Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 957: "·Landing on the North Shore"

A compassionate person cannot respond to you with enthusiasm. He is not cold, but he is indifferent; indifferent but warm, but not yet hot.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

The promotion of the five members of Luquis, Vipsani, Antio, Vimina, Lucurus, etc., was carried out in front of Bai Feng, and their names should naturally appear in the ranks of Roman holy ranks; The shogun general Goto Kiji, and his promotion surprised Bai Feng.

Since being recruited, he has been following Goto Jiji of Bai Feng's southern battle in the Tianlong Empire, and he is still on the grassland north of the northern border of Tianlong at this time; the shogunate under his command is 18,000 soldiers, more It is an elite teacher with outstanding merits.

Because shogun generals also belong to the category of system generals, and the improvement of system generals' strength is also directly related to their accumulation of combat experience; therefore, in Bai Feng's view, Gotuji Jiji's promotion is derived from this.

Bai Feng, who was sleeping all night, dealt with the expedition of the army, and explained to Luquez and Vipsani; on the day Bai Feng left the city of Rome, the expedition and implementation of the combat plan of the other four-way army will be full. Responsible by Lucius.

The food and grass needed for the expedition and the government affairs of the city of Rome are still the job of Weipsani; in addition, Bai Feng also specially left a task for Weipsani specifically, that is, to invest more material and financial resources to help The Kingdom of Sini builds a royal city.

The city of Rome with limited human resources has extremely strong material and financial resources; these materials and financial resources have little effect on the Roman city that has entered the development bottleneck, but it is of great significance to the Kingdom of Aisini, which is still in the rapid development period. The role.

Bai Feng, who just brought Queen Budeca into the harem, how can you make her woman live better; and the best way to make Queen Budeca live better is undoubtedly to increase the city of Rome to the Kingdom of Essini Aid efforts to help the Kingdom of Essini increase its development speed

Vipsani’s outstanding performance in assisting the Kingdom of Essini convinced Bai Feng that he could do this well; even if Bai Feng did not tell him what happened with Queen Budeka, he could just grasp a suitable one. Aid efforts.

All the treatments have been dealt with, and all the explanations have been explained. At dawn, Bai Feng first let Leonida, Li Xini and other army leaders who will soon lead the army to gather their joint captains; then, he I came to the warehouse area of ​​Rome by myself.

After arriving in the warehouse area, Bai Feng used two-thirds of the space of the Bailing Ring that had been emptied to hold food, and one-third of the space was equipped with weapons and equipment. These food and weapons were from the southwest of Lufeng. Supported by'Rebels'.

After the four captains of the legion, they brought their respective captains to the warehouse area; Bai Feng asked each captain to use their space ring to install the grain and grass needed by all the soldiers of the respective captains for half a year. Supplies.

Bai Feng, who can use the treasury funds to buy space rings in the market, has allocated space rings for each of the captains and above generals of the Legion in Rome; this move has improved the combat effectiveness of the legions of Rome, compared to the system training. Favorably!

Under the premise that the combat effectiveness of the two armies is not much different, the engagement between the two armies is not so much a confrontation between the two armies, it is better to say that the two armies are fighting for logistics; this is well-known military common sense, and it is also the two countries under the appearance of fighting on the battlefield. The essence of overall strength is contested.

In a real war, even if the troops participating in the war have enough food supplies, they need to pay for the food; because the food from the rear must be transported and consumed by the road for the front line to be sent to the front.

The value of popularizing space rings for generals at the rank of captain is that the Roman army can completely get rid of the army’s dependence on the rear food and fight a war that does not need to consider logistics; this is a battle that any army of any era can only dream of. surroundings!

After all the coalition captains filled their space rings with food, Bai Feng asked the four army commanders to fill their respective space rings with emergency food and spare weapons and equipment; in this way, the army was in the process of expedition No more logistical pressure!

After leaving the city of Rome with the four legion chiefs and all the captains in person, and after arriving at the barracks outside the city, Bai Feng discovered that Lucius gave himself a'surprise'; the first, second, and seventh Roman legions should have been missing. , Turned out to be fully edited.

The full compilation of these three Roman legions means that the shortage of the other four Roman legions will be more serious; fortunately, the systematic recruitment of the Roman city has been ongoing, and Bai Feng, who is unwilling to delay time, will not have much. Say what.

Three full-completion Roman legions plus one full-compilation Spartan legion, the number of soldiers who followed Bai Feng's expedition reached more than 57,000; if you count the five thousand soldiers who served as supplementary soldiers, the total strength of the army of Baifeng It will be up to sixty two thousand!

The army of more than 62,000 soldiers is just a standing army under Bai Feng's army; besides the regular army, beside Bai Feng there are personal guards composed of five flaming swordsmen, two teams of sickle chariots and two teams of war elephants The secret ace of composition.

Dangling more than 62,000 soldiers marched along the wide and straight Sifang Avenue all the way to the Roman port; the soldiers of the various legions began to board the transport ships that were ready yesterday in order.

From the Roman port to southwestern Lu, hundreds of transport ships, protected by twelve double-row battleships and twelve three-row battleships, arrived at their destinations in just five days; however, the large-scale landing army It’s not easy to get all ashore.

The last time the spies and ninjas landed, their total number was only 600. They only need to use a dozen small rafts to go back and forth a few times. This time, more than 62,000 soldiers landed, but they wanted to It's much harder.

Especially war elephants and sickle chariots with limited mobility, there is a risk of falling into the Cangluo River if they are careless. Relying on things like rafts will never be able to land successfully; therefore, the first batch of The soldiers of the Roman legion will shoulder the important task of building a temporary port.

Building a simple temporary port that can accommodate two or three transport ships at the same time is not a difficult task for the Roman Youth Army and Roman Light Infantry from the systematic army; to know that the Roman legionaries are expert on the building, then But everyone knows it.

What's more, Bai Feng, who has been preparing for a long time, deliberately made the first captain of the First Roman Legion bring two space rings; one contains the military food required by the first corps soldiers for half a year, and the other It is the wood and rope needed to build the temporary port.

After about four hours of busy work, a simple and unusual but effective temporary port was set up; the transport ships that arranged the landing sequence immediately began to land in batches of three transport ships.

At about 4 a.m. on October 7, this extremely slow landing finally ended; more than 62,000 troops, including two teams of sickle chariots and two teams of elephants, all landed in Luxi Land, and for the first time the banner of the city of Rome was played on the north bank!

The Roman city on the southern bank of the Cangluo River was unified two years ago, and the land on the northern bank of the Cangluo River was first set two years later. The famous Lugol general Gregory and his 100,000 troops will become the Roman city. The first stepping stone to unify the eastern region!

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