 30,000 revenge fighters and more than 300,000 rebellious people were all included in the city of Rome; then, the city of Rome had the opportunity to differentiate from the west to the west. In Bai Feng's eyes, this is a perfect opportunity to assimilate the western part of Lu!

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