Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 954: "·The only choice"

Alone is your truth, alone is your divinity; on the spiritual path, alone should be your only pursuit.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

Compared with the chaos in southwestern Lu, the situation of the Eastern Alliance is undoubtedly much worse. The blockade fleet from Rome not only completely cut off the Eastern and Western ties between the Eastern Alliance, but also made it difficult for the food they obtained from the outside to be transported to the warehouse. The other side of the Luo River.

The battlefield ghost and shadow killer's actions on the eastern and western sides of the Eastern Alliance directly destroyed all the stored grains of the 14 tribes of the 18 Eastern Tribes; the other four most powerful tribes barely kept their last month's stored grain That's it.

Among the 14 tribes that lost all their food, three were unlucky tribes, and even the tribal leaders were beheaded by Adrien and Ivan who had been personally taken out; the leaders who suddenly lost power and monopolized it. For these tribes, this is A bigger thing than losing food.

Barbarians are not good at plotting tricks and fighting for power. That is just a concept relative to the human race. It does not mean that the barbarians are all sages of undesirable morals; on the contrary, the noble warriors of the barbarian tribes are very eager for the position of leader. Strong.

In the barbarian world where the strongest is respected, the position of the leader of any tribe is not the succession of the brother and the last brother and the death of the father, but the defeat of one competitor after another by the strongest noble warrior. Trophy won by strength.

Therefore, the three tribes that lost the leader and most of the powerful noble warriors, after chasing the ghosts and shadow killers of the battlefield to no avail, fell into the battle for the position of the leader; those noble fighters of equal strength, all are right The leader of the highest position is watching!

Leaving aside these three tribes who are fighting for the position of leader, the eleven other leaders who have not yet died but have lost all their food. Seeing that their own tribe is about to cut off their food, it is natural to quickly seek help from the four strongest tribes. Hope to receive food reinforcement as soon as possible.

It is a pity that the four tribes that barely kept their last month of grain storage did not have any extra grain to assist them; because after another month, even the four strongest tribes in the Eastern Alliance had to cut off their grain.

Since the entire Eastern Union is in an extremely severe food shortage crisis, they can only seek help from those who secretly provide them with food; at this time, the mysterious cavalry of the Eastern Union will inevitably appear and play a role in transporting food. effect.

Facts have proved that Adrien and Ivan, who were waiting for the rabbits, only waited for ten days, and the ghosts and shadow killers of the battlefield responsible for executing the destruction plan on the eastern shore of the Eastern Alliance discovered the mysterious cavalry of the Eastern Alliance.

It’s just that the mysterious cavalry found on the east coast of the Eastern Alliance is not as large as five thousand people, and it’s only about three thousand when it is full. The reduction of cavalry can be compared with the Roman city fleet. The Cangluo River blockade is linked.

After the ghosts of the battlefield chased down, the force that secretly provided food to the Eastern Alliance in secret was finally unearthed; undoubtedly, this force was the orc empire that Bai Feng had guessed before!

The orc empire separated by the sunset mountains from the eastern part of the wild land really found a way to avoid Warcraft crossing the sunset mountains; otherwise, how could they go through the sunset mountains again and again and extend their tentacles to the sunset West of the mountains?

For the orc empire to have random crossings of the sunset mountains, whether it is Adrien and Ivan, or Bai Feng himself, it is a headache; this is a more troublesome thing than unifying the eastern region. After all, no one wants to face it directly. The threat of the orc empire.

However, the reality in front of him forced Bai Feng to solve the problems in the eastern region as soon as possible, and then find a way to cut off the threat of the orc empire; otherwise, the eastern provinces of the Dragon Empire and the unified eastern region will be fatally killed by the orc empire Threat.

The Eastern Alliance cavalry who went to the outskirts of the Sunset Mountains for assistance from the Orc Empire, after receiving food from the Orc Empire, was ambushed by ghosts and shadow killers several times on the way back to the Eastern Alliance.

The food filled with thirty space rings was really only 16 brought back to the Eastern Alliance by the remnant cavalry; it was these sixteen space rings that left only five on the east bank, and the other eleven were Delivered to the Eastern Union West Bank.

On the way from the east bank to the west bank, the fortified Roman city blockade fleet was sent, and hundreds of cavalry and five rings escorted by them were successfully sent to the bottom of the Cangluo River; in this way, they arrived in the space of the west bank There are only six poor rings left!

In fact, in the process of the battlefield ghost and shadow killer ambushing the Eastern Coalition Cavalry Cavaliers, Adrien and Ivan had multiple opportunities to wipe out this Food Cavalry Cavalry; the reason why they did not do so was to use This batch of grain continues to cause conflicts.

Are the five spatial rings of food enough for the tribes that have lost food reserves on the east coast of the Eastern Alliance to survive for a month? The answer is very obvious, it must be insufficient! So the question is, how do the tribes on the east coast of the Eastern Alliance distribute this batch of food?

The West Bank region, which has a much larger population than the East Bank region, naturally faces a more miserable situation; more than a dozen grain-breaking tribes, the food they finally got was only comparable to the East Bank region, and even their urgent needs could not be resolved. .

Seeing that in half a month, the entire West Bank will be out of grain, and the four strongest tribes in the Eastern League have to start a series of discussions; launching a decisive attack on the food-rich Lu West, almost became the Eastern Union. The only choice.

Because of the blockade of the Roman city fleet, the 100,000 troops in the east bank were temporarily excluded from the four leaders of the Eastern Alliance; the 300,000 soldiers and 300,000 special fighters in the west bank were the four leaders who planned to attack Lu. The military power of the Western tribe.

Considering the existence of the Roman city and the strength of the Roman city fleet, the four chiefs who were not stunned by the current food crisis, decided to leave 50,000 soldiers and 100,000 special soldiers, dispersed to be stationed near the waterfront line, to prevent the Roman city There may be a sudden attack.

The remaining 450,000 troops composed of 250,000 soldiers and 200,000 special fighters are the Eastern Alliance's best efforts to attack the western army of Luxi; correspondingly, the garrison in the western border of Luzhou, then Only 300,000.

Attacking 300,000 Luxi border troops with 450,000 troops of one's own side, the four leaders of the Eastern League are still confident; Veriasius sent 100,000 troops to rebel south, which is an opportunity for Bai Feng and an opportunity for the Eastern Alliance In terms of opportunities!

The Eastern League, which did not intend to miss this great opportunity, happened to have experienced an extremely severe food crisis within itself; on the one hand, it was to seize rare fighters; on the other hand, it was to resolve the imminent crisis. The four leaders decided to attack immediately !

Knowing that this is a four-headed leader who wins even if it is a victory, the reason why he unanimously agreed to launch an attack on Lu Xiluo, in addition to the above two reasons, there is a third reason that is absolutely unprovokable.

That is, the brutal war will inevitably consume a large number of special troops that are not even equipped with weapons; for the Eastern Alliance, it is a good way to get out of the food shortage and a way out to solve the problem of captives. What about being happy?

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