Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 956: "·Mass Production Holy Class"

You always sacrifice this moment for the things that are not present, which makes your life infinitely empty.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

The Roman city attribute table with the Roman city as its foundation will have a slight change in every aspect every month. By comparison, the monthly change of the Shogunate system that relies on the presence of the Yanhuang family's sphere of influence is much simpler.

Attribute of the Shogunate

Region ruled by the Shogunate: Mutsu State (1.73 million stones)

Shogunate assets: 115700 stone

Shogunate income: 17,300 stone (one-hundredth of the dominant stone)

Shogun figures (1541): priest (level 1, 500), spy (level 1, 575), secret agent (level 1, 75), ninja (level 2, 265), geisha (level 4, 30), battlefield ninja (154 Level 4, Team 4)

Shogunate Army (42240): Nouta sword samurai (level three, one hundred teams), monks (four levels, twenty teams), young sword samurai (three levels, ten teams), spear warriors (second level, sixty teams), Long rifle (level 1, 80 teams), iron artillery (level 3, 82 teams)

Shogun General: Goto Kiji (Top Special Warrior)

Although the spies and ninjas' performances in southwestern Lu, especially the excellent performance of Yoshikawa Naoki, Yamashita Yangxi and others, satisfied Bai Feng; but before the official expedition to the Yamato Empire, Bai Feng did not recruit shogun figures and shogun troops again. intend.

Here, Bai Feng has just checked all the data of the two systems. A system general wearing the armor of the Augustus Imperial Legion has appeared in the square at the entrance of the Temple of Apollo, accompanied by a milky white beam. on.

To Bai Feng’s expectation, the system generals summoned this time were not generals of the Augustus family, but the cavalry generals of the Kingdom of Numidia, which was later incorporated by the Augustus empire. Head of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment-Bashirek!

Considering the particularity of the Great Temple of Apollo, even the iron wall general Vimina, one of the twin generals of the Carthage Kingdom, who had never belonged to the Augustus Empire, could be summoned; Bashirek was summoned, It seems that it is not unacceptable.

After Wen Yan appeased Bashirek, Bai Feng asked him to take his general's guard to the governor's mansion for rest; Lu Ques, who also lived in the governor's mansion, would arrange for the newly summoned Bashirek, This is also Bai Feng's instruction to Lucius.

Starting from Bashirek, every newly summoned system general, unless special circumstances occur, will be properly arranged by Roman military commander Lucius, as the Governor Bai Feng will no longer specifically arrange for each system general Job title.

Bai Feng, who didn't look at Huang Li when he went out, after seeing the two special teams recruited randomly, he felt that the temple call tonight was somewhat beyond his expectation; this time, the two special teams recruited randomly were two teams. Rolling sickle chariot of the ancient empire!

The power of the Scythe Chariot is undoubtedly; even in the ancient Seleucid Empire with armored cavalry, silver shield infantry, and silver shield spearmen, the power of the Scythe Chariot is still not inferior to the above arms, even there are still It's more than enough!

The reason why the volume sickle chariot is difficult to become a super ace unit similar to the armored cavalry or the silver shield is not because their combat power is not strong enough, but because their disadvantages and advantages are also obvious.

In a large-scale fighting between the two armies, the use of a sickle chariot against the dense array of infantry battles can definitely cause unimaginable heavy casualties to the powerful infantry of the enemy; this is not available in any other top arms. Lethality and destructive power.

In sharp contrast to this outstanding advantage, the fatal flaw that the Sickle Chariot cannot avoid is that it was born suppressed by the Javelin and Long Spear arms; this fatal weakness is not only the Sickle Chariot, but also all The common weaknesses of all chariot arms.

Fortunately, whether it is the barbarian forces in the eastern part of the deserted land, or the human forces in the central part of the Tianlong Continent, the javelin arms and the lance arms do not exist or occasionally exist; this is simply a sickle chariot. Lucky enough to be enviable.

Each team of sickle chariots consists of 36 chariots towed by two white horses. The outer side of the saddle of each chariot is set with three 50 cm long blades, and the wheels on both sides of the chariot On the top, it is even set with a blade up to 75 cm long!

The knights driving these 36 chariots are iron knights wearing standard armored cavalry weaponry; the silvery white cloak flying in the wind and the heavy body armor shining with silver light under the fire, the majestic look really gives the appearance Bai Feng of the association likes it.

Thinking of the two teams of sickle chariots, rushing into the scene of Lu Xiluo falling or killing the Quartet in the Eastern League, Bai Feng’s hands shook a little with excitement; after a long time, Bai Feng was overwhelmed. Restrained his inner excitement.

As of now, the only powerful Saint-level power within the Roman City system is Li Si-ni; the battle is imminent, and the lack of Holy-level generals of the Roman City Army makes it easy to eat Lu Xiluo and Eastern in terms of Holy Power The loss of the alliance.

According to the incomplete statistics of the ghosts of the battlefield, Lu Xixi, which has maintained its hegemony for hundreds of years, has at least five holy-level strongmen; the newly-raised Eastern Alliance has no less than four holy-level strongmen. .

Therefore, several troops will be dispatched to attack Lu Xiluo and Bai Feng of the Eastern League at the same time. I have to find a way to protect the army generals who are scarce under his command and prevent them from being defeated by the enemy's holy class when they are fighting the enemy. Beheaded.

What method can ensure that the generals of the various legions of the Roman city will not be slain by the enemies of the Holy Class? In Bai Feng's view, the best way is to use the power of faith and sacrifice to forcibly raise the strength of all the legions of the Roman city to the holy level!

This method is good, but it is also terrible to implement; on the one hand, it is because there are too many generals of the rank of commander of the Roman city, and on the other hand, it is because Baifeng’s gods with the power of faith are limited, and some reserve is needed. It is impossible to exchange energy light **** in large quantities.

After more than an hour of careful thinking, Bai Feng decided to take out five gods with the power of faith for redemption of energy light spheres; the converted energy light spheres were first provided to Lucius, Vepsani, Antio, and Victoria Used by Mina and Lucurus.

As for the remaining energy light spheres, in the next united battle, which legion performs well enough, the legion chief of the legion can obtain the energy light sphere as a reward for his military achievements; this is for all generals. It's a crazy crazy prize!

After exchanging the energy light ball, Bai Feng, who was waiting for him, did not delay at all, so he called five people such as Lucius to his governor's house; and then let them directly use the energy light ball to improve their strength. Soon, there were more Roman cities Five Holy Powers!

List of Holy Power Attributes

Roman Saints: Lucius (Junior III), Vipsani (Junior II), Lisini (Junior I), Antio (Junior I), Vermina (I) Juggernaut), Luculus (First Class Juggernaut)

Shogunate: Goto Kiji (Junior Celestial Warrior)

Temple Saint Levels: White One (Five-Level Fire Juggernaut), White Two (Five-Level Fire Juggernaut), White Three (Five-Level Fire Juggernaut), White Four (Five-Level Fire Juggernaut), White Five (Level 5 Fire Sword Saint)

External Saint Levels: Douglas (Wild Beast Juggernaut, Eighth Grade Juggernaut), Damian (Marquis Besancon, Second Grade Juggernaut)

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